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Thursday, December 17

If only I knew... 2nd hour, Media room

Well, it's not my fault I don't know
*NETWORK, oh, too late*
that she wasn't mine to begin with. I thought she was always mine, always would be. But if only I knew there was someone else, I
would have maybe concidered sharing. Like she'd be ok with that. I mean, come on, who would
*cell membrane*
want to share a loved one, concidering it would be her. And when I found out about it, oh it couldn't be a worse
*wow, that's dumb*
time to learn that. We were in the media center, and we were working on our Geography project. She had on those silk boots; God
*wait we have a quiz today?*
how i loved those boots.
*quote [shuffle of paper]*
really reflected the shine of her hair, silky smooth, and her eyes as brown as the forests to the north. Her skin, pale as the moon with freckles of sweet and warms. But too bad
*slam of a door*
I had to go away. If only I knew that this class would end
*keyboard clicking*
like each click were more of a tick, and I would see white before black.

Wednesday, December 16


Yesterday, I was working on this assignment for Health class where I have to look up 3 colleges and compare them side by side.
Well, I got through 5. They were Art Institute Intl Minnesota, UMD, UM Twin Cities, U of Wisc. Madison, U of Wisc. Superior.
After looking at the size, ranging from large city, small city, large town, small town, rural; I ranked them UM Twin Cities, Art Institute Minnesota, U of Wisc Madison, U of Wisc. Superior, UMD. I cancelled out U of Wisc. Superior because of its small campus (It's smaller than Minneapolis, which is pretty small since you concider that Mpls is combined into Edina, Richfield, St. Paul, etc). <- Now that can make me uncomfortable.
So, I found out that my choices are UMTC, UMD, AIM, Wisc (Madison). Then, I looked at their enrolled students. I saw that the sizes ranged from 1,800 to over 30,000 students. I ranked them from largest to smallestl; UMTC, Wisc. Madison, UMD, AIM. I don't want a small community, but I wanted to keep AIM simply because it was a very good Art school and it was close to home. So I took out UMD, with good reasoning. It didn't have most of my electives. It just had Music, from what I looked at. And I want an education with more than just that.
Then I got my list... UMTC, Wisc. Madison, AIM. I looked then at price. I ranked it as so...
(Expensive) Wisc. Madison, UMTC, AIM (Cheap). I still don't know which one I'm going to decide on. I want a mixture of all of them...
I heard from my mother's friend that if you transfer from one college to another, you're more likely to get accepted. Maybe i'll try to get into UMTC. If I don't get in, I'll try AIM. Once accepted into either, i'll later decide if I want to transfer into Wisc. or not.
Meh, I have another year til I need to sweat, but it would be nice to get all the wondering done now...
I'll go now, since I only have a few minutes to sign out.

Saturday, October 31


I remember last year, I went to Valleyscare with Nick and his friends, but this year i'm going TRICK OR TREATING again!! :D
It was so amazing in 8th Grade. I went with Heather, who was a gangster, and I was a german bar maid. I had the long skirt, the blouse, the stockings, and even a corset (it was stirophone, though, so it ripped the next day). We went to the area around Sheran's house. The people there are so conciderate, they give you about 5 pieces per house or more! It was pretty sweet. ;) I got so much candy, in fact, that I got sick the next day from only eating 1/4th of it. Meh, So I like to think that I learned something... to drink lots of water if you happen to get that much candy and eat it all at once. :)
This year, though, i'm going with Abby, Ava, Ruben, Bryce, Isaac, Rowan, Annie, etc. We're all going to be in costumes, running around Isaac and Rowan's neighborhood like the angst teenagers we are. They say it's a pretty good neighborhood to do this at, so I hope they're right... :PI think this'll be pretty fun. :)
But, it can't be better than last night. Oh, last night couldn't be beat by anything! It was my halloween party, and maybe there were too many people crammed into one room, but everyone seemed to be having a fun time, all 19 of them. :D And about 5 people got married that night; Abby and I, Gay Terrorist and Panda, Forrest and Whip Cream. <- I don't even know why...
Anyways, I gots to go. I'll see you all in the next post. :D

Wednesday, October 14


Another touchy topic (and very feely): Depression.
I think I already vented about those who pretend to be depressed to sound cool (which I still do not understand), but here's another vent.
If you are depressed, that's a lot of damage to your system if you just sit there and let it take over. Your immune system can actually weaken, you become fatigued more easily, you lose interest in almost anything and everything (sometimes living itself). If you talk to someone about it right away, you could be helped. Then the symptoms can be lessened dramatically, and you can be yourself again. In most cases, depression doesn't just "go away over time"; trust me, I've learned this.
But those that stay depressed blab on about it, like "Well, Imma go to bed before this depression kicks in" or "I guess my depression's going to ruin that carnival i was going to go to... gonna suck." They really annoy me. I just want to scream, "TALK TO ME ABOUT IT!"
And they shrug it off and say, "Oh, i'll live. I'll be fine."
well, they're not going to be fine when they're at the carnival and they're not having a great time because their depression is ruining their fun. If I were to recommend anything, it's to eat certain seafoods, and 1 chocolate every day for lunch. Seafood has Omega 3 (especially salmon), and chocolate has a certain chemical that makes someone feel better. :)
That's why my mother had a little bag of chocolates in the medicine cabinet when I was in 8th grade. I would always take one and feel better at school than if i didn't.
eh, i got to go to school soon, then BRANDON"S PARTY!! :D FUN!
Let's hope it'll be a blast. ;D

Saturday, October 10

Another touchy feely topic

I was hanging out with some great friends yesterday after school, Camille and Peter. We were just walking and chilling, going to the green chair and talking. I had some money so we got some snacks... then Camille had to leave. So we walked back to my place so that she could get picked up. When she got picked up, Peter disbanded and I went inside to make dinner.
When I'm done MAKING dinner, Amy tells me to get ready. "what?" I ask.
"For dinner."
"I just made dinner." o.O
"Oh, but mom's taking me out. You should come with." ^-^
"Oh, OK. DAD, here's dinner." ^u^
We went to Red lobster and I got Shrimp and a lobster tail. It was OK... though I could have made better...
So when i get home, I go on the computer and play WOW for the first time in about 3 weeks!
Later I go on Facebook and chat with Isaac; he's at Brandon's house. Since they're about 5 blocks away, i ask if i can hang out with them (seeing as it's 9:30 on a Friday and I really should get out tonight since I have nothing better to do here.). After the 'thumbs up', I grab a sweater and in about 5 minutes I'm over there. It was pretty cool until 11:30, when my dad asks where I am. We get that figured out that he will pick me up around 12.
I stay til my dad shows up, and I come home and sleep.
I actually had a GOOD dream. this is the second day in a row. :) Usually they're just nonsensical dreams that switch from theme to theme and character to character or just really bad dreams. But this dream was so sweet. :)
This is what I need more often.
but what I want to vent about today is alcohol. Yep, I'm pulling this bugger out of the box...
I don't know why this came up in my train of thoughts, but it seems to be a very opinionated topic. I've heard both sides, so I'm not just venting for no reason; I just want to get some facts straight.
Let's start...
Back a long, long, LONG time ago, people in the Neolithic revolution stopped hunting and gathering and started domesticating and farming. This has NOTHING to do with booze, but a long time ago someone did create the process of brewing beer and distilling vodka and making tequila and all that jazz. It's basically a toxic liquid, poisoning your blood and numbing your senses, but it gave you a good feeling most of the time. Thus, people continued brewing and fermenting.
Now, for those who have a problem with drinking, there are many reasons. One is just plain selfishness, arrogance, and stupidity; they just do it to get drunk and then it becomes a habit. Another reason could be depression, where booze helps get rid of the icky feelings when sometimes really it just makes the problem worse (kind of the same with drugs). Another reason could be that it runs in your family, that your family tree's history has had a problem with booze. What I find funny is the things that come with certain drinks. Like my friend's father, he drinks beer, and he used to drink it A LOT compared to the average person; he wasn't an alcoholic though, don't get me wrong. He understood that it wasn't good for him, so he switched to wine sometimes, until he finally said, "you know what? screw this! I'm just going to cut down on booze."
And he did. He's got less beer in the house and goes out less to get one. When he goes to the bar, he orders a lemonade or just a water, even sweet tea. He takes a break from this once in a while at home, but except for that he's pretty clean. :D I'm so proud of her for supporting him through this; I know it must have been difficult for her.
But, before he quit, he was pretty unfit. He went to the gym almost every morning, but when you drink beer as much as he did, you get a tummy problem. It's called a beer belly, and it's from the fats in beer that stay in your stomach. You've heard of a six pack; try tapping a KEG!
And wine. I know many people who are normally fit and drink wine, but I know many more skinny people who drink wine. I find it pretty funny. :)
Fun Fact
It's been proven that a glass of red wine a day helps your heart, but more than 4 glasses (3 if you have a low blood potency) can increase your chances of getting liver disease and cancers. But, if controlled right, booze can do little to even no damage to your overall health. But to be safe, try to wait til you're 21 to do the really hard liquors, and NEVER overdo it. I can't stress this enough.
I recommend not trying Vodka for your first drink, since I've learned it's hard to tell how much you've had until you've had a little too much. And since it blends in with almost whatever flavor added to it, it's hard to tell how much is in it unless you've measured it out.
Again, sorry for the really touchy topic.
Just had to get it out somehow...

Sunday, October 4

Surprise, surprise... ew!

Well, I was supposed to go to a Band practice on Friday, but I had no ride there and I was already going to go dress shopping for the dance. It was such a cute dress! It was a strapless flirt, black, tight at the top and the mid, and it kind of poofed out at the waist, not like a tutu but still with some body. It went to about a third the way to my knees. :D
And so I get this dress and stay at my mother's. Well, the next morning, my mother leaves to go on this weekend outing with her friends, leaving me with my sister and John at her house. so i get a ride to the game by John, where I have to play pep band. But, since I wasn't at the practice, and I don't know what they're planning for half time, i'm stuck to play with the drummers and the trumpets. And i've got a WOOD clarinet, which is different from the standard PLASTIC Clarinet that everyone else has. So those who have wooden instruments have to carry theirs in their cases when we march so that the rain doesn't damage them. LOL
And then there was the ticket issue...
Oh goody, i get to tell this tale. Well, see, to get into the dance, you have to buy a ticket and have your ID ready. Well, at pep band, i brought my folder with me (the one i use for poetry) so that i could work on this book i'm writing. So i was packing up my stuff and when i come back, my folder's gone! In that folder was not ONLY my poetry stuff, but my TICKET... AND my ID!
So I thought that I just put it in my school bag, which was at home. So i get ready and i go to my bag... no ticket, or ID. So i try to go back to school with John to go to the band room, but when we get there the school is shut down for the day. Completly closed!
I'm freaking out, so i go online and get my schedule so that they know that me is ME, and my dad comes to pick me and Sami up (since she's riding with me), and he helps out at the front desk. So, NOW, we're there.
And the dance is so fun! I loved it.
And Sami and Henry and Annie and Bryce and Heather and Chloe and Abby and Nate all hang out in the lobby for our rides. Sami and I eat dinner at Joe Sensor's with Father Michael (the name i call my dad nowadays; my mom is Mother Teresa) :D. lol
Sami sleeps over, we go out for breakfast at Perkins this morning, and now i'm typing my blog.
I'm going to John's family's house today to hang out. We got cookies!
... cookie cookie bored...
So now i'm going to go. Later!

Monday, September 28

Well then...

This is Spirit week this week,and the funny thing is today's wacky tacky day...
I FORGOT SOMETHING WACKY AND TACKY!! :( And so i just took a sharpie this morning and colored a strand of hair on my left purple and a strand on my right magenta. It's wacky enough for someone who has no creativity or memory to think of something when i'm at my mom's.
Oh, yeah, I stayed at my mother's last night. See, my mother always watches Desperate Housewives and Brothers And Sisters on ABC every Sunday night with her friends. I got into it in 7th grade and watched it ever since. But last night went later than thought out and I stayed at mother Teresa's. :D
But now i'm tired and trying to procrastinate this Assignment in Biology; Biome Report. I'm doing the Tundra, which is quite simple really. It's found in the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, North America, and Russia and contains Lichens, bushes, and sedges. This website i'm researching with is probably half accurate since I'm PRETTY sure there's no penguins in North America or Europe... Imagine a penguin dressed like a Russian folk dancer doing the Kadrille to an Accordian... Hey! lol
I got to admit, that would be pretty cute. :)
But I probably should go work on this. I'll talk to you guys later.

(Later, 6th Hour, 2:39 pm)
GOD!!! I finished the assignment for Hoselton's World History class, but he won't let me turn it in yet because he's being a stupid little butt head. :P HAHA! Take that, silly teacher man...
But, now I have nothing to do but type in here. Maybe i'll write another poem??
Maybe. But for now, I'm in a pickle (yes, dill isn't so sweet). Homecoming's on Saturday, and i'll probably end up going alone because
1) I have no boyfriend to take me (unlike LAST year...)
2) almost everyone i've asked already have dates (like, ACTUAL dates, where they dress fancy and giggle at each other; kind of like crushes. It's really sweet. :D)
3) some that I ask don't even want to go to Homecoming at all
4) I don't really care enough to go around asking every person I walk into like a clown.
So I just hope that I can get a ticket still. I'll probably be able to. I need the money from my dad and then i'll be fine for lunch tomorrow.
Which is Harry Potter day for Spirit Week...
hrm, i need to find a Helena Lovegood costume... CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THIS??

Wednesday, September 23

6th Hour is such a bore today...

It just is, please don't ask.
... I'm stuck in this Sauna of a computer room with nothing to do and a horrible assignment that's too easy for me to even type it out... Oh, and I have an F in this class simply because Hoselton forgot to grade our timeline project (which was a bore also) with flying colors... :P
This class sucks. I have a B in participation, and thats GREAT! Just don't have the assignments... it's a 32% F. if I got the assignment in, it would be a 62.25% D-... That would mak my overall grade a C or a B. but it's NOT!!!
And I know i can be in apush because I was in honors world geography last year with great grades. But i'm learning the same stuff from when I was in YBR at Armatage (Elementary School).
We learned about Mesopotamia and the first start of humans in the 3rd grade class. So why am I being forced to melt my brain again??
:P Well i got to go. We have a minute til the bell rings and i can go home! :D

Monday, September 21

tired of this Bull

Yes, i'm a Taurus, so i should take offense to the title, but i don't. YOU KNOW WHY?
Because today was kind of BULL... Just a boring old Monday. We need to jazz things up a little bit; maybe Thursday should be "National Make Someone Feel Uncomfortable" day. :D Total fun.
But speaking of Taurus, my horoscope told me to tke a "me" day; to enjoy my old favorites.
So I biked to Super Usa by my house and bought an Amp, a mexican Coke, and an Oriental Ramen Noodles. Then i made a ramen for dinner and watched family guy. After that i took a long, hot bath. AH, relaxation... ;D nothing better than that.
After that I got in my robe, made a hot cocoa, and posted a blog... So now i will go on WoW for a little while and then go to bed.

Tuesday, September 15

Crepe Recipe

So, you know that sometimes i make crepes for breakfast. Well, i got a few tips on what to add to the mix i have already, which is
1 cup flour
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1tsp butter, melted
But what I add is
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp powdered sugar
And this way it tastes so much sweeter, kind of like belgian waffles, and it doesn't leave that wierd taste in your mouth. :D I fill it with chocolate chips and strawberries everytime. It's so nummy!
So, yeah...
um, not much else, so; BLARGH!!? Eh, probably not then.
Well, i'm going to go now.
My lovelies.

Monday, September 7


Yeah, I really want to see the movie.
i probably will this Wednesday... i hope. :S But i need to ask people at school if they want to go. Some of them might not want to go that day...
*crosses fingers and holds in breath* ... *GASP!* AGH, can't hold breath for that long...
ANYWAYS, i can't go on WoW for a while... not til my dad has a beer anyways. See, we made this bet (oh no!). For everyday that I don't play WoW, he doesn't drink beer. That does not disclude whiskey or scotch or other liquors (like it doesn't disclude Blogspot, Facebook, or any other computer game I happen to play). :D i see it as a win win for both of us. I will spend more time on homework and he will get rid of his beer belly.
Let's hope it works, huh?
If he cracks within the next 24 hours, then he will have to buy my ticket for 9 on Wednesday and give me enough money for a slushy. :) But he has to crack sometime soon... :S
AGH!! Well...
Let's see if works soon then, right? :)

Friday, September 4


So my mother's been looking at my facebook today...
not so happy. She apparently cares about my life now and wants me to not say "fuck" on facebook. OR ELSE...
You know what mother?? FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!
... Wow, that was mature.
So i'm hopefully going to survive this round, but we shall see again. >:P
But today I hung out afterschool with some friends. It was really fun. We didn't go out anywhere special, we didn't do anything unique; we just sat around and chilled for a while... like 6 hours or so the last people dispersed.
Total amazingness.
But I got to go to bed now. NIGHT!

Thursday, August 27


Pep band this week has been fun, but I realised today that we're NOT marching tomorrow (like last year), but the second day of school... which reminds me i need the permission slip... MR. LIUZZI!!!
... anyways, I think this'll be fun. FOR THOSE WHO ARE WONDERING, The march will take place at the State Fair Grounds around 11 or so. Last year we were behind the people in the cute little cars, but i don't know where we'll be on The 2nd. :S
But please come! It will be fun! (oh, yeah, did i mention we'll be taken OUT OF CLASS??) :D
REALLY can't wait. :)

Saturday, August 15


I can't wait. I'm being picked up at noon (yes, she's late) to head out to Casts Lake and go camping with my mother, John, (maybe)Amy, and John's family. :D
I'm really excited. But, Ian's been gone for a week now off on the East Coast (Washington DC, New York, etc.). :( Also can't wait til he gets back.
And then, it's august, time to think about school again. :P And I want to know what my schedule is, but (GUESS WHAT) they fucked up the schedules on Parent Portal. ha! But now I'm worried the schedule I had gotten is the wrong one, which for many people it is the case. Most, in fact.
So, i'm going to have to wait.
And, remember Anne-onymous? Well, I've been given an update.
The girl who liked her is still being a baby about it. :P She's debating telling this girl that she needs to back off, or Anne will send her boyfriend after her. Well, I think she should! Are you guys with me here?
... hello?
Anyways, I got to go. BYES! :D

Thursday, August 6

My dear friend has chosen, so deal!

Agh! Why do people ALWAYS complain to me about their love lives? I'm not a love guru. IF you need help, go seek out the REAL guru Mike Meyers. :)
My dear friend, Anne-onImus, (due to privacy, she shan't be named), has had some problems lately with her love life (like she has one). She's dating a really sweet guy. And, well, things have been working out pretty well for them... spare one tiny detail. This other girl, who I've also talked to, has had their eye on my friend for a while. And, well, for a time, these girls were, without knowing about the other, crushing on each other. But, Anne-onImus, figured this girl was just fooling around and joking, so "Anne" gets over her, and much later falls for this guy who she's currently seeing. And, i must say, THEY'RE SO CUTE together! :D
But, this girl is trying to pull moves on Anne, and Anne knows that she shouldn't do this. Anne's also worried about her boyfriend. What shall she do if this girl were to try and kiss her in front of her boyfriend, which has been threatened.
And, with all of this worry on her shoulders, she calls me in the middle of the night, frantic! I try to calm her down, and once calm, I tell her, "Listen, she had her chance, and she just played around. She could have, and she lost the chance." In fact, a poem is in the works. :D
But, in continued, "And, if she's not ready to let you go, stay as friends. But, let her know that there can't be anything between you two, because you're seeing someone else. And if that bothers her, then that's her problem, and not yours."
I hope she takes the advice...
I would.
But, i'm going to be sad this week. Ian's gone off to the East Coast, and I won't see him til he gets back (dh). :( So, i'll try to fill the void with this party tomorrow. lol I hope it goes well.
But, I have a pot pie in the oven, and I need to go get it before it goes "KASPLODE-y".
So, bai!!!

Tuesday, July 21

:) so happy!

Well, Simi FINALLY got her phone back, so now she can upload pictures of the party. I already checked them out! So go and look at them. Abby looks awesome in her outfit we bought her; Nate better thank her. lol
But, now I have nothing to do. I'm in the works of YET ANOTHER poem... maybe I should take a break for a while; say... til Saturday. I believe inspiration will present itself then. That gives me, Wednesday throu Friday for something to come about. :P I hope it does. I'm getting bored here.
But, i'll talk to you guys later. I've got to go biking sometime this summer...

Sunday, July 19

Mah Boots got me in some heat today...

And I'm not talking about the suddenly warm after suddenly cold weather.
This is what happened. I was hanging out in my dad's car after having dinner with him and his GF. They were talking and cuddling after the bill was paid, so I left to go sit in the car.
Well, I'm wearing this (almost) tutu skirt with these insanely but still awesome black boots. I'm also wearing a shirt, boys.
And, Well, I'm reclining in the chair, listening to 93X, my feet resting on the dashboard, and from the window, i see these guys walking to their pick-up truck. Well, one looks in the window and stares for a while at my legs... I kind of wave at them, kind of like, "hey, my face is up here, bimbos."
And, god, were they bimbos. They looked creepy from their wornout baseball hats, to their buzzcuts (not quite kept up), and their teeth... i don't think they ever brush. But, they were giving me these creepy smiles...
Thank god the doors were locked. But, I called my dad, who was still inside, and he came out and saved the day. :) Thank you.
But, Friday was the party! ^v^ it was such fun.
But, simi left her phone over here, and Abby left her RENT dvd over here. So, i'm going to burn the DVD before sending it back and i'm going to try to get Simi to bike over here sometime tomorrow. :P
But, i'm tired (and Ian is texting me again.) <- THAT i can live with. :)
totally can live with that.
So, i'll see you guys later. BYES!

Friday, July 17

PARTY today...

It'll be at MY dad's house from 5 to 10. PLease come.
I can't really talk much right now because I'm hanging out with Abby and Ava listening to music as Abby tries to play the guitar... pretty well, i must say.
So, yeah, I'll talk to you guys later.

Tuesday, July 14


I think this one really makes me think. These poems, as you know, are reflected off what inspires me. And right now, I have two inspirations... make that 3. Two of them are people. One of them is due to my history. So, yeah, I hope I get this thing finished. Once I do, I believe I can deal with this problem a little better. But, since people say I have AMAZING talent (that comment I strongly disagree with), I guess I'll post it up on the website. CLICK HERE for the link.
But, I guess I'll get it done soon.
Here's a little sneak peek at it.

E-F (Untitled)
And its shadows curled around the porcelain,
caressing, smoothly, in the embrace it prays to take,
as the porcelain warms at its touch,
loosening its shallow cold, only to lose again.
As the shadows consume the fragile skin,
I hear the tune again, its warmth muffled by the fade,
So all I hear is a beat, almost technologic... -NN

I hope I get this done, soon. It will definitely take a little longer that I was hoping for, but It better get done by Friday, which is when I'm having my first party of the summer. It will be at my dad's house, from 5-10. People are bringing food and my dear friends will hopefully be having fun. It will take a while to get set up. But, my dad will be working outside most of the time, so not much chaperoning will be done... :)

But, I need to get done with this poem, so I'll talk on this later. BYE!

Thursday, July 9

At my mother's, bored

Yes, another blog post with "bored" in the title. Not much else to type in...
But, Tuesday, I slept over at Katie's with Sami. I woke up on Wednesday, remembering that I needed to hang out with people Uptown. I called Ava to say I couldn't go and started to walk home. I found out, after talking to Bryce on Facebook, that the group basically split up two hours into the hangout. XD I should have been there.
Later on, I practiced my piano (a chore that seems to NEVER get done nowadays), made lunch for myself, and waited for my father to come home, only to have him go straight to the siding project on our house.
I'm glad mother saved me and picked me up from Dad's house. We went to her house and talked out on the porch with John. Then, with Amy in tow, we went to Carbone's Pizza and Subs by late Nikomis. Yummy!!
MMMmm... Deep dish pizza with Pineapple, mushrooms, sausage, Canadian bacon, black olives, and fresh tomatoes. :)
Then we rented two movies; Made of Honor, which was a pretty good movie, it had Patrick Dempsey playing the role of a man who basically sleeps with lots of girls but is best friends with this one girl who, secretly, likes him. When he fails to show interest, and she meets a duke from Scotland, he realizes that he loves her. But, she wants him to be her Maid of Honor (thus the name's half-meaning)! So he agrees so that he can be closer to her, ruin the wedding, and take the bride.
Pretty great, over all. I like the humor, the overall Guy-Gets-Girl scenario, and the casting was pretty well played. Good Job.
The second movie was PUSH, which gives the background of the story. In WW2, Germany Nazi performed experiments on those they captured. Supposedly, some of those experiments were successful, and these people now have superpowers. The "Division", those who perform the experiments, are trying to find this girl who escaped after being the only one who survived the experiments. Others are trying to find her and the medicine, that the government later hid. This escalates into a very complex plot with lots of twists, turns, and action.
Reminds me of The Island, with a little more twisted viewpoint. VERY good casting, lighting and color, timing of sequences, and basic plot. KUDOS!!!
Now, I'm bored. Watching Maury (which I'm going to probably stop pretty soon), hoping something happens today, and i guess waiting for dinner, which will be had at Le' Cosse, where my sister works! It's by Pepito's and Amazon Books. It's more of a Scottish cuisine, but with a french decor. pretty interesting, but that's at 6-7 or so... :P
So now I'm stuck here. SAVE ME!!

Tuesday, July 7


Ok, I'm going to put out a very opinionated topic out here; SAME SEX MARRIAGE. (I guess this is a Neautique's Special About Life, you know, the one I said I'd do but never really got around to doing. :P yeah.)
This just ticks me off sometimes, how people can say what we can and can't do. If we, for chance, want coke with our meal instead of Pepsi, we can have coke. If we want to eat, eat, eat, an apple instead of a banana, we sure as hell can. If we want to marry someone of the same sex instead of the opposite, isn't that fair, too? Well, apparently, they can be joined, but not marred. In 2004, 11 states banned same sex marriage, basically saying that they can be as gay as they want, just don't expect us to let you get married here.
This is due to the fact that in the bible, a marriage between a man and a woman is seen holy under God. Heck, that's pretty sweet. :) The argument is that it doesn't state anything about our dear friends Madam and Eve or Adam and Steve. :( And that's what people are arguing about.
Let's take a little detour back into the old times. Since the Medieval Era, gay men and women were thought to be devils, demons, possessed. They were so worried about it, even Joan of Arc, a religious saint, was burned at the stalk for dressing as a man!
What I don't see is why people keep shoving the bible up our @$$es and saying that if you're not straight, God won't let you into heaven! Why? Aren't we born the way we are? We can't change what we were programed by God to be, so why would he do that if he won't let us into heaven anyways? Doesn't he want people to go to heaven? o.O And (sorry, making another comment that I heard that disturbed me) What about all of the good people in this world that aren't Christian to begin with? What about Buddha? What about the Dolli Llama?
In this Country, America, which was founded by people who didn't want religion to take ANY part in Government, we have people telling us we can't get married, we can't do this, we can't do that, because someones GOD says it's not holy, it's not LAWFUL. Does anyone see the irony in that? They should mind their own business, watch their mouths, and just leave those comments to themselves!
And for this whole new law that's trying to get passed legalizing same sex marriage, I see why people would disagree. I'm in favor of the law, don't get me wrong, but I can understand why someone wouldn't want this law passed. First off, going back to the bible, a marriage, in sight of the christian religion, is between a man and a woman. And some feel that if a couple that does not fit that requirement wishes to be joined, they can be joined, but not married.
Well, the laws have been added to for so long and changed countless times, haven't they? Just add a little side note next to marriage, "Let Adam marry Steve already!" That's my view.
My dad was driving me from Ava's house last Monday and we're in uptown. We stop at a red light and my dad's looking out the window. He sees this guy with tight leather pants, red beater, and walking hand in hand with another guy in the similar. When my father points it out and said, "He he, hey Jackie, look at this," I thought it was cute, kind of like the old couple sitting side by side on a bench scene that you usually find in movies. But, then my dad said, "Ha. That looks goofy." He started laughing his head off. I stared at my dad with a smile. "OK, dad." I simply reply, and I looked back to the red light as it turned green and we drive off. My father is still laughing. Isn't that funny?

Friday, July 3

But, yeah!

I'm going to be going camping this Weekend(Do I ever get a break?) up at Ruth's Cabin with my dad, Amy, and Ruth's family. It'll be a blast. It certainly was last year. They had the blueberry bushes in the forests. we went and picked them and had blueberry pancakes. :)
But, that was last year. And SO MUCH was different from this year and last year... LOL Anyone who knows me knows this.
But, I'm also going to Wisconsin Dells next week... :P So much is happening. And I haven't been able to throw any good parties like I would be. Every friday I would have a hangout with the friends. And now I can't because of all of the vacationing. I believe my parents (especially my dad) wants to bond. THey believe i'm on a destructive path of boys, booze, and who-knows-what-else-oh-no-save-my-daughter! I find this funny because I don't drink (and nor do I hope to become a drunky anytime soon) and honestly haven't done anything that would make me blush (shut up, shut up...). lol
But, i'm not in a destructive path i believe. And if I was my friends would let me know... Well, let me rephrase that. Katie would let me know. She'd call me and let me know. And I'd listen. :) So, yeah, Because of my oh-so-destructive-teenager life, i'll be vacationing with my family for the weekend, and the next... and probably the next.
But Abby still needs to let me know if she's coming with me to wisconsin. :P

Thursday, July 2

For some reason...

I'm tired... so tired. I stayed up til around 1:45 last night... on the phone in my room. And then I couldn't go to sleep because this person was keeping something from me... I feel so childish, but what was it??
... *grr* fine. *glares*
But, then I woke up at 11. This is funny. Usually I wake up at 9 or 8... and sleep in til 10. I can't usually sleep in past 10:30. But lately I've been sleeping in til 11, and once even 12! That's not normal, to be completly frank. it's rather funny. I'm becomming an adolescent teenager who sleeps in til 2 and stays up til 5. lol
But, except that, I've been pretty normal. Just writting another post because I thought it would be good to do with nothing to do and my adderal at my dad's... (this is gonna be a great day) ;)
So, yeah, I'll see you guys later. :)

Sunday, June 28

Finally, God said, "let there be internet!"

And there was Internet.
I tried to get internet at the Duluth Campus and I couldn't get in due to the fact that I'm not a student. And at the campsite, I could only go on if my "uncle" Rob was on... Ok, the reason that "uncle" is in quotations is that his brother is my uncle in Marriage. So, really, my uncle's brother isn't related to me, but he's still family in my mind and in the rest of my family's mind.
When we went fishing with John, we caught so many walleye! It was rediculous! And when we went fishing with the rest of the family (say, with my Uncle Lex, cousin Jessie, Aunt Mary Eta, and Grandma Mary), we caught one fish... and it was a northern... :P
But, the next day, we had a Walleye fish fry. It was amazing... the best batter we used for the fish was probably north shore fish batter. It's amazing! We still have two bags n the freezer full of fish meat. Next time I go over there, I'm frying some of that up and making a fish sandwich... :) om nom nom!
At the campsite, I wrote a new poem. So, CLICK HERE to check it out.
Well, next was Band Camp. AH! When we first got there, we were so confused. There was construction everywhere and detours and crap. I got there just in time, though. It was really fun.
I miss it already.
They had amazing food. Normally, you think of Band Camp as American Pie, tents and cabins, everyone being horny and that stuff. Not the case at all. This band camp is in the UMD, University of MN, Duluth. It's an amazing school and I'm probably going to go there for college. But, it was really amazing food. They have homecooked meals everyday. They make all of this food, or at least thaw it out a bit. They serve soups, salad bars, fruit, veggies, and so much more. Last year they had a "make your own waffle", but this year the food court got rid of that... maybe because of the economy, maybe from popular demand... who knows.
We had open doors on Friday Night. That's where all the doors are open. Girls can go into guys' dorms, and guys can go into girls' dorms. We were watching American Pie, Band Camp. It was amazing. But, it was funny. I haven't seen that movie in a while. I was on the bed, sitting on Matt's lap watching it the whole time. For some reason, that was really funny to other people.
The next morning is the day we all perform. Before we get our instruments together, we're all hanging out in the halls. I walk up to the group and we start talking until this girl from last night's little get together comes over to me and Matt and ask, "So, what was with last night?"
Matt asks, "Wait, what?"
She replies, "You know, last night, between you two. What was going on between you two on that bed?"
He replies, "Wait, what?" Everyone assumes that is his response from then on. And it is. All he responds with is "wait, what?".
Later, in the theater, he asks me, "So, have you been getting crap about last night?"
I say, "no, not really. why, have you?"
He smirks, "psh, yeah."
I ask, "wait, who?"
He gaffaws, "ha, everyone?"
lol! I got none of that crap, and he gets a whole pickup truck full of it. :) I feel special for some reason, I can't quite place it, but I know it.
Last night, though, I got back. I finally found my phone (which I haven't had in over a week) And I get a text from Ruben saying that he has a WoW acount. We played until like 9:50... maybe 10:00 or so. I forgot which one, but it was cool. Now I have a friend on WoW I can play with. :P
So, now, I'm getting my life back in order from that fateful night to now, where I'm having a few friends over to hang out and eat my 36 packets of Ramen Noodles from Sam's Club (for some reason, I actually SHOPPED at that store with my dad). And now, it's sitting there, waiting 5 years for the process of expiration to take affect. lol. This is going to be a great hangout. But, call me and let me know if you can come over. :)
But, I gots to go now. So, I'll see you guys later. BYES! :D

Wednesday, June 17


Summer... again. This is going to be great.
Ok, so, first, I have to pack for camping, which we're leaving for tomorrow. This is supposed to be my dad's weekend, but, instead, i'm going to be camping with my mother. And, get this, the very day that we leave from camping, I'm not even going to go home. I'm going to get dropped off in Duluth, the UMD specifically, and I'm going to be staying there for BAND CAMP for the whole week til that Saturday. :S
And I'm bringing one suitcase, one laptop case, and my normal handbag. THAT'S IT. They have dorms and everything for the band camp. That's right. you see, in normal band camp, it's actual camping, like cabins, bunks, or (dare I say it) TENTS. but, I'm in a University campus. And what do they have in campuses? DORMS! I'm going to be staying in a dorm, boys in section R, girls in section Q. And they always have a bash at the end; chinese food, pizza, pop; lst year someone went to the hospital... I think they hit their head on something. I slept through it all last year, and I'm not going to do it again. :P
So, I'm going to pack and listen to music now, so, seeya later! :)

Friday, May 22


This ticks me off so badly.
First off, let me explain my anger. I thought I had a perfect relationship with my boyfriend. But, last tuesday, he broke up with me. I'm still uneasy about it, but i'm giving him his space, time, and all of that. The thing is, he still wants to be friends. I'm strongly in favor for this, for I look back to how we were friends, and I wish I didn't have to lose all of Rob. I mean, he's still a great friend. It just wasn't meant to be(the going out thing).
So, second, There are so many rumors going around about my this break-up that Robert's imposing. There's the first one that I dumped him and how-could-you-do-that-to-poor-innocent-robert and all of that bull. I want to be the first to say that HE dumped ME, I'm letting him, and that it is being handled with very maturely between us. The second rumor is that he broke up with me because I was being a complete Bitch 24/7 to him. He surely hasn't told me that and he would have told me if I was ever acting that way.
Third off is probably the one I dislike the most. Apparently, someone thought a boy had slapped my ass and that Rob had seen this, thus imposing a break-up. WOW, shallow much? I think i'd know if a boy had slapped my own ASS (which no one has), and if that ever happened, I would tell this person to go away. and why would anyone slap my ass? I mean, honestly, have you SEEN me? I'm probably the worst sight on this earth since boogers.
Just get your facts straight, and I'll be perfectly fine.
THE FACTS ARE that Robert wanted to not go out (which I still don't know why) and that he still loved me as a friend. :S GET THAT IN YOUR SMALL MINDS, YOU CLOSE MINDED BITCHES... our Lord should knock some sense into you with the power of God (or at least slap you silly). :P

Thursday, May 21

In room 40 something

I think it's just 40. But, I am hangng out with the Awesome people n my Geography class and the amazing BRYCE... who probably wont be able to read this seeng as he doesn't have the URL.
But, nonethless, I am here. I am supposd to be researching on Guantanamo Bay, but, since we have a sub, I thought I would post on here.
Ok, so, I'm going to throw a party during the summer. I don't know how I will, where it will be (probably DAD's), or what will happen, but, I know that it will be ok. I'm going to invite a lot of people and it better be fun.
Alright, I don't know what I'm saying here. I'm just bored with my life right now and I want to go on Facebook. I can't because the school blocked it from the computers. They didn't block my blog (since the teachers probably need it for lots of other stuff).
Speaking of blog, I HAVE A NEW POEM! Go check it out.
or not... fine...

Tuesday, May 19

Romeo, Romeo, what art is next?

Twas amazing! That is the only way I could ever describe how this play went. The Romance, the Humor, the new freshman in the cast (saying as there are 750 in the whole school), the live Cellist, and so much more.
The real thing that gets me is that, unlike Dracula (which was ok), live music, instead of recorded Chamber Orchestra, was played by Sage Coy, who was also the Apothecary and Gregory when acting. When Romeo and Juliet meet for the last time in the Tomb, Sage is playing what I believe to be Com Susser Todd (or, in english, Come Sweet Death).
Then there was the humor. There was a lot of Humor in the first part of the play. Well, let's just say Jake Folsom, who was casted to be the Nurse. He sold the part so well! The part couldn't be without him. Second off, the whole Montague group's humor was very... well, distinct. So many puns were played on what Shakesphere probably DIDN'T mean by what he wrote. Honestly, I blushed. But, it's nothing I haven't heard of or seen before.
I'm not saying these guys didn't have a group of amazing Directors who thought of all of this; the lighting, the casting, the scenes to play out, the everything. One scene I would have liked to keep in, though, is where Romeo slays Paris. He sat there weeping in the corner as Juliet and Romeo are the center of attention. I would have to say, he should be dead...
But, all in all, I really enjoyed this play (not enjoying the fact that it's over with). I can't wait to see what Kari Olk and Drayton Cousins have in store next.
Well, until then, readers. Until then.

Monday, May 18

Do you believe in God?

And Cassie pulled the trigger. [in the air]
Yeah, I just found this song. :) I love it.
But, I mean, I posted the Playlist on here... I'll go back and make it so that you can search the "Playlist" in the search posts. That'll work. But, in the meantime, I'll just tell you about my latest problems.
First off, if you do not want to hear a nagging complaint, I swear to god, GET OFF MY PAGE...
Everyone gone? ok, now I can Vent.
Ok, FIRST off, I've lost the person who said I could actually call them and vent at. He's ignoring me and it is getting annoying. He said that we can still be friends, but he doesn't seem to be wanting that. The first thing that pops into my mind is "Is he comfortable with this?".
Then, SECOND off, what do I do with the teddy bear, the bandana, the stuff? Do I give it back, sell it, or what? This is the first time I've really gotten something from a boyfriend except for maybe a chocolate bar... but, like I can really give that back, right?
And, THIRD off, when taking in the fact of the "FIRST off", he comes up and expects me to give him a hug when he asks, but almost shuns me out when I try to hug him, and, it's like when I don't hug him back, he walks away sad and acts as if it was a grave unjustice. :P
Fuck this, dude. I can't take this whole "aftermath"... although, I've probably been better at it since I got this break at the Farm this weekend. If not for that, I'd probably be crying in my room right now with some kind of harmful thought in my head... *repress, repress*
But, the trip was fun. I got to see my cousins, my second cousin, my uncles, my aunts, and everyone... even if for less than 24 hours. But, the ride home has got to be the best part of the trip, concidering that it was just me, Mother, and Amy. Amy was in the back, if not driving, and my mother the latter.
God, lol. We were on the road home, it's about 9:50 PM, we've still got an Hour from home, and Amy and I decide to eat somewhere since we're pulling in for gas. WE spot a dairy queen and haul ass! Since they close in 5 min, we see them cleaning up and everything, the very least expecting that no one will come in at all. We order 2 chicken baskets and one Banana split. The deep fryer in the back actually has the nerve to eat one of my chicken strips. So, I get my money back for that whole meal, thanks to my mother's quiet, calm, yet extremely demanding, non-negotiating voice. :) LOVE YOU MAMA...

But, I mean, I think the trip really helped me out with this whole dealing with SHITS thing. . . Southwest Highschool Is The Shit... Honestly, how can I stand this? Ugh.
I might just pull him over and talk to him... HA! That's too serious for an EX isn't it? ... is it?
You see, I'm not good at this! I need help with this! I would really like a call from someone so that I could get the assistance I would really appreciate...
AGH! someone save me from the shadows, chasing me as I run in the rain, pouring droplets of serenity, while the shadows consume me, hoping that they go away, praying that they never leave, that he never leaves. Someone help me find my flashlight?
... or a call would be great, too. ;)
So, back to the question, Do you believe in God? I believe he is ignoring me, for why else would I feel pain in my heart?

Sunday, May 17

Good morning depression

since I'm in a recession of happiness starting from Tuesday, I've been deciding to be dormant to most of my online duties.
But, since I do not want to lose any of my adoring Viewers (consisting of Katie and Sami... i'll make it up to you, katie, I swear to god), I'll post something up I found on Facebook.

Do you have a treasured childhood toy?
Perhaps a stuffed animal, such as a teddy
bear? Well, let's see Mr. Bear help you now.

Just thought you might like that. Back to crying in a corner...

Thursday, May 7

Just random

Tomorrow is my party. i am ... EXCITED!!!
And I'm screwed. I mean, I haven't toggen the food yet, I haven't done some of my work in my Geography class as I have to have done by Wednesday...AGH!
Oh, and I have my hair dyed again. Guess what color?
That's right... RED! like this color...
... Great, now I sound like Katie on rock band when she was playing the bass part for Guitar...
It goes YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW...over and over again...
It's rather annoying. But, anyways, I am excited for tomorrow. :)
Peoples are coming over and hanging out at mah parties!! And I hope that some of you guys bring food because I might not have enough for 10 teenage kids, especially when half of the teenage population will be Sophmore boys(sorry to say, but, you got to know this. you guys eat like PIGS). lol.
Oh, and get this, I looked up French Taboo on Wikipedia (even though I'm probably not supposed to use that site for my project) and I got the result PROFANITY... I looked down and I found "Mi automobile es futite!" which aparrently means "My car is fucked". HA!
But, I have my playlist that you can listen to right now. Here it is. ENJOY.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones


Friday, May 1

forget the last post for a minute

it seems that my laptop is being stupid and won't load the poems onto the website. So, i am waiting for it to listen to me *glares at the monitor* and I'm going to post on here, seeing that I do not want to slave in listening to my mother talk about periods, metapose, and going into labor... *hears loud screams from the floor below her as the rest of the women laugh* *shudders* eheh... creepy.
ANYWAYS... kind of said that too loud, I went to see "Wong Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" in theatre today. IT was an amazing play that I really want to see again... The only thing is, I have no one to go with, no ride there, and no way to change time so that I wouldn't be about an hour late... heheh. oops.
But, nonetheless, it was am amazing play that I praise a lot. I really wish my friends who were at school or even on the Japanese field trip would've gotten a chance to see it.
But, now, I am really tired. I might just lay back and take a nap, falling asleep to music.
Goodnight, godnight, and see you later. I will post soon.
PS: if you come in to school on Monday and say that you read this blog because of the add on FACEBOOK, I will hand you a little lollipop ;)

Monday, April 27

New Poem coming up.

Yesh! I finally got it done. I'll be posting it on my POEM WEBSITE... I got to find a new name for that website. anyways my friends, CLICK HERE to reach the website.
Also, I've been looking into the spring garden like I used to do a lot. And, I've already gotten some sprouting radishes and lettuce. The carrots are taking a little longer and the lima beans are doing nothing but getting softer. The corn in not getting anywhere, The grapes and cucumbers are still changeless, and the pumpkin i'm going to give up on anyways. I might just have a healthy salad from this. :P
Well, I gots to go...
BYES MY LOVES... I got to stop saying that, too. (yeah, like I will) ha!

Thursday, April 23

Breakfast is Goood...

Yep, i'm eating a Crepe and some bacon. The thing is, the crepe is more like a chocolate "breakfast Burrito". I'm still fixing it up a bit, so, don't worry. I'll probably add some whip cream as "sour cream", add some hash browns on the side for "spanish rice", and the chocolate chips and bananas inside could be the "beef and beans". :) Plus the outside looks like it has baked on cheese if you leave it cooking on the pan just a touch longer.
So, i'm also eating microwaveable bacon, which is still nummy (even if it's burnt :P). And, I'm waiting to be picked up for SLICE by Rob. but, i decided that since I have a half of an hour that I would type this up.
So, Nashville... it was AMAZING! I went and took a walking tour of the old city. If you do not like country music, DO NOT come here. lol. But, It was pretty cool.
We were at the Grand Ole Opry, and after every two songs, they would have a commercial. every single time it would be about CRACKER BARREL, which is the company that sponsors the Opry. So, now, the inside joke of the whole trip is STILL "CRACKER BARREL!". lol.
But, I have to go now. :( So, i'll see you guys at school.
BYES MY LOVES! (i'm having fun with CAPS today. )

Thursday, April 16

Nashville, babee!!

yes, i'm on the charter bus as I type! I'm trying to hide this laptop as best as I can (with epic fail). But, I can't wait to get checked in and get settled in... and then go swimming in the pool.
And I just got back from Denny's with Ian and Kirsten (awesome people on the trip). I got the Grand slam with Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, and English Muffins.
Also, I've been thinking about this issue in my earlier posts. I've been thinking about the condiments conversation that I had with Rob and Sami... I'm not saying I agree. I say i'm thinking about it. GOT THAT?
So, except for that, I'm totally stoked about the trip! I've got to check some other stuff before my battery dies on me (which I now see is really depressing. Everything else breaks or burns out. Batteries die!). :(
So, i'll see you guys later.

Friday, April 10

Tired, and fucked beyond recognition...

I'm just so tired right now (i'll get to the other part of the title later... it's a bit longer than this). It's 11:55 pm, I can't sleep, I just got over motherboard crampage in mah tummy, headache, and now this? agh! I just want to fall asleep, wake up, and it will be Monday. I will be ready for the UN conference (where I have to be Japan), I will have completed the first chapter or so in the "Greek Mythology" book that I supposedly have, I will forget about this problem that I somehow got in the middle of between a dear friend of mine and her newly-made Ex, I'll forget that someone now knows a major secret about me, and I will be happy. XP
Now, on to my next topic; being F'd beyond recognition. Well, first off, I haven't gotten my topic or questions for the UN conference that we are holding in Mrs. Briskin's 1st hour Geography class. I have to have it ready for Tuesday BY Monday, and I'm working with a person who I can't get ahold of for the life of me!! AGH! Then, there's English. I don't have the book that we need. I've just been answering them off of what the teacher goes over during class... and Heather's book (thanx a whole bunches =D). But, I'm gettin the book on Monday :) . And, then, there's this break-up that I got in the middle of (I got a phone call last week, and then this morning. It's just confusion, thick-headedness, Stubbornness, Jealousy, Anger, etc!! And it's eating me alive, because I'm worried of completely offending the 1-2nd party (concidering i'm a Neutral; go Switzerland!) but i'm not the only 3rd party. I have a few friends that are kind of taking sides. I don't want to take a side. I just want this resolved! X(
Once it's resolved, then I'll be happy (or when I see Rob, whichever comes first.). I hope it happens soon. He comes home on Sunday night, and I'll for sure see him on Monday. But, right now, I acgtually think i'm tired.
So, i'm going to sleep now. I'll see you all on Monday at school, k loves??
BYE!!! night.

Friday, April 3

I am so exausted

I don't know what hit me. I just feel so tired. I'm in my "falling onto my bed and instantly falling asleep" kind of moods... with a hot chocolate in mah tummeeee...
And I just wish that I can still feel giddy after I head to dad's to get some stuff I forgot when packing on Wednesday. I forgot so much stuff (and left quite a mess in my room trying to pack up everything for my mother's house.) and I need to make a post, check my facebook, and it's all building up on me... *passes out*
... what, what?
... AGH! I did it again! Man, this is draining my day. So, I'm going to go.

Wednesday, April 1

agh!! go away anxiousness

I don't know why, but I've been feeling anxious. I believe it's due to something that might happen soon... like really soon... like really soon!!! But if it is soon, then I have to prepare for it. XP
This will be fun.
And, besides that, SPRING BREAK! woo!! I can't wait! no school to worry about, a whole week with nothing to do but sleep in (which I myself can't even do), eat, take a nap, and be with my friends... and my Robbie. :)
BTW, it's been 3 months, my longest relationship. I'm happy. :) (see, see? I'm smiling. I HAVE to be happy then...) And, nothing really major has happened in my life recently, either. So, i'm pretty content in those subjects.
I've got to go now, though. Mother is kicking me off of the computer...

Tuesday, March 31


it killed the radio star, and now i'm posting in on here!! I'm posting videos on here now...
All I need to do is find out how and make a video... BLARGH!!! this will be difficult. But, not worse than the concert tonight. I think i'm not going to do well tonight... XP I practiced, but Wind Ensemble didn't get around to practicing certain songs. So, I don't think I'll play for some of the songs. And now I have to go change into my normal clothes... For tonight, I mean. So, I'll tell you about the concert later tonight! Bye my lovelies!!!

Monday, March 30

Been so long, but feel so new.

I guess I just miss blogging.
Florida was amazing! I went from Saturday(21) to Wednesday (25). The only problem was that the 25th was my 3-month milestone dating YC. I'm sorries that I didn't get to see you :(
But, except for that, I love being back! I head it's been getting warmer since I've come home. (I also heard it got colder when I left) And I'm very excited to be finishing up homework... XP
But, I'm excited for spring break!! I'm not going to FLorida or anything, but I'll be staying home with my friends are staying. SO, call meh!!!
... da butt??... I'm shutting up now <:X
X( ... Bye!

Tuesday, March 17

May the Irish sleep in

I woke up late today... like around 7:50... ha! And I missed my bus. I only got 1 our of sleep last night... i doubt even that much, and I need to sleep again... I feel that's why I'm kind of out of it lately. XP
So, later, if I wish to, I'll take a nap after dinner with Dad and Amy.. and Danny and probably Spence... and Ruth and her Friends. XP

ugh. Too many people. And I was practically forced to write a poem for Dad for his B-day and now I got to get out of the Media Center. C-ya L8R

Sunday, March 15

my legs are so acky...

My legs are killing me! I believe it's due to yesterday... but, it just might be me (literally).
And this day has been ok. I finished a lot of my Essay that I'm writing and have to be done with by Tomorrow night. It has to be printed up and handed in to Henry to a peer edit since I won't have next week to turn this in. (i'll be in Florida) ;)
So, i've got to get a book on Jericho by tomorrow or i'm screwed. And at this point in the report, I can't necessarily be "Screwed" nor at any point in many things...
heheh XP I need to take a shower.

Saturday, March 14

Lime-Green Squirrel Amazingness

Yeah, and they smell like a campfire that's cooking bacon. :)
And, I got to hang out with YC for about 12 hours at my father's volleyball tournament (which btw, he did amazingly at). I got some face-to-face time with my bf. It was pretty amazing.
But, I have a stitch. I need a book on Jericho, the oldest city n recorded history. So, if you are reading this and have a book on Jericho I could borrow, that would be amazing :)
I would owe you something... :) so, yeah, I'm tired. I'm going to go now. byes :)

Friday, March 13

Media Center before the Conference

So, today, for theater, i'm going to tthe conference of the birds at the Pangea Theater. Conference of the Birds is a play where the birds of the world get together and try to find their king. After the long flight, they discover that they themselves are the kings. It talks about seeing from the mirror in your heart. Unfortunatly, I had to stay up and read the script last night 9damn you, procrastination!!) and now i'm tired, and sad that I won't see my YC today at lunch :(.
But, no matter, I get to hang out with some people in Theater and tomorrow, I get to hang out with my YC ALL DAY! So, yeah, i'm going to go soon, because I have to be at the front door by 9:00, and right now it is 8:56,...
in a minute or so, i'm going to leave and tell marolyn to tell mrs. Briskin why i'm not going to be in class...
And now, i'm leaving... i'l edit this post when i get home tonight. Sorry...
byes :)

Tuesday, March 10

"You're the one that I want"

Yep! I went to go see that "Grease" preview in the Auditorium during Orchestra. :) It was pretty cool. I sat next to Henry and Kirsten.
And, yeah... I guess today's pretty much a calm, "work-free" day. The people from "Pangea Theaters" were in class today (as they are every Tuesday and Thursday until some day. I forgot when XP), my friends were all kind of quiet today, Watched Jurassic Park in Science, YC was more focused on different stuff it seemed, and I was just in a "want to do something" mood. I was up and ready to go somewhere, do something, write this, talk to that, anything to get out of this bored state...
And, yet, the only really "fun" time was probably at 2nd lunch (hanging out with friends) or afterschool outside the door with Ona, Derek, TJ, and YC. They're always fun. But, first lunch wasn't the best of times...
First off, Guess who sat down with us? And this person scares me, a lot, because of what he says or contributes to conversations. Ok, Muslim terrorists are not going to take over our country, and if i'm the only one who sees how absurd that sounds, call ME crazy...
Second off, he randomly made a joke about someone outside the table screwing YC's mother. Well, guess who started hitting him with their foam lunch tray? lol
Third off, I didn't stay long because reason #1 was still sitting at our lunch table, so, i decided to leave myself and get to Theater "early", where I talked to the too tired Sam.
So, now, i'm thinking of maybe hanging out with people on Friday. If you can come and hang out, please ask me about it! I'd be happy if you can come.
So, I gots to go now... TV and Food awaits!
byes :)

Monday, March 9

Don't cries

I get on Facebook this morning and check up on a friend that was supposed to call me back later and never did. She's doing ok. ;) ... :(
I just wished she would talk to me. I know something's up. I don't know what it is...
I'll see later today. If I get her call today, i'll talk to her. If I don't, i'll have to cal her after Viva City...
yep, that's tonight! I can't wait... I get to perform at Orchestra Hall for the second time in my Life!! This will be exciting!
:)N but, nows, I gots to goes to schools. SO, i'll see you guys later on my next post (probably later tonight) .
Don't cries, my friend :)
feel better and see you at school ;)

Thursday, March 5

Why are you so Confusing?

I mean, it would make perfect sense... But, it's not true... right? Yow know what, I'm going to have a friend ask and see if it's true. I think during 4th hour or something, i'll have the person walk up and ask them... crap!
Anyways, I'm up at 5:35 this morning trying to go back to sleep and sleep in... to my despair, I can't sleep anyways all night, so, I'm stuck with groggily getting up and going to the bathroom...
When I'm in the bathroom, I hear my cellphone alarm go off. and it is LOUD... I bet my sister woke up, along with my mother and probably Razz.
And, so, that is where I leave you off at. I am tired, desperate for something new to happen, and, as Buck Cat has informed me, just staying Calm and Letting It Happen....
In my case, that's horrible advice.Something's going to go down on Monday, i can just tell... It's also the Viva City Rehearsal day. It's from 8:30 to B-lunch, so I get to skip some classes on Monday, like 1-4. I get to hang out with some awesome people like Henry, Ian, Sam, and all that Jazz... well, Orchestra, but you get the picture. And, today, i'm going to be in the Wind Ensemble practicing for this Viva City performance...
And, I get to hang out ith all of the awesome people today at lunch :)
So, my day can be good or bad depending on what you think of it. I just hope Henry keeps his promise to talk to this person mentioned in the first sentence of this post. I need him to...
BLAGH! why art thou confusing?? Where are thou Walking away... agh!
So, I've gots to go now... urgent hunger calls me away...
Bye my loves!

Monday, March 2


I dyed my hair red and showed people today. I guess it's really a head turner...
The funny thing is, though, YC hasn't seen it yet. I don't think he even knows that I dyed it yesterday... so, that'll be fun.
And, I finished he Geography in-class map. HB worked on it with me. Yay! I got it done.
AND, I got my hair dyed in time for the Viva City performance!
This is the deal with the Viva City. On March 9th, (along with Walkman, HB, Sam, and Emily)
I am going to be in this out-of-school performance along with players from other orchestras in the school district. there are only 4 clarinetists, and the 4th one hasn't shown up yet (Walkman and Emily are the other clarinetists). There are only 6 Washburn players, and about 30 Southwest players! I'm happy!
So, when I perform, look for the Clarinetist with the insane red hair!
I'm going to go now... it's almost time go go to my next class... English (ugh).

Saturday, February 28

I wants to sleep, but can't...

i am bored out of my wits.
You know those Saturdays that seem like sundays, lazy and wanting for something to happen, where it makes you feel groggy knowing that nothing's really going to happen because everyone's gone and busy, your family's napping in the other room, no one's online, and on top of that, there's nothing to eat in the fridge?
... that's me right now... if you don't know how it feels, come on over... and get me out of this crap! I want to do something, talk to someone, read a book (which there are NONE at my mom's house), take a walk with a friend, something to get me out of this house! the computer's being stupid, the TV (it's saturday, come on, nothing's on during the weekends), ... ad surprisingly, i have a craving of orange/general tso chicken and Wallace and Grommit...
I watched "Wallace and Grommit; A Close Shave" yesterday at YellowCoat's before heading off to pep band. I haven't seen that movie in years!! I think the last time I watched that I was in kindergarden or maybe in 1st grade! I miss those cartoons...
You see, with my family, we have a lot of younger relatives (mostly second cousins) that one day started watching cartoon movies like crazy! And their parents want to save money, so they pawn off movies from us. the sad thing is, though, they started pawning them off when I was only 6-7. So, I only remember a few things about the cartoons... I remember the scary part of a close shave, and that was the part at the end, where the dog is a robot...
god that scared me.
Another Wallace and Grommit episode is with the Penguin trying to take over Wallace's mind, i think... or was he trying to clone him... I forgot, ok? it was 8 years ago! lol
so, i want to hang out with someone... I hope I get to...
because i am...

-1 Too tired for thought,
To conscious to dream,
All I can do is breathe,
And wait for the rising wisdom of the sun. -5 -NN

there! ... I wrote that this morning when I was getting ready to go out for lunch, and I finally used it! yes!
... ha? hrm, no, that doesn't work...
Finally! ... yes, that works. Finally; we are FINALLY deporting troops out of Iraq.
we're going INTO Afganistan, though, But, it's good to get out of Bush Jr.'s mistake of going into Iraq. Now, Iraq, you can take care of yourself and not have us on your backs :)
yay! now, I gots to go... I want to do something and this is quite long.

Friday, February 27

pep band!

bored, waiting for 1:00, and tired of being in my room all day, but regretting having nothing else to do.
So, i'm in my room, in my bed, ready to sleep; I turn off the lamp, get into the covers, get in a very comfortable position... and all of a suden, my cel goes *vrrmpt, vrrmpt, vrrmp*
I look who texted me... ugh... I don't know what's going on (well, that's a lie. See, I knew this person. He/She's really awesome. They're one of my best friends. And, well, I recently found out that she/he likes me. So, i've been confused for the past few days) but around 10:45, I get a text from him/her, and i text back... that goes on for a while. I get back into my covers and back in a comfortable position, and after 10 seconds, *vrrmp, vrrmp, vrrmp...* I get out of covers, out of bed, etc. agh!!!
So, i didn't get much sleep last night... and Pep band's on today. I hope I can play today knowing that She/He's going to be there, along with YellowCoat and Buck Cat (who's bringing her boyfriend! yays!).
Love is such a misunderstood force, but it's so powerful... it either makes or breaks us. I just wish I didn't hurt their feelings in any way :(

Tuesday, February 24

Is it so hard to say?

It seems like i'm the only one who really cares... and my question to him is why?
... so, why?
... it seems like he's trying to avoid me, trying to get away from me, but still at times trying to get me to believe he still cares and doesn't do much to help out. So, my question... WHY?
except for that, I feel rather ok today... (wrong) I feel like crap. I just wish that I knew what I got myself into today. it seems like I don't know where I'm facing in the world, and the North is yelling off into the distance, the South is, to. And so is East and West. But, all of their screams are like fog; you can't really depict where it's coming from, or going...
So, I 'm lost in this fog, people are screaming at me, and he still doesn't give clarification on this situation hes placed me AND him in. God, is this punishment for something or is it just karma?
I would really like some clarification from you at least (force a smile)...
:) >:l And right now, I'm all in all annoyed by this so I'm shutting up.
byes my loves (see, I can say it... why can't you?)

Sunday, February 22


I really love the oscars...
These people's dreams are coming true all tonight...
and i's so looonggg... ugh, i'm not getting sleep tonight, am I? Oh, whatever... Anne Hathaway, please get this award!! We want YOU to have this! You deserve this... don't cry... oh great, now i'm crying...
I just loved the performance that Beyonce performed... HONESTLY, though?? Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens were in it? Why the hell did they get into the performance? First of, They were in 3 movies together... they're Idolized by children everywhere... ugh, HSM!! it's like 666... or 999... whichever one you wish to call it. But I just want the happy times to go on. don't we all, man...
Oh, and, ... OMG, kate won the oscar for best actress! lucky! sweet you!
... MAle Actor!... h, here we go... I love the videos they put on before the people come on. lol!
Robert Dinero... Anthony Hopkins... Adrien Brody... Sir Ben Kinsley ...Michael Douglass... :)
I hope Sean Penn gets the award... but, I dunno... I think he might not be able to...
God, i'm going to be up til 11... agh!
... I see the vampire... what's his name? Andrew... adrien... Alex?... agh! He was he vampire in Twilight... what's his name?? damn...
I want to say Adrien...
SEAN PENN! yes! yes!!! he won!!!
... damn, I got to see this movie... LOL! I got to see a lot of these movies....
agh. . . well, now, i'm going to get off... if you want the link to the wins and loses of this show,
Click here! !!
And now, i retire to sleep... since t is really late... and I must sleep... >:(... >XP... sleep.
go steven speilburg...

Saturday, February 21

laptop finaly "tip top" shape

because guess where I'm editing this post on?
that's right, my laptop in my room! I feel like sleeping sometime, and I don't want to get up every time I want to go on the computer, so I finally got this thing set up! :) I can't wait to get some poetry on this baby and use it more often...
I got this for Christmas from my mom/John (mom's BF). They're awesome like that, OK? They've been in Florida for the whole week, so, my sister's been staying over here for the duration of mom's absence. It's rather peaceful...
Amy: "OH my god, I can't believe this!... What did you do?... How do I fix this?"
Jackie: (in kitchen preparing dinner): "What do you need, Amy?"
Amy: There used to be a bar right here on the computer screen by the start button thing, but now there isn't. what did you do?"
Jackie: ... "log out"...
Amy: I don't want the computer of, stupid. I just want the 3 bars."
Jackie: you're logged in as me."
Amy: we don't have log ins on this computer."
Jackie: give me this..." *logs out of Jackie on computer, logs in as Malone*
... better?
Amy: ... oh my god...
We get along so well...
Except for that, I believe I'm sick... as are so many people in my groups of friends. Al Supstar has issues with his stomach, D-Tony has the coughs and sneezes, Sami has the same thin I do, and I think YC has the same thing I do... well, I know. I passed it on to him before orchestra... ;)
and he knows nothing yet...
because no one reads this anymore except for 2-3 people... I need more readers, don't you think? I'm spreading word on this thing for others to read...
well, yeah, now I'm feeling like sleeping... I need my anchor with me right now... XP please come soon...

Sunday, February 15

My Theory; youth, give out your word

this will be long, so, take it in. I'm also turning this in to Mr. fisher and Mrs. Briskin sometime for Xtra credit hopefully (or just to bring some excitement to the classes).

Youth, Give Out Your Word -NN

Now, let's look at the word Rebellious;
a rebellion is a revolution,
a change, a challenge, a question.
Our job, being the youthful Generation,
is to question the world around us,
to seek out the why's and why not's in this world,
to see past the cosmetics the society puts on the world every morning.
We can see the effects we have on the earth,
on our human race,
on our lives, as individuals in a group.
We question why, we question why not,
Why we feel we must burn the enemy to the ground,
Why we can't drop the oil pump,
Why we didn't do our homework last night,
Why I laughed at the girl with the funny accent.
This is our job as the youth,
as the rebellious, as we are claimed to be,
when some just feel like challenging the rules.
some just say, "Oh, well, this clock looks pretty cool.
I wonder how it works."
They fall into the cracks as those thought to be angst,
when they're just simply doing their job,
when they're just questioning another why.
Others, however, don't seem to help their case whatsoever,
"Oh, all adults don't know what to do with our lives.
they can never know me."
There's a clear difference the two.
One wants to know why,
when the other just believes there's always a no.
They believe there's always a not to everything,
a no, a put down, just simply no answer.
(will be continued)

I could have danced all night...

Even though I really didn't dance... like, at all. lol!
But, it was still a very fun dance. I have pictures to prove it. Well, I didn't bring a camera, but many others did, and from what I know i'm going to be in the SW yearbook! Yays...
Anyways, Now, I have two things that worry me...
*I forgot to give YC his V-day gift when I went over to his house before the dance.
*What to eat first; YC's marzipan or some Chocolate... acquired on the same day...
Let's just say someone also liked me... and they didn't know about YC's and my relationship. so, after 4th hour, I go to my locker and find some chocolates on the top shelf with a letter. It says,
"To the one I look forward to meeting every day,
To the one who might not know I care,
To the one I think about every second,
and to the one I hope will care for my heart as I do yours. "
-Do you love me?-

I just stared back at this with awe. And suddenly, I see somene staring at me from the other side of the hallway...
I'm thinking, "no way. it can't be this person".
But it is. and I just think "holy crap" this person walks up to me, gives me a hug and says, "do you love me?"
I back away, patting him on the shoulder, smiling and saying, "I believe we can still be good friends after this mishap, don't you?" He smiles, saying "yes, I understand." nodding, kind of frowning, and walking the other way to his next class.
I'm kind of sad I left it at just that. I might talk to him about it more, just to make sure he understands. It's not that I don't like him as a friend, but I can't be more than that. I'm taken, and loving what I have with YC. I can't just throw it away for another person, especially since this person just got out of a relationship with someone else...
I just hope he understands...
But, I still have the chocolates. I tried to give them back, but he wanted me to have them. He wouldn't take them back. And pawning them off on someone else just doesn't seem right. he said to "take it as a gift from a dear friend." So, that's what I plan to do... just the timing is all i'm worried about... Because I also got marzipan to chow down on... still... i haven't eaten it yet...
I'm worried if I eat it now or not.. BLAGH! Stress is not good for me right now...

Thursday, February 12

Going to Slice in the Morning

I'm getting a ride from YC and i'm going to SLICE, a christian ggroup that meets for an Hour every thursday before school starts. And I get the privelege to go! :)

So, this morning, I'm getting ready for breakfast, and I go downstairs into the kitchen and I see a red box on our counter. It says
"Dick and Carol Malone
*** ******** drive
*********, Florida"
I think they're not the doting kind of Grandparents... I mean, grandpa's ok, but Grandma can be a little cranky.
This is a recap on the LAST time we visited them. see what you think?
(grandma, Sister, and Neautique are all in the living room)
"hey, kids, do you want to help me set up the christmas tree?"
"Sure, grandma. where?"
"right here..." *sits down on her recliner*
*children start to put on the ornaments*
"You guys need to reach higher up. stop putting them all on the bottom."
"But, we can't reach up there."
"ugh, I guess you guys need help. Well, fine."
*"struggles" out of recliner and makes a fuss of helping with ornaments on a tree...*
"i'm gonna get a smoke. you guys keep this up, ok?"
"But, grandma... ok, fine."
*grandma leaves...*
*children stop working and put the rest of the onaments away and start to watch Spongebob on the TV...*
We later talked to dad about this and he understood. I mean, grandma did have lots of surgeries.
And this trip isn't going to be much different... she got knee surgery. Let's just say she's not as Atkins as some people. And, it's worrying me. But, i'm not going to up to her and say, "hey, granny, I think you're overweight."
So, this trip is going to be great.
... SO, i'm in the kitchen and I see this box. Me and my sister open it up...
it's two teddy bear ornaments with a little heart that says," I love you!"
... of course, the moment my sister sees the PINK one, she snatched it, "MINE!"
... I just sit and laugh. I always get the ones with flowers or brown on it. ugh...
Grandma chose that one, I could tell.
why must grandparents be so wanting to attach (obviously not all grandparents, but maybe yours) and yet be so off on what you really want? I just want to hang out with them. that's all I really want...
I don't know. maybe they'll see that I've grown up since 6th grade, and likes to talk politics and shit...
:) please let me talk...
I hope.

Tuesday, February 10

Sorry, my love...

"But, you have to understand, I can't just be some object. You can't just assume that something as simple as a hug will make me feel ok... and then you just walk away? no... no!
Just understand I'm human, and humans like to not be treated like some personal coathanger. I just don't get it. Honestly. God! "

... So, what do you think? I'm joining this afterschool drama team. We just randomly improvise and someone takes one that they really liked and we act it, having someone take notes on what we basically say with our lines (since this IS an improv). Then, we just keep it in a folder for classes and stuff. I think That was one of the ones we did. It's pretty cool.
Someone was really mad at their BF because he never talks to her outside of school anymore and just walked into her class around 6th hour and asked her to hide "something" since his teacher wouldn't let him take it into class. So she was pissed at him...
And she was still steamed when she went to this theater extra. The funny thing is, I had to take over her part when we re-read it. So, I had some frustration in store, because something similar to that happened to me.
YC comes into Orchestra (even though he's in Band). He comes up to me and says, "hey, my teacher won't let me take my coat into class. Can you hold onto it until the end of school? I'll come by to pick it up. Thanks." *hug*, "bye". Runs away...
I'm just sitting there with this huge ass coat in my arms now, and i'm just wondering how this all happened... and i'm kinda annoyed. So, after Class, I decide to wear it and hope to leave school with it still on. He comes too soon though, and takes it away from me, saying, "wow, no offence but you're a midgit!"
That kind of got at me. But, then he gives me a hug, trying to make me feel better, and then just leaves. So, that frustration of feeling really cheap and somewhat like i've just been treated like an object kind of got me through the whole "act mad at your BF" theater improv.
It's funny how something so ill humored as feeling cheap really got me through the day. ha!
Except for that, i'm pretty tired, bored, and scared...
I've been scared lately. I know why, too. But, there's nothing I can do about it. I face this every day... and I try to stay farther away from the problem, but it seems to follow me in the hallways at school, in class, etc. And I don't like it. Not one bit. I just want this to leave me alone!
leave me alone! *screams at someone next to her* LEAVE ME ALONE! ...
I don't want to be scared. Not again. I was scared a while back and it's still here. Wind, carry me away from here, into the Mountains, where the Yellow Sun meets the Blue of the sky, where Willy is no where to be seen...
nvm then, since someone never cares to read this.

Friday, February 6

oatmeals... yays.

I don't like mornings at my mom's house.
no one gets downstairs until they have to leave and i'm confused on when exactly we all go.
But, also, there's nothing really for breakfast. so, i'm sitting in the kitchen thinking, "what should I make for breakfast?" I reach to the only place I think there could be something....
and pull out the oatmeal. I put it in the microwave and put it in for a minute... 5 tries later, I finally realize why it's not cooking... I look at the power dial... it's at DEFROST...
it's been at Defrost for 5 tries until I finally realise it... god, why didn't you tell me earlier???
lol! so, today's going to be a laughable day today... except for the fact that there's an English test I didn't really study for... and the fact that there's a Geometry quiz today... oh no!
i'm in deep crap... and I still have to go to the office early today to deal with some other crap...
man! I suck at this. well, see you guys later I guess.

Monday, February 2

I'm bored. I mean, super crappy bored

I feel like life has taken a stop til next week. I need to be bored to feel excited sometime.
I'm listening to nonsense music called Franz Ferdinand "no you girls never know". it's quite hilarious. So, yeah, look it up.
God, today has been kinda scary... especially after 1st lunch. It just kinda got scary with someone not leaving me alone >.> ... <.< ... O.O ... XO
... lol! I find that hilarious. :)
But, honestly, I was scared. So, yeah, right now i'm kinda keeping distance from the front door and taking refuge in the sunroom. lol!
Well, I gots to go... sorry for the short post. I've been busy lately (and scared). So, I will see you all laters... byes my loves!

Friday, January 30

Why did he ask?

I'm just wondering, why did this person even ask? Since i'm on the topic of the title, I was asked something... well, not formally, like, "hey, yada yada?"... and it really bugs me. Does this person expect me to autimatically answer that question... with no hesitation whatsoever? I think this person was even... dare I say it... ANNOYED that I didn't answer right away. Doesn't this person already know the answer? God damnet... NO!
Except for that, I feel somewhat content. I had a somewhat good day (except for that little bit on the Asking me something). I got to hang out with YellowCoat today... :)... :(
kinda wierd... but, oh well. Only 2 other people know why it kinda scares me... about YC I mean; YC and Bucklin Cat know. I just hope he calls... I need to talk to him about that little bit. I really do...
I just don't want him getting the wrong impression... It's not that i'm a jerk, it's that I just don't like condiments on my hamburgers... I mean, if he does, that's great and all (honestly, I don't really mind). I just don't like condiments on my hamburger. I lke the old, respectable hamburger, where you just savor the traditional Meat and the Bun that gives the flavor contrast. I just don't see the need for condiments like ketchup or pickles ;)
*wink wink* ... I like winking, ok??
I also like smiling... just not right now, because I'm crying a river... I'll swim up the river and far away from here, to where I won't be found again. :*( * * * *
i'm scared... sami, save me from this person...

Wednesday, January 28


It was so sweet... and from the heart... tehehe.
Today at lunch, I was sitting at lunch in my normal spot. YC comes up to me and recites a beautiful poem, ending with,
"will you be my sweetheart,
and dance with me?"
It was a beautiful poem, so sweet, so kind, so... wait, what? He had asked me the night before if I would go with him. I had already said yes, but, this was so big and elaborate, I completely forgot the ending for a second... I recovered quickly, though, and replied "yes!" again.
He pulls me into a big hug... and right then, "Cracker Jack" comes from behind us and asks, "do you think that dead baby seal jokes are funny?"
I pull away from the hug, saying "ok, moment ruined..." and everyone starts cracking up... Cracker Jack is confused as hell until YC explains it. "Well, I DIDN'T KNOW!"
Kinda sucked... but, still, so sweet :)
... crap! now I need an outfit... maybe a dress? ... yeah, a dress... but, my legs are, well, hideous! I can't even look at them. I have shaving bumps and bruizes and cuts and all that jazz...
it's horrible. even nylons can't cover it up... I'll need to use a special cream... shit!

Friday, January 23

Crepes on Monday!

I'm going to make some batter on Sunday night and Make the crepes on Monday morning. I'm waking up at like 5:30 so that I can actually make enough for everyone to have at least 1 or so.
But, then again, I'm going to have to make some filling and stuff on the side and put it in a different container. Oh boy, this is going to be fun...
I'm bringing snacks to lunch for the whole group. He he. It's just like making dinner, but for people at school. :)
great... better get started...
Well, then again, it's only Friday, and I'm at my mom's house. And I'm trying not to eat anything for the rest of the night. I just pigged out on breakfast and lunch. So, I'm having ice tea and nothing else. It seems good, considering I had that much food today, and this will keep my hunger down til I go to the movies tonight... maybe.
Except for that, I feel somewhat of a contentment. I feel ok, but not happy. then again, I don't feel sad. I feel like i'm missing someone/something, but then I feel like I'm not missing someone/something. I wish that I was somewhere a few weeks ago, but then again I love where I am right now. I Also wish that I could be with my friends right now, but then again I wish to be alone. I wish I was stuffing my face with food, but I wish to keep this hunger-free mechanism a try today. I don't know which side I'm on in life; the wilting flower, or the blooming blossom. Either way, i'm either going up or down. But, this is what fears me, I'm either going up or down in drastic Measures. Either I'm floating like Helium, (high in the sky, feeling the clouds brush up against my skin, sending goosebumps down my arms, as my hair seems to swim in the air around me, not knowing what's below me, not knowing where I'm rising. Maybe I'll reach the heavens, maybe I'll reach the stars, maybe I'll find out. But the only way to learn is to try... So, here I go, up and about, floating past the clouds, flying up, soaking the sun's yellow warmth, feeling the blue breeze through my hair, as it carries me to the bliss of the unknown... ) or I'm sinking like a rock, (to the bottom of the sea. Fish swim by as I'm tied to this rock, sinking slowly, as I look up and see the bubbles from my mouth, rising to the surface, a mirror, reflecting my body, going down deeper, deeper. This isn't me, this isn't what I think of myself, but, the mirror doesn't lie. I'm here, drowning in my own pool of tears, chained to a ball of my past, which now sinks to the bottom of my own sea. If only this was a dry heat...)
So, yeah, you could go with both ways. I'm just a big pool of emotions right now. I'm listening to Jazz (the music of the soul) and I'm dreaming of some sunday to come :)
So, yeah, it might be a downing day...
maybe an uplifting day...
maybe both...
maybe neither... Maybe I'll just go back to my dream of last night :)
until then, my loves!
(I should title this post "missing him" but I feel that would be really wierd, concidering i've only been going out with YC for almost 2 weeks officially, but I feel it's been going on for about 3. It's all how you look at it.)

Tuesday, January 20

Ugh to the 3day weekend...

Nothing really happened...
well, there was a party on Saturday night... that was rather interesting... :)
It was really fun... When I finally started opening up to more than just Danny.
I forgot how good of a friend Mckenna is. She's awesome (and, currently in 7th grade...)!
And, except for that... I was supposed to have a dream last night... God Told me I would... I did, but it was a different subject in general...
completly opposite...
wth? Not what I asked for... oh well, god works in mysterious ways.
And, since it is the end of the semester, Friday the group is going to hang out! I don't know when, exactly (I'm hoping my dad's house, the Knox?) but I'll tell you guys when I have it all figured out. :)

Sunday, January 18

... Last night was awesome!

It was. I ended up walking back to the party I walked out on. lol!
I forgot that they had food.
Once the food was distributed, I eventually started opening up to others. It was rather fun.
And then, the gifts! I had this hat, you see. It was fuzzy and green and awesome. I hd left it over at danny's before (like 2 years ago) and never got it back. Well, I made sure I didn't leave without it last night. (I have you back, Neewah!)
yes, I named my hat, Neewah! is that so bad?
I used to have a fishy hat named Larry. It was rather cute, but, I lost it. So, then, I got this fuzzy green hat. Wore it wherever I went. Then, left it at Danny's.
Now, I have you back! muahaha!
So, yeah, movies maybe later tonight. YAY! ... maybe.
So, call me people.
And, I'm just so giddy from my reunion with my old friends who I forgot were my friends, and my old green hat (which smells like Cr*** due to someone... yeah, you know who you are... get a new hobby, will you?)
And for everyone else who does that and has an effect on not just yourself but those who love you, yeah, please just get a new hobby.
I don't want anyone else being hurt like I had... It really hurts...
just don't...
So, yeah. I gots to go.
Byes my Loves!
(there, I can still say it.)

Saturday, January 17


This is just sweet, I must admit.
My sister showed this to me uyesterday. This and many more are going to be posted now, so, yeah. check them all out at Youtube.com

(Crazy Chemical reactions)

(Pythagoras Switch)

The Jiggly Butt (sorry, just must be done. checked up with this on Buck Cat's blog and wanted to add it to here. hilarious!)

comment comment comment my loves!
... or my friends...
I got to stop saying that. It creeps people out. lol!
(well, it's still funny to walk up to someone and say, "alloh my love!" and just maul them with a big hug. it's rather amusing. lol!)

In other news, I an really frightened...
So, today is the annual gift exchange that my parent's friends always hold. well, as we're making out dish (Steamed Asparagus w/ Hollandaize sauce), I look at the recipe for the sauce and find that it contains raw egg yolk. "Well, it's worked before," I say, and I make it.
Well, as i'm tasting it with the overcooked (boiled!) asparagus, it tastes awful! it's either got too little salt, too much butter, or... might I say it... raw egg! (dun dun dunn!)
I'm afraid that the people at the party tonight will get lethally sick and die and start gagging tomorrow as I'm sitting in the theaters with my friends (hopefully if more people can come). And all of a sudden, some of them will start calling me to sue me and to find me a lawyer when my phone is off (new rule at the theaters). And then all hell will break loose! I'll be skipping school due to my problems and then people will stop hanging out with me because I've killed someone with raw egg poisoning and then that will cause... or maybe it's not enough salt...
*gag* I'm scared. Because I ate some of it! what if It is poisonous and I ate some of it. XP
... Buck cat, if I die, watch over every one in our group. If I don't make it, YC, please care to take over this blog and remember, my forever yellow...
... psh. lol! i'm stopping now. I'm just over obsessing about it.
Just don't be surprised if you call and I'm in tears and stuff. I'll just be mouring my friends who have passed away at the hospital the night of...
so, yeah.
On the good side, I'm relieved!
I know, what the problem is with my feeling like shit! It just happens to be that my problem is with WHEAT in the morning, or more importantly, Gluten.
If I have gluten in the morning before school (or at least last week), I feel like shit. So, please, no more of that. lol! instead, I have Milk, a Banana, and Some Cinnamon, all blended into a drink. I have that and I'm ready for the day. heheh. I realize that now that I had crepes for breakfast...
yeah, with Choco sauce, too.
Well, I gtg now.
Good Byes...
my loves? *hug*... no... just, nevermind that then.