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Saturday, October 10

Another touchy feely topic

I was hanging out with some great friends yesterday after school, Camille and Peter. We were just walking and chilling, going to the green chair and talking. I had some money so we got some snacks... then Camille had to leave. So we walked back to my place so that she could get picked up. When she got picked up, Peter disbanded and I went inside to make dinner.
When I'm done MAKING dinner, Amy tells me to get ready. "what?" I ask.
"For dinner."
"I just made dinner." o.O
"Oh, but mom's taking me out. You should come with." ^-^
"Oh, OK. DAD, here's dinner." ^u^
We went to Red lobster and I got Shrimp and a lobster tail. It was OK... though I could have made better...
So when i get home, I go on the computer and play WOW for the first time in about 3 weeks!
Later I go on Facebook and chat with Isaac; he's at Brandon's house. Since they're about 5 blocks away, i ask if i can hang out with them (seeing as it's 9:30 on a Friday and I really should get out tonight since I have nothing better to do here.). After the 'thumbs up', I grab a sweater and in about 5 minutes I'm over there. It was pretty cool until 11:30, when my dad asks where I am. We get that figured out that he will pick me up around 12.
I stay til my dad shows up, and I come home and sleep.
I actually had a GOOD dream. this is the second day in a row. :) Usually they're just nonsensical dreams that switch from theme to theme and character to character or just really bad dreams. But this dream was so sweet. :)
This is what I need more often.
but what I want to vent about today is alcohol. Yep, I'm pulling this bugger out of the box...
I don't know why this came up in my train of thoughts, but it seems to be a very opinionated topic. I've heard both sides, so I'm not just venting for no reason; I just want to get some facts straight.
Let's start...
Back a long, long, LONG time ago, people in the Neolithic revolution stopped hunting and gathering and started domesticating and farming. This has NOTHING to do with booze, but a long time ago someone did create the process of brewing beer and distilling vodka and making tequila and all that jazz. It's basically a toxic liquid, poisoning your blood and numbing your senses, but it gave you a good feeling most of the time. Thus, people continued brewing and fermenting.
Now, for those who have a problem with drinking, there are many reasons. One is just plain selfishness, arrogance, and stupidity; they just do it to get drunk and then it becomes a habit. Another reason could be depression, where booze helps get rid of the icky feelings when sometimes really it just makes the problem worse (kind of the same with drugs). Another reason could be that it runs in your family, that your family tree's history has had a problem with booze. What I find funny is the things that come with certain drinks. Like my friend's father, he drinks beer, and he used to drink it A LOT compared to the average person; he wasn't an alcoholic though, don't get me wrong. He understood that it wasn't good for him, so he switched to wine sometimes, until he finally said, "you know what? screw this! I'm just going to cut down on booze."
And he did. He's got less beer in the house and goes out less to get one. When he goes to the bar, he orders a lemonade or just a water, even sweet tea. He takes a break from this once in a while at home, but except for that he's pretty clean. :D I'm so proud of her for supporting him through this; I know it must have been difficult for her.
But, before he quit, he was pretty unfit. He went to the gym almost every morning, but when you drink beer as much as he did, you get a tummy problem. It's called a beer belly, and it's from the fats in beer that stay in your stomach. You've heard of a six pack; try tapping a KEG!
And wine. I know many people who are normally fit and drink wine, but I know many more skinny people who drink wine. I find it pretty funny. :)
Fun Fact
It's been proven that a glass of red wine a day helps your heart, but more than 4 glasses (3 if you have a low blood potency) can increase your chances of getting liver disease and cancers. But, if controlled right, booze can do little to even no damage to your overall health. But to be safe, try to wait til you're 21 to do the really hard liquors, and NEVER overdo it. I can't stress this enough.
I recommend not trying Vodka for your first drink, since I've learned it's hard to tell how much you've had until you've had a little too much. And since it blends in with almost whatever flavor added to it, it's hard to tell how much is in it unless you've measured it out.
Again, sorry for the really touchy topic.
Just had to get it out somehow...

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