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Monday, May 19

Some Crap that Bugs me

Topic: Dress Code

Antagonist: Those who do not follow the rules of the topic

Conflict: Faulty Punishment

Blog Post: Ok, this is what pisses me off most of the time. this shit happens way too often and I need to bring it to attention here.

Everyone knows about my green hat I wear to school now and then. Well, I get in trouble more often than the girls who wear miniskirts to school almost EVERY DAY!

When I try to bring it to my peer's attention, Cell comes up with the reason "No one cares. No one really keeps track of that stuff. Hats are more obvious." It's like whenever I take a step forward in this dilema, someone always brings me 10 steps back. In this case, it was reality.

I should know now that no one will really care about miniskirts more than hats.

I hate to be the fashion police. thank god i'm not.
I'm just saying that I feel that Miniskirts are really, should I say, skankish. It just shows off the legs that must be shaved everyday to look cute and gets guys thinking about Lala and perverted stuff that Guys are famous for doing.

So, why do girls wear them? even when they BREAK the Dress Code list?

Is this some new form of Rebellion, wearing Skimpish clothing and demeaning yourself to feel better than someone else just because men think of you less than an object?

Ugh, I hate this. Someone's looking over my shoulder now and then to check what i'm writting. ugh. Well, i'm off to write poetry. Sheish as it is, I gtg. byes.

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