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Saturday, January 17


This is just sweet, I must admit.
My sister showed this to me uyesterday. This and many more are going to be posted now, so, yeah. check them all out at Youtube.com

(Crazy Chemical reactions)

(Pythagoras Switch)

The Jiggly Butt (sorry, just must be done. checked up with this on Buck Cat's blog and wanted to add it to here. hilarious!)

comment comment comment my loves!
... or my friends...
I got to stop saying that. It creeps people out. lol!
(well, it's still funny to walk up to someone and say, "alloh my love!" and just maul them with a big hug. it's rather amusing. lol!)

In other news, I an really frightened...
So, today is the annual gift exchange that my parent's friends always hold. well, as we're making out dish (Steamed Asparagus w/ Hollandaize sauce), I look at the recipe for the sauce and find that it contains raw egg yolk. "Well, it's worked before," I say, and I make it.
Well, as i'm tasting it with the overcooked (boiled!) asparagus, it tastes awful! it's either got too little salt, too much butter, or... might I say it... raw egg! (dun dun dunn!)
I'm afraid that the people at the party tonight will get lethally sick and die and start gagging tomorrow as I'm sitting in the theaters with my friends (hopefully if more people can come). And all of a sudden, some of them will start calling me to sue me and to find me a lawyer when my phone is off (new rule at the theaters). And then all hell will break loose! I'll be skipping school due to my problems and then people will stop hanging out with me because I've killed someone with raw egg poisoning and then that will cause... or maybe it's not enough salt...
*gag* I'm scared. Because I ate some of it! what if It is poisonous and I ate some of it. XP
... Buck cat, if I die, watch over every one in our group. If I don't make it, YC, please care to take over this blog and remember, my forever yellow...
... psh. lol! i'm stopping now. I'm just over obsessing about it.
Just don't be surprised if you call and I'm in tears and stuff. I'll just be mouring my friends who have passed away at the hospital the night of...
so, yeah.
On the good side, I'm relieved!
I know, what the problem is with my feeling like shit! It just happens to be that my problem is with WHEAT in the morning, or more importantly, Gluten.
If I have gluten in the morning before school (or at least last week), I feel like shit. So, please, no more of that. lol! instead, I have Milk, a Banana, and Some Cinnamon, all blended into a drink. I have that and I'm ready for the day. heheh. I realize that now that I had crepes for breakfast...
yeah, with Choco sauce, too.
Well, I gtg now.
Good Byes...
my loves? *hug*... no... just, nevermind that then.

1 comment:

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

wait, you would leave me in charge of others? Like actual living beings?
ME!? You really did get poisoned... LMAO >,<