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Friday, May 2


So many people have birthdays in April and March!!!

Including mine. April 30th!!

WEll, away from that, Iron MAn is going into theaters. I suggest going on Monday, Being no school!!!
Motto of the Day:
Pain is just the Realisation of Absent love.

SAd, huh? Yep, That''s a motto for me. I hate how I can't get this thing off of my mind. i EVEN DREAMT OF IT LAST NIGHT!! get him/her/idea out of my head!

oh well, I can only hope.

Ugh, this is one thing I promised myself I would Blog about, and that is corrupt teachers/deans/principles.

Ok, first I want to remind you that use of Ipods, Cellphones, MP3 players, etc. are BANNED during school hours on the school premises.

THis is just sad. In Math Class, (and I bet by now all of you have heard of this) The dean came in to call over one of Mr. Erinkson''s students. She later came back into class saying "He wanted to use my Ipod because he forgot his Cellphone! HA!"

well, HA is right!

in Mr. Haugen's class, Many students, including me, have been harrased by students and pupils of many kinds. Mr. Haugen does what? "I'll keep an eye of them." he says, right in front of them, too. Now are they going to be mean??

Now, the next day, Mr. Haugen says they've behaved fine. Ok, then, here come the pencils at my head again.

And I am not sarcastic when I say that (I am not being racist at all here) Black Kids call white kids the N word. Ok, Forst, they're not even black. But, they are not Ignorant, either. Sheesh, what's with teenagers these days where they can think they can swear at anyone just because they're older?!

People at our school use( or used to A LOT last year) physical abuse. There would be fights, Blowouts, and a lot of Suspensions because of that. Each day, I would hope to have a camera to tape the next fight.

Ughie. Well, I gtg. So, see you guys at school, then.

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