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Thursday, August 6

My dear friend has chosen, so deal!

Agh! Why do people ALWAYS complain to me about their love lives? I'm not a love guru. IF you need help, go seek out the REAL guru Mike Meyers. :)
My dear friend, Anne-onImus, (due to privacy, she shan't be named), has had some problems lately with her love life (like she has one). She's dating a really sweet guy. And, well, things have been working out pretty well for them... spare one tiny detail. This other girl, who I've also talked to, has had their eye on my friend for a while. And, well, for a time, these girls were, without knowing about the other, crushing on each other. But, Anne-onImus, figured this girl was just fooling around and joking, so "Anne" gets over her, and much later falls for this guy who she's currently seeing. And, i must say, THEY'RE SO CUTE together! :D
But, this girl is trying to pull moves on Anne, and Anne knows that she shouldn't do this. Anne's also worried about her boyfriend. What shall she do if this girl were to try and kiss her in front of her boyfriend, which has been threatened.
And, with all of this worry on her shoulders, she calls me in the middle of the night, frantic! I try to calm her down, and once calm, I tell her, "Listen, she had her chance, and she just played around. She could have, and she lost the chance." In fact, a poem is in the works. :D
But, in continued, "And, if she's not ready to let you go, stay as friends. But, let her know that there can't be anything between you two, because you're seeing someone else. And if that bothers her, then that's her problem, and not yours."
I hope she takes the advice...
I would.
But, i'm going to be sad this week. Ian's gone off to the East Coast, and I won't see him til he gets back (dh). :( So, i'll try to fill the void with this party tomorrow. lol I hope it goes well.
But, I have a pot pie in the oven, and I need to go get it before it goes "KASPLODE-y".
So, bai!!!

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