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Friday, January 30

Why did he ask?

I'm just wondering, why did this person even ask? Since i'm on the topic of the title, I was asked something... well, not formally, like, "hey, yada yada?"... and it really bugs me. Does this person expect me to autimatically answer that question... with no hesitation whatsoever? I think this person was even... dare I say it... ANNOYED that I didn't answer right away. Doesn't this person already know the answer? God damnet... NO!
Except for that, I feel somewhat content. I had a somewhat good day (except for that little bit on the Asking me something). I got to hang out with YellowCoat today... :)... :(
kinda wierd... but, oh well. Only 2 other people know why it kinda scares me... about YC I mean; YC and Bucklin Cat know. I just hope he calls... I need to talk to him about that little bit. I really do...
I just don't want him getting the wrong impression... It's not that i'm a jerk, it's that I just don't like condiments on my hamburgers... I mean, if he does, that's great and all (honestly, I don't really mind). I just don't like condiments on my hamburger. I lke the old, respectable hamburger, where you just savor the traditional Meat and the Bun that gives the flavor contrast. I just don't see the need for condiments like ketchup or pickles ;)
*wink wink* ... I like winking, ok??
I also like smiling... just not right now, because I'm crying a river... I'll swim up the river and far away from here, to where I won't be found again. :*( * * * *
i'm scared... sami, save me from this person...

1 comment:

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

Flys down and scoops up out of river... (see I told you that flying thing would come in handy some day...)
It'll all work out, I can't wait to spend some time with my best friend ever this weekend...
It'll be a blast! :)