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Friday, January 23

Crepes on Monday!

I'm going to make some batter on Sunday night and Make the crepes on Monday morning. I'm waking up at like 5:30 so that I can actually make enough for everyone to have at least 1 or so.
But, then again, I'm going to have to make some filling and stuff on the side and put it in a different container. Oh boy, this is going to be fun...
I'm bringing snacks to lunch for the whole group. He he. It's just like making dinner, but for people at school. :)
great... better get started...
Well, then again, it's only Friday, and I'm at my mom's house. And I'm trying not to eat anything for the rest of the night. I just pigged out on breakfast and lunch. So, I'm having ice tea and nothing else. It seems good, considering I had that much food today, and this will keep my hunger down til I go to the movies tonight... maybe.
Except for that, I feel somewhat of a contentment. I feel ok, but not happy. then again, I don't feel sad. I feel like i'm missing someone/something, but then I feel like I'm not missing someone/something. I wish that I was somewhere a few weeks ago, but then again I love where I am right now. I Also wish that I could be with my friends right now, but then again I wish to be alone. I wish I was stuffing my face with food, but I wish to keep this hunger-free mechanism a try today. I don't know which side I'm on in life; the wilting flower, or the blooming blossom. Either way, i'm either going up or down. But, this is what fears me, I'm either going up or down in drastic Measures. Either I'm floating like Helium, (high in the sky, feeling the clouds brush up against my skin, sending goosebumps down my arms, as my hair seems to swim in the air around me, not knowing what's below me, not knowing where I'm rising. Maybe I'll reach the heavens, maybe I'll reach the stars, maybe I'll find out. But the only way to learn is to try... So, here I go, up and about, floating past the clouds, flying up, soaking the sun's yellow warmth, feeling the blue breeze through my hair, as it carries me to the bliss of the unknown... ) or I'm sinking like a rock, (to the bottom of the sea. Fish swim by as I'm tied to this rock, sinking slowly, as I look up and see the bubbles from my mouth, rising to the surface, a mirror, reflecting my body, going down deeper, deeper. This isn't me, this isn't what I think of myself, but, the mirror doesn't lie. I'm here, drowning in my own pool of tears, chained to a ball of my past, which now sinks to the bottom of my own sea. If only this was a dry heat...)
So, yeah, you could go with both ways. I'm just a big pool of emotions right now. I'm listening to Jazz (the music of the soul) and I'm dreaming of some sunday to come :)
So, yeah, it might be a downing day...
maybe an uplifting day...
maybe both...
maybe neither... Maybe I'll just go back to my dream of last night :)
until then, my loves!
(I should title this post "missing him" but I feel that would be really wierd, concidering i've only been going out with YC for almost 2 weeks officially, but I feel it's been going on for about 3. It's all how you look at it.)

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