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Wednesday, January 14

Please, my Dear Wind, do not Bite me!


Buck Cat has recently gotten a few trophies... She didn't win much, though. It hurts when you have these trophies.
Let's just say having a ping pong ball and a hammer when sleepwalking isn't the best choice of action when it's below Freezing outside.
But, aside from that, She's doing GREAT! quite different from me, I must say. First off, I only got about 4 hours of sleep... because My dad, when he woke up at 3:00 or so, he went downstairs to the sunroom and turned the TV up really really REALLY loud and didn't even watch it, but just listened. So, when I wake up at 3:30 in the morining (having fallen asleep only past 11:00 that night) due to an insanely loud Jay Lenno joke, I immediatly jump up in my bed, screaming, "IT WASN'T ME!" ... only to realize my dad didn't even hear me.
Second off, I'm going to see Dracula tonight. Somewhat a problem, sayng that I have not a ride there yet, because my mom won't answer her phone. ... I'll see after school if I can get her to come for pity... it's worked before. ha!
Third off, I got so much crap from my old friends about my current status... like not being a reject, about having other friends, about having a Boyfriend, about yada and yada. It's actually quite sad. :( It makes me cry... So, I want to cry a river, but I can't, I can't fall apart, I can't become one of them. :(
I have to go to school to face those people now. Well, the only real highlight of the school day will probably be Geog. and 1st Lunch. :) i get to hang out with all my friends I never see. (I have to convince one of them to come with me to Drac. If not... It's not the end of the world, or anything, it would just be nice if someone would come. <:)... <:(... well, fine. hmph...)

(Evening; 4:00 pm)

Well, guess who's coming with me to Dracula?
D-man and Tia will be joining me as we settle and get spooked out of our senses by YellowCoat. This is going to be a fulfilling night...
at least it can't be worse than what my day has already been like. Anxiety, Sleepiness, Depression, Loss of interest with Daily Needs (hunger), etc, etc. The only really fun time today was probably at First lunch with my friends (or Science where I actually fell asleep in class and caught some well deserved ZZZs). But, lunch was probably the best time, it's the only time I really felt somewhat happy. I have really good friends... yeah.
I know I put myself down way too much, But sometimes I just have these sudden depressions I can't get rid of. Sometimes, I actually cry. It's not good, I know, but it's what I can't control. So, as I'm leaving, YC tells me to "feel better today," "I will," I reply.
I guess I failed you. sorries...
:( I have failed you, my wind!
... hehe, actually, making those kind of jokes brings a somewhat smile to my face. hehe...
concidering he probably hasn't read the poem yet. BUT, all in due time, right?
yeah... can you give that poem back, when you read this? Or before, too. That would be great.
I count the Spiders on the Wall... one two three four... teeheehee.

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