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Friday, July 3

But, yeah!

I'm going to be going camping this Weekend(Do I ever get a break?) up at Ruth's Cabin with my dad, Amy, and Ruth's family. It'll be a blast. It certainly was last year. They had the blueberry bushes in the forests. we went and picked them and had blueberry pancakes. :)
But, that was last year. And SO MUCH was different from this year and last year... LOL Anyone who knows me knows this.
But, I'm also going to Wisconsin Dells next week... :P So much is happening. And I haven't been able to throw any good parties like I would be. Every friday I would have a hangout with the friends. And now I can't because of all of the vacationing. I believe my parents (especially my dad) wants to bond. THey believe i'm on a destructive path of boys, booze, and who-knows-what-else-oh-no-save-my-daughter! I find this funny because I don't drink (and nor do I hope to become a drunky anytime soon) and honestly haven't done anything that would make me blush (shut up, shut up...). lol
But, i'm not in a destructive path i believe. And if I was my friends would let me know... Well, let me rephrase that. Katie would let me know. She'd call me and let me know. And I'd listen. :) So, yeah, Because of my oh-so-destructive-teenager life, i'll be vacationing with my family for the weekend, and the next... and probably the next.
But Abby still needs to let me know if she's coming with me to wisconsin. :P

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