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Wednesday, June 17


Summer... again. This is going to be great.
Ok, so, first, I have to pack for camping, which we're leaving for tomorrow. This is supposed to be my dad's weekend, but, instead, i'm going to be camping with my mother. And, get this, the very day that we leave from camping, I'm not even going to go home. I'm going to get dropped off in Duluth, the UMD specifically, and I'm going to be staying there for BAND CAMP for the whole week til that Saturday. :S
And I'm bringing one suitcase, one laptop case, and my normal handbag. THAT'S IT. They have dorms and everything for the band camp. That's right. you see, in normal band camp, it's actual camping, like cabins, bunks, or (dare I say it) TENTS. but, I'm in a University campus. And what do they have in campuses? DORMS! I'm going to be staying in a dorm, boys in section R, girls in section Q. And they always have a bash at the end; chinese food, pizza, pop; lst year someone went to the hospital... I think they hit their head on something. I slept through it all last year, and I'm not going to do it again. :P
So, I'm going to pack and listen to music now, so, seeya later! :)

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