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Saturday, October 31


I remember last year, I went to Valleyscare with Nick and his friends, but this year i'm going TRICK OR TREATING again!! :D
It was so amazing in 8th Grade. I went with Heather, who was a gangster, and I was a german bar maid. I had the long skirt, the blouse, the stockings, and even a corset (it was stirophone, though, so it ripped the next day). We went to the area around Sheran's house. The people there are so conciderate, they give you about 5 pieces per house or more! It was pretty sweet. ;) I got so much candy, in fact, that I got sick the next day from only eating 1/4th of it. Meh, So I like to think that I learned something... to drink lots of water if you happen to get that much candy and eat it all at once. :)
This year, though, i'm going with Abby, Ava, Ruben, Bryce, Isaac, Rowan, Annie, etc. We're all going to be in costumes, running around Isaac and Rowan's neighborhood like the angst teenagers we are. They say it's a pretty good neighborhood to do this at, so I hope they're right... :PI think this'll be pretty fun. :)
But, it can't be better than last night. Oh, last night couldn't be beat by anything! It was my halloween party, and maybe there were too many people crammed into one room, but everyone seemed to be having a fun time, all 19 of them. :D And about 5 people got married that night; Abby and I, Gay Terrorist and Panda, Forrest and Whip Cream. <- I don't even know why...
Anyways, I gots to go. I'll see you all in the next post. :D

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