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Tuesday, May 13

The Original Blog

This is sorta wierd now.

I was the first person to make a blog at my school. Then, Sami made SamiSAysWrawr.blogspot.com. Then, Katie Made HairyKingKong.blogspot.com. And then, here come other people that only post stuff like "How to suck a dick" or, my favorite, " 10 ways to say Nigger to a white Bitch".

Ok, first off, they are dumb. and second, if they have some quality to them, I hope the teachers don't find out. Then, my school posts are O.V.E.R.!

I don't know why, but whenever I find something good that I can do, someone always comes in and takes that away from me being better. Now, I have nothing good that only I can do. What am I to do now??

I know this might be selfish, ignorant, and downright vein, but, it's for a self esteem thing to be good at something you're proud of. I just don't know what that is anymore.

But, don't worry. I'm still posting this blog. It IS the original, is it not?

Ugh, but, I pray that the teachers don't get into this stuff. Oh, i can really see mr. Erickson posting "How to pass my class" or Mrs. redig posting "what's Bubbleology?"

Speaking of, traigh was talking in science class when Mrs. Redig asks him to be quiet. "No! I'm not talking... damn." was his response. She asked him later the same thing, he blew up at her for asking him when he's not the only one talking.

Thank god someone mentioned it to her! She needs to know that her behavior dealing with children in 5th period is not acceptable.

I mean, take for example, this incident. She punishes the quietest student who happens to be asking for a pencil when there's a Blabbermouth over on the other side.

And, I think someone, instead of blowing up at her, should just sit down with her, maturely, to discuss the situations and give your examples.

I would, but, I hate that teacher more than the devil himself.

Good thing i'm "finishing my MCAs" today. actually, that thing is pretty easy to pass. I just finished. I just don't want to go back to science. Ugh, like I said, that teacher just bugs me.

but, I gtg now. byes.

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