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Tuesday, July 7


Ok, I'm going to put out a very opinionated topic out here; SAME SEX MARRIAGE. (I guess this is a Neautique's Special About Life, you know, the one I said I'd do but never really got around to doing. :P yeah.)
This just ticks me off sometimes, how people can say what we can and can't do. If we, for chance, want coke with our meal instead of Pepsi, we can have coke. If we want to eat, eat, eat, an apple instead of a banana, we sure as hell can. If we want to marry someone of the same sex instead of the opposite, isn't that fair, too? Well, apparently, they can be joined, but not marred. In 2004, 11 states banned same sex marriage, basically saying that they can be as gay as they want, just don't expect us to let you get married here.
This is due to the fact that in the bible, a marriage between a man and a woman is seen holy under God. Heck, that's pretty sweet. :) The argument is that it doesn't state anything about our dear friends Madam and Eve or Adam and Steve. :( And that's what people are arguing about.
Let's take a little detour back into the old times. Since the Medieval Era, gay men and women were thought to be devils, demons, possessed. They were so worried about it, even Joan of Arc, a religious saint, was burned at the stalk for dressing as a man!
What I don't see is why people keep shoving the bible up our @$$es and saying that if you're not straight, God won't let you into heaven! Why? Aren't we born the way we are? We can't change what we were programed by God to be, so why would he do that if he won't let us into heaven anyways? Doesn't he want people to go to heaven? o.O And (sorry, making another comment that I heard that disturbed me) What about all of the good people in this world that aren't Christian to begin with? What about Buddha? What about the Dolli Llama?
In this Country, America, which was founded by people who didn't want religion to take ANY part in Government, we have people telling us we can't get married, we can't do this, we can't do that, because someones GOD says it's not holy, it's not LAWFUL. Does anyone see the irony in that? They should mind their own business, watch their mouths, and just leave those comments to themselves!
And for this whole new law that's trying to get passed legalizing same sex marriage, I see why people would disagree. I'm in favor of the law, don't get me wrong, but I can understand why someone wouldn't want this law passed. First off, going back to the bible, a marriage, in sight of the christian religion, is between a man and a woman. And some feel that if a couple that does not fit that requirement wishes to be joined, they can be joined, but not married.
Well, the laws have been added to for so long and changed countless times, haven't they? Just add a little side note next to marriage, "Let Adam marry Steve already!" That's my view.
My dad was driving me from Ava's house last Monday and we're in uptown. We stop at a red light and my dad's looking out the window. He sees this guy with tight leather pants, red beater, and walking hand in hand with another guy in the similar. When my father points it out and said, "He he, hey Jackie, look at this," I thought it was cute, kind of like the old couple sitting side by side on a bench scene that you usually find in movies. But, then my dad said, "Ha. That looks goofy." He started laughing his head off. I stared at my dad with a smile. "OK, dad." I simply reply, and I looked back to the red light as it turned green and we drive off. My father is still laughing. Isn't that funny?

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