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Friday, April 10

Tired, and fucked beyond recognition...

I'm just so tired right now (i'll get to the other part of the title later... it's a bit longer than this). It's 11:55 pm, I can't sleep, I just got over motherboard crampage in mah tummy, headache, and now this? agh! I just want to fall asleep, wake up, and it will be Monday. I will be ready for the UN conference (where I have to be Japan), I will have completed the first chapter or so in the "Greek Mythology" book that I supposedly have, I will forget about this problem that I somehow got in the middle of between a dear friend of mine and her newly-made Ex, I'll forget that someone now knows a major secret about me, and I will be happy. XP
Now, on to my next topic; being F'd beyond recognition. Well, first off, I haven't gotten my topic or questions for the UN conference that we are holding in Mrs. Briskin's 1st hour Geography class. I have to have it ready for Tuesday BY Monday, and I'm working with a person who I can't get ahold of for the life of me!! AGH! Then, there's English. I don't have the book that we need. I've just been answering them off of what the teacher goes over during class... and Heather's book (thanx a whole bunches =D). But, I'm gettin the book on Monday :) . And, then, there's this break-up that I got in the middle of (I got a phone call last week, and then this morning. It's just confusion, thick-headedness, Stubbornness, Jealousy, Anger, etc!! And it's eating me alive, because I'm worried of completely offending the 1-2nd party (concidering i'm a Neutral; go Switzerland!) but i'm not the only 3rd party. I have a few friends that are kind of taking sides. I don't want to take a side. I just want this resolved! X(
Once it's resolved, then I'll be happy (or when I see Rob, whichever comes first.). I hope it happens soon. He comes home on Sunday night, and I'll for sure see him on Monday. But, right now, I acgtually think i'm tired.
So, i'm going to sleep now. I'll see you all on Monday at school, k loves??
BYE!!! night.

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