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Friday, May 1

forget the last post for a minute

it seems that my laptop is being stupid and won't load the poems onto the website. So, i am waiting for it to listen to me *glares at the monitor* and I'm going to post on here, seeing that I do not want to slave in listening to my mother talk about periods, metapose, and going into labor... *hears loud screams from the floor below her as the rest of the women laugh* *shudders* eheh... creepy.
ANYWAYS... kind of said that too loud, I went to see "Wong Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" in theatre today. IT was an amazing play that I really want to see again... The only thing is, I have no one to go with, no ride there, and no way to change time so that I wouldn't be about an hour late... heheh. oops.
But, nonetheless, it was am amazing play that I praise a lot. I really wish my friends who were at school or even on the Japanese field trip would've gotten a chance to see it.
But, now, I am really tired. I might just lay back and take a nap, falling asleep to music.
Goodnight, godnight, and see you later. I will post soon.
PS: if you come in to school on Monday and say that you read this blog because of the add on FACEBOOK, I will hand you a little lollipop ;)

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