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Sunday, June 28

Finally, God said, "let there be internet!"

And there was Internet.
I tried to get internet at the Duluth Campus and I couldn't get in due to the fact that I'm not a student. And at the campsite, I could only go on if my "uncle" Rob was on... Ok, the reason that "uncle" is in quotations is that his brother is my uncle in Marriage. So, really, my uncle's brother isn't related to me, but he's still family in my mind and in the rest of my family's mind.
When we went fishing with John, we caught so many walleye! It was rediculous! And when we went fishing with the rest of the family (say, with my Uncle Lex, cousin Jessie, Aunt Mary Eta, and Grandma Mary), we caught one fish... and it was a northern... :P
But, the next day, we had a Walleye fish fry. It was amazing... the best batter we used for the fish was probably north shore fish batter. It's amazing! We still have two bags n the freezer full of fish meat. Next time I go over there, I'm frying some of that up and making a fish sandwich... :) om nom nom!
At the campsite, I wrote a new poem. So, CLICK HERE to check it out.
Well, next was Band Camp. AH! When we first got there, we were so confused. There was construction everywhere and detours and crap. I got there just in time, though. It was really fun.
I miss it already.
They had amazing food. Normally, you think of Band Camp as American Pie, tents and cabins, everyone being horny and that stuff. Not the case at all. This band camp is in the UMD, University of MN, Duluth. It's an amazing school and I'm probably going to go there for college. But, it was really amazing food. They have homecooked meals everyday. They make all of this food, or at least thaw it out a bit. They serve soups, salad bars, fruit, veggies, and so much more. Last year they had a "make your own waffle", but this year the food court got rid of that... maybe because of the economy, maybe from popular demand... who knows.
We had open doors on Friday Night. That's where all the doors are open. Girls can go into guys' dorms, and guys can go into girls' dorms. We were watching American Pie, Band Camp. It was amazing. But, it was funny. I haven't seen that movie in a while. I was on the bed, sitting on Matt's lap watching it the whole time. For some reason, that was really funny to other people.
The next morning is the day we all perform. Before we get our instruments together, we're all hanging out in the halls. I walk up to the group and we start talking until this girl from last night's little get together comes over to me and Matt and ask, "So, what was with last night?"
Matt asks, "Wait, what?"
She replies, "You know, last night, between you two. What was going on between you two on that bed?"
He replies, "Wait, what?" Everyone assumes that is his response from then on. And it is. All he responds with is "wait, what?".
Later, in the theater, he asks me, "So, have you been getting crap about last night?"
I say, "no, not really. why, have you?"
He smirks, "psh, yeah."
I ask, "wait, who?"
He gaffaws, "ha, everyone?"
lol! I got none of that crap, and he gets a whole pickup truck full of it. :) I feel special for some reason, I can't quite place it, but I know it.
Last night, though, I got back. I finally found my phone (which I haven't had in over a week) And I get a text from Ruben saying that he has a WoW acount. We played until like 9:50... maybe 10:00 or so. I forgot which one, but it was cool. Now I have a friend on WoW I can play with. :P
So, now, I'm getting my life back in order from that fateful night to now, where I'm having a few friends over to hang out and eat my 36 packets of Ramen Noodles from Sam's Club (for some reason, I actually SHOPPED at that store with my dad). And now, it's sitting there, waiting 5 years for the process of expiration to take affect. lol. This is going to be a great hangout. But, call me and let me know if you can come over. :)
But, I gots to go now. So, I'll see you guys later. BYES! :D

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