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Sunday, July 19

Mah Boots got me in some heat today...

And I'm not talking about the suddenly warm after suddenly cold weather.
This is what happened. I was hanging out in my dad's car after having dinner with him and his GF. They were talking and cuddling after the bill was paid, so I left to go sit in the car.
Well, I'm wearing this (almost) tutu skirt with these insanely but still awesome black boots. I'm also wearing a shirt, boys.
And, Well, I'm reclining in the chair, listening to 93X, my feet resting on the dashboard, and from the window, i see these guys walking to their pick-up truck. Well, one looks in the window and stares for a while at my legs... I kind of wave at them, kind of like, "hey, my face is up here, bimbos."
And, god, were they bimbos. They looked creepy from their wornout baseball hats, to their buzzcuts (not quite kept up), and their teeth... i don't think they ever brush. But, they were giving me these creepy smiles...
Thank god the doors were locked. But, I called my dad, who was still inside, and he came out and saved the day. :) Thank you.
But, Friday was the party! ^v^ it was such fun.
But, simi left her phone over here, and Abby left her RENT dvd over here. So, i'm going to burn the DVD before sending it back and i'm going to try to get Simi to bike over here sometime tomorrow. :P
But, i'm tired (and Ian is texting me again.) <- THAT i can live with. :)
totally can live with that.
So, i'll see you guys later. BYES!

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