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Friday, May 22


This ticks me off so badly.
First off, let me explain my anger. I thought I had a perfect relationship with my boyfriend. But, last tuesday, he broke up with me. I'm still uneasy about it, but i'm giving him his space, time, and all of that. The thing is, he still wants to be friends. I'm strongly in favor for this, for I look back to how we were friends, and I wish I didn't have to lose all of Rob. I mean, he's still a great friend. It just wasn't meant to be(the going out thing).
So, second, There are so many rumors going around about my this break-up that Robert's imposing. There's the first one that I dumped him and how-could-you-do-that-to-poor-innocent-robert and all of that bull. I want to be the first to say that HE dumped ME, I'm letting him, and that it is being handled with very maturely between us. The second rumor is that he broke up with me because I was being a complete Bitch 24/7 to him. He surely hasn't told me that and he would have told me if I was ever acting that way.
Third off is probably the one I dislike the most. Apparently, someone thought a boy had slapped my ass and that Rob had seen this, thus imposing a break-up. WOW, shallow much? I think i'd know if a boy had slapped my own ASS (which no one has), and if that ever happened, I would tell this person to go away. and why would anyone slap my ass? I mean, honestly, have you SEEN me? I'm probably the worst sight on this earth since boogers.
Just get your facts straight, and I'll be perfectly fine.
THE FACTS ARE that Robert wanted to not go out (which I still don't know why) and that he still loved me as a friend. :S GET THAT IN YOUR SMALL MINDS, YOU CLOSE MINDED BITCHES... our Lord should knock some sense into you with the power of God (or at least slap you silly). :P

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