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Friday, January 9

I used to think it hurt

(as in an older post's title, "love hurts") I thought it did. Now I know it doesn't have to.

In somewhat other news, There is a rumor going around school about me and my Ex. Do not believe the rumor that we did anything. (There's a rumor that I actually "did something" extremely big. It is not true. Just pointing that out before I get a comment on this blog asking about it.)

Also, I've f0und some editors who might want to publish some of my work. So, I'm going to type it up some and send it in to them. It seems like a really good idea. So, I hope you have some patience with my excitement (which was "totally" evident today at lunch... zzz ZZZ zzz...)

I gots to go now. So, sneak peek at one of my poems. This is a sequel of my "Free Me Willy"
"Forever Free Me Willy" -Neautique Narcia
lines 9-24

-9 I mean, I need my light,
to hope to laugh, to sing,
to fly, with my birds,
far away from here.
-13 Escape, it's so inviting,
so intriguing, Willy,
just for me to leave and never return,
can it even be real?
-17 I'd always thought it wasn't,
that i'd be trapped forever,
that i'd never see light,
and I'd never meet Wind.
-21 He's so good to me,
Wind, he's everything I'd wished,
prayed, hoped for,
and he's been there for me..."-24 -Neautique Narcia
... kinda sloppy, i know. give it time...

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