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Monday, May 12


Well, no more Computer Lab for the Blog, so I'll have to find time at home now. lol.

I might be missing Choir though (due to lack of ride there) and I might be able to work on it then.

Anyway, I just finished my Poems for Edgar Allen Poe.

I made pancakes today. and, (not to be the food critic) Hungry Jack Pancake Mix is a bid dry. But, that's just my own opinion.

OMG, the Choir concert was yesterday for Mother's day.
The service was spectacular. But, I'll never know how the 2nd service wws, because SOMEONE wanted to leave early. ...Amy! Dad! blargh!

that's the wierd thing, though. I am, like, the only person who goes to church and is somewhat religious. MY dad's catholic, though, so I never know. But, my sister and my mom don't go to church often. It's a bit wierd.
Well, since I have no more time, I gtg. Byes.

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