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Wednesday, May 21

Slap me in the face, it wont hurt as bad!

ugh, this is what I hate about some people on the internet. They think that they can just talk about anyone they want just because they're on the internet, no one really cares to read, and no one will get hurt.

I learned the hard way (sorry to those I've hurt) that it can hurt those involved if they read it. No matter what you try to do, you can never get anything of of the internet once it is on. I just wished that my friend would know that.

But, I can't take the valley out of the girl, now can I? I hope that you guys can pray about that tonight. I don't care if people read this, I just care if you get hurt by it. If you do, please comment. And, don't worry, she got a comment from me today. She better be ready.

For i'll be sure to talk to her...

1 comment:

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

I have a simple thing to say. Chillax! and think about the situation before you make things worse. I know you don't intend to, but you easily could at this point.