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Monday, September 28

Well then...

This is Spirit week this week,and the funny thing is today's wacky tacky day...
I FORGOT SOMETHING WACKY AND TACKY!! :( And so i just took a sharpie this morning and colored a strand of hair on my left purple and a strand on my right magenta. It's wacky enough for someone who has no creativity or memory to think of something when i'm at my mom's.
Oh, yeah, I stayed at my mother's last night. See, my mother always watches Desperate Housewives and Brothers And Sisters on ABC every Sunday night with her friends. I got into it in 7th grade and watched it ever since. But last night went later than thought out and I stayed at mother Teresa's. :D
But now i'm tired and trying to procrastinate this Assignment in Biology; Biome Report. I'm doing the Tundra, which is quite simple really. It's found in the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, North America, and Russia and contains Lichens, bushes, and sedges. This website i'm researching with is probably half accurate since I'm PRETTY sure there's no penguins in North America or Europe... Imagine a penguin dressed like a Russian folk dancer doing the Kadrille to an Accordian... Hey! lol
I got to admit, that would be pretty cute. :)
But I probably should go work on this. I'll talk to you guys later.

(Later, 6th Hour, 2:39 pm)
GOD!!! I finished the assignment for Hoselton's World History class, but he won't let me turn it in yet because he's being a stupid little butt head. :P HAHA! Take that, silly teacher man...
But, now I have nothing to do but type in here. Maybe i'll write another poem??
Maybe. But for now, I'm in a pickle (yes, dill isn't so sweet). Homecoming's on Saturday, and i'll probably end up going alone because
1) I have no boyfriend to take me (unlike LAST year...)
2) almost everyone i've asked already have dates (like, ACTUAL dates, where they dress fancy and giggle at each other; kind of like crushes. It's really sweet. :D)
3) some that I ask don't even want to go to Homecoming at all
4) I don't really care enough to go around asking every person I walk into like a clown.
So I just hope that I can get a ticket still. I'll probably be able to. I need the money from my dad and then i'll be fine for lunch tomorrow.
Which is Harry Potter day for Spirit Week...
hrm, i need to find a Helena Lovegood costume... CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH THIS??

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