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Tuesday, May 6

Hat Experiment

the Official results of the Hat Experiment!!!

Ok, for those who are just tuning in, here's the scoop.

I had recently been seeing some corrupt teacher who are breqaking the rules on some students and not others.

Here's where the test comes in. My part of the experiment is to bring some perspective into their lives. What I'm doing is going to school, doing my work, and wearing a hat. As all of you know, a hat is against the dress code. I don't know why. I really don't care why either. But, Since it is the only rule that I really want to break, I am wearing a hat to school. What am I waiting for, then?

I am waiting for the teacher to come and tell me to take it off. Now, will they?

Here's the results of my Test. It is a bit messed up, though, due to the difficulty of some subs. So, I will mix in the results from Friday and Today, Tuesday.

(Homeroom) Tuesday- (No comments, hat Unscathed)
(Period 1) Tuesday- (Immediate Comment, Hat taken off)
(Period 2) Tuesday- (Unnoticed, Hat taken off only to due notice by pupils-followed by racial comment)
(Period 3) Tuesday- (Unnoticed, Hat Unscathed)
(Period 4) Friday- (Compliment X1 by teacher, hat unscathed)
(Period 5) Tuesday- (No Comment, hat unscathed)
(Period 6) Friday- (Immediate comment, hat taken off)

You see, this isn't even the beginning. This is just sad.

what happens is the teachers believe that if they look at every rule and focus on every little detail that they won't have enough time for teaching. DUDES, IT'S CALLED QUALITY!
What they're doing is just downright dimwittable. they're just giving the assignment to us and expecting that we listened.

You see, this is where they screwed up on the lesson. What they're forgettng is that people often don't care about the greater good. They're often to vein to see. I can admit that I have been like that some times, so Do not feel like i'm picking on you til the cows come home.

Another problem is that the teachers often don't have time to teach us anything becauwse they're to busy preaching about being quiet in class. People need to shut up before he/she blows up like that. Some of us want to learn, not to listen to some inside Joke where someone says, "Yes, and a chicken, too!!!" and those on the other side of the room Bust a got!
If you haven't noticed, that really pisses off teachers!

I'm not saying i'm on their side or yours, I'm just a shadow on the wall, watching your pupils and teachers and observing their practices on life.

I have no opinions, I am being open minded, and I'm being confidential about all examples. Do not hate me for being "Emo", depresseed, or just "Mad, dude!" or even the most common one now, "Hippocritical" and "fucking retarded as hell, you douschbag!".

It bugs me like a mosquito itch that people don't even see this, people like ******** and ********. Boy, those guys just tick me off a lot!

I just got to stop now and take a break.

Well, that's it. Pretty sad. Next time I should try an Ipod or music player. LOL. The dean would probably ask me if he could use it and give it back during the middle of History!!!

Oh well. Well, that's it for now. (Ugh, I have this guy stuck in my head. Get HIM OUT!!!!!
Fudge. Crushes are annoying.)

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