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Wednesday, October 14


Another touchy topic (and very feely): Depression.
I think I already vented about those who pretend to be depressed to sound cool (which I still do not understand), but here's another vent.
If you are depressed, that's a lot of damage to your system if you just sit there and let it take over. Your immune system can actually weaken, you become fatigued more easily, you lose interest in almost anything and everything (sometimes living itself). If you talk to someone about it right away, you could be helped. Then the symptoms can be lessened dramatically, and you can be yourself again. In most cases, depression doesn't just "go away over time"; trust me, I've learned this.
But those that stay depressed blab on about it, like "Well, Imma go to bed before this depression kicks in" or "I guess my depression's going to ruin that carnival i was going to go to... gonna suck." They really annoy me. I just want to scream, "TALK TO ME ABOUT IT!"
And they shrug it off and say, "Oh, i'll live. I'll be fine."
well, they're not going to be fine when they're at the carnival and they're not having a great time because their depression is ruining their fun. If I were to recommend anything, it's to eat certain seafoods, and 1 chocolate every day for lunch. Seafood has Omega 3 (especially salmon), and chocolate has a certain chemical that makes someone feel better. :)
That's why my mother had a little bag of chocolates in the medicine cabinet when I was in 8th grade. I would always take one and feel better at school than if i didn't.
eh, i got to go to school soon, then BRANDON"S PARTY!! :D FUN!
Let's hope it'll be a blast. ;D

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