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Friday, May 23

Another day in Computer Lab

This is a boring day. The nly thing Amusing is the Monistic character we have in our school. She is losing most friends due to the worst illness someone can be diagnosed... "Ignorance".

Ugh, and the "No Passes" policy is terrible. Ugh. I got to go pee so badly and the teacher won't let me. Of course, other teachers are more lenient towards the matter. (then again, what aren't they lenient about?)

Also, the neew game in Science is awesome.
Click Here to play "The Chase".

Next, a poem about

Thursday, May 22


that's right! Tonight, i'm posting The Shadow, pt 3, the Father?" on
TheShadowByNeautiqueNarcia.blogspot.com. Be sure to read it.

Also, I posted a few new poems.
Click here to view them.

... blargh. This class is so boring without music. Also, I have only 1 friend in here I can talk to and he/she's over in the corner of the room and I can't talk to him/her.

BLARGH! oh well, this fills the void.

well, byes. someone's looking over my shoulder (stop it!)

Wednesday, May 21

Slap me in the face, it wont hurt as bad!

ugh, this is what I hate about some people on the internet. They think that they can just talk about anyone they want just because they're on the internet, no one really cares to read, and no one will get hurt.

I learned the hard way (sorry to those I've hurt) that it can hurt those involved if they read it. No matter what you try to do, you can never get anything of of the internet once it is on. I just wished that my friend would know that.

But, I can't take the valley out of the girl, now can I? I hope that you guys can pray about that tonight. I don't care if people read this, I just care if you get hurt by it. If you do, please comment. And, don't worry, she got a comment from me today. She better be ready.

For i'll be sure to talk to her...

Tuesday, May 20


I'm bored out of my mind.

I don't know why but I'm feeling really shitty today. I feel tired, depressed, let down, just BLARGH!

And, sorta like last year, where no one really liked me.

Oh well. I think I just need a hug from my Chewy and I'll feel fine. I just want today to end.

well, I'm going to post a poem, seeing as I only have 5 minutes left of class. seeya later. Bye.

Monday, May 19

Some Crap that Bugs me

Topic: Dress Code

Antagonist: Those who do not follow the rules of the topic

Conflict: Faulty Punishment

Blog Post: Ok, this is what pisses me off most of the time. this shit happens way too often and I need to bring it to attention here.

Everyone knows about my green hat I wear to school now and then. Well, I get in trouble more often than the girls who wear miniskirts to school almost EVERY DAY!

When I try to bring it to my peer's attention, Cell comes up with the reason "No one cares. No one really keeps track of that stuff. Hats are more obvious." It's like whenever I take a step forward in this dilema, someone always brings me 10 steps back. In this case, it was reality.

I should know now that no one will really care about miniskirts more than hats.

I hate to be the fashion police. thank god i'm not.
I'm just saying that I feel that Miniskirts are really, should I say, skankish. It just shows off the legs that must be shaved everyday to look cute and gets guys thinking about Lala and perverted stuff that Guys are famous for doing.

So, why do girls wear them? even when they BREAK the Dress Code list?

Is this some new form of Rebellion, wearing Skimpish clothing and demeaning yourself to feel better than someone else just because men think of you less than an object?

Ugh, I hate this. Someone's looking over my shoulder now and then to check what i'm writting. ugh. Well, i'm off to write poetry. Sheish as it is, I gtg. byes.

Thursday, May 15

4th period blues

I've got the blues. we're not watching the rest of "A MidNightsummer's Dream" by Shakesphere in class. That movie ws awesome, concidering it was traditionally a play. So, fuck off all of those who say that I'm dumb, stupid, a "hopeless romantic", or anyhting else that's been floating around lately (ahem, not to name names, *achoo*Jenna, *Cough*Derek) only because I like the movie... *glares at Train*

Also, another bit of quotes.

Is santa so jolly because he knows where all of the bad girls live??

Why is Abbreviation such a long word??

This class is so boring. It's funny though, because gabe is being teased for leaving his other class to try and stay in this one. Train needs to let it go. Sheesh. and for a guy that drives everyone in sight mad, he has a pretty short temper! Also, no one will ever shut the fuck up, so that gives me way to say that Haugfried either needs to be more strict, or let me, Savagia, and Cell on the computer WAY MORE OFTEN!

Anyway, everyone has to sit and work on the survey. hehehe. we're special.

eh, who cares? lol!

Tuesday, May 13

The Original Blog

This is sorta wierd now.

I was the first person to make a blog at my school. Then, Sami made SamiSAysWrawr.blogspot.com. Then, Katie Made HairyKingKong.blogspot.com. And then, here come other people that only post stuff like "How to suck a dick" or, my favorite, " 10 ways to say Nigger to a white Bitch".

Ok, first off, they are dumb. and second, if they have some quality to them, I hope the teachers don't find out. Then, my school posts are O.V.E.R.!

I don't know why, but whenever I find something good that I can do, someone always comes in and takes that away from me being better. Now, I have nothing good that only I can do. What am I to do now??

I know this might be selfish, ignorant, and downright vein, but, it's for a self esteem thing to be good at something you're proud of. I just don't know what that is anymore.

But, don't worry. I'm still posting this blog. It IS the original, is it not?

Ugh, but, I pray that the teachers don't get into this stuff. Oh, i can really see mr. Erickson posting "How to pass my class" or Mrs. redig posting "what's Bubbleology?"

Speaking of, traigh was talking in science class when Mrs. Redig asks him to be quiet. "No! I'm not talking... damn." was his response. She asked him later the same thing, he blew up at her for asking him when he's not the only one talking.

Thank god someone mentioned it to her! She needs to know that her behavior dealing with children in 5th period is not acceptable.

I mean, take for example, this incident. She punishes the quietest student who happens to be asking for a pencil when there's a Blabbermouth over on the other side.

And, I think someone, instead of blowing up at her, should just sit down with her, maturely, to discuss the situations and give your examples.

I would, but, I hate that teacher more than the devil himself.

Good thing i'm "finishing my MCAs" today. actually, that thing is pretty easy to pass. I just finished. I just don't want to go back to science. Ugh, like I said, that teacher just bugs me.

but, I gtg now. byes.

Monday, May 12


Well, no more Computer Lab for the Blog, so I'll have to find time at home now. lol.

I might be missing Choir though (due to lack of ride there) and I might be able to work on it then.

Anyway, I just finished my Poems for Edgar Allen Poe.

I made pancakes today. and, (not to be the food critic) Hungry Jack Pancake Mix is a bid dry. But, that's just my own opinion.

OMG, the Choir concert was yesterday for Mother's day.
The service was spectacular. But, I'll never know how the 2nd service wws, because SOMEONE wanted to leave early. ...Amy! Dad! blargh!

that's the wierd thing, though. I am, like, the only person who goes to church and is somewhat religious. MY dad's catholic, though, so I never know. But, my sister and my mom don't go to church often. It's a bit wierd.
Well, since I have no more time, I gtg. Byes.

Friday, May 9

Best Book EVER!

Most will agree, if you have ever read it and/or have the mind to read thee kind of books (roma, good moral, good storyline, awesome lyrical words, etc.) you would read it over and over again. Book of a Thousand Days is the best book ever!

I'm reading it over for the 4th time. It's better than Enna Burning!!! And that's a sequel Book!

Well, not many people have good taste in books. I know I might not be one of them, so, I'd read it if I were yu, just to make sure.

Ugh, today is boring for some reason. I don't know why, but it seems so dull.

(continue later)

Thursday, May 8

my 40th post!!!

hey, hey! My 40th post!


oh, hehe, I wrote another poem. Check it out at PoemsbyNeautiqueNarcia.com to read it and many more.

Ugh, another rant. why hath god created Crushes??

I hate it. I hate the whole insanity of it. sheesh, it's just an excuse for girls to blaim their hormones on other guys.

And, now, people are asking me who. Why would I tell? I don''t blame them. I blame my hormones (sheesh guys reading this must feel pretty awkward). Ugh, it's perfectly normal, but, once you got them in your head, you can't get them out. Am I right, girls?

Ugh, I just wish that this insanity would GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!!! AAACCHHH!!!!

... uh, yeah. lol

Well, it's TOMORROW!!! hehehehe.
I can't wait. I've been planning this for the past 2 months!!! I wish it was friday already! ach. And after that, my dad's holdig a poker party at his house. I'm going to help out (and even play a little). But, I have to get this Friday situation over with first.

Well, back to post the poem. see you all later, and thank you for reading to my 40TH POST!

Wednesday, May 7

Rant on Laziness (all too common)party

I'm so excited!!! it's on Friday!!! everyone's reminding me. I'm asking almost everyone if they can. If you can, get ready for some awesome fun. Check out samisayswrawr.blogspot.com for more information. hehehe. I can't wait!!

Ugh, this class is so boring. I'm in science again, and (since I'm done on black Holes) I'm just gonna rant on a subject that's been eating me since It entered.

I know this is an old subject, but, I'm still befuzzled by some stuff.

Everyone knows about the infamous person at school who's purposely skipping school, using her temporary "sickness" as an alibi. Now, In the 4th quarter, i know people that slack off (or, again, skip the whole quarter) using one of the most popular excuses, "I'm going to high school anyway".

everyone knows my view on that. It's downright wrong. Not only are those people skipping valuable learning time (a terrible excuse on my part I must say), but, I mean, even though you're going to high school, the teachers at high school continue on from the lessons currently being taught by the teachers. If you're not here to learn it, you're not only going to school unprepared, but you give a horrible example of Anthony Middle School (trust me, we must keep as much of a reputation we have left of Anthony Middle School as possible, lol).

And, also, if you get used to this "slacking off", how will you adjust to High school??
I have a sister that actually goes to high school, and trust me, there's not one night that she doesn't complain about the work, the teachers being to hard, and/or the students who slack off. Coming from my family, that's all too common. LOL

So, anyway, just remember that you must keep youreslf in school. And, hey, remember, it's up to YOU, yes, you, to stay in COLLEGE. How will you survive College if you can't even survive high school, not to disclude Middle school!!?

Ugh, it just shows how lazy and selfish you are to blo the rest of the year off. UGH.

(get "him" out of my head! it's really getting bad, readers. And it doesn't help whhat he''s doing everyday. someone help me!)

Tuesday, May 6

Hat Experiment

the Official results of the Hat Experiment!!!

Ok, for those who are just tuning in, here's the scoop.

I had recently been seeing some corrupt teacher who are breqaking the rules on some students and not others.

Here's where the test comes in. My part of the experiment is to bring some perspective into their lives. What I'm doing is going to school, doing my work, and wearing a hat. As all of you know, a hat is against the dress code. I don't know why. I really don't care why either. But, Since it is the only rule that I really want to break, I am wearing a hat to school. What am I waiting for, then?

I am waiting for the teacher to come and tell me to take it off. Now, will they?

Here's the results of my Test. It is a bit messed up, though, due to the difficulty of some subs. So, I will mix in the results from Friday and Today, Tuesday.

(Homeroom) Tuesday- (No comments, hat Unscathed)
(Period 1) Tuesday- (Immediate Comment, Hat taken off)
(Period 2) Tuesday- (Unnoticed, Hat taken off only to due notice by pupils-followed by racial comment)
(Period 3) Tuesday- (Unnoticed, Hat Unscathed)
(Period 4) Friday- (Compliment X1 by teacher, hat unscathed)
(Period 5) Tuesday- (No Comment, hat unscathed)
(Period 6) Friday- (Immediate comment, hat taken off)

You see, this isn't even the beginning. This is just sad.

what happens is the teachers believe that if they look at every rule and focus on every little detail that they won't have enough time for teaching. DUDES, IT'S CALLED QUALITY!
What they're doing is just downright dimwittable. they're just giving the assignment to us and expecting that we listened.

You see, this is where they screwed up on the lesson. What they're forgettng is that people often don't care about the greater good. They're often to vein to see. I can admit that I have been like that some times, so Do not feel like i'm picking on you til the cows come home.

Another problem is that the teachers often don't have time to teach us anything becauwse they're to busy preaching about being quiet in class. People need to shut up before he/she blows up like that. Some of us want to learn, not to listen to some inside Joke where someone says, "Yes, and a chicken, too!!!" and those on the other side of the room Bust a got!
If you haven't noticed, that really pisses off teachers!

I'm not saying i'm on their side or yours, I'm just a shadow on the wall, watching your pupils and teachers and observing their practices on life.

I have no opinions, I am being open minded, and I'm being confidential about all examples. Do not hate me for being "Emo", depresseed, or just "Mad, dude!" or even the most common one now, "Hippocritical" and "fucking retarded as hell, you douschbag!".

It bugs me like a mosquito itch that people don't even see this, people like ******** and ********. Boy, those guys just tick me off a lot!

I just got to stop now and take a break.

Well, that's it. Pretty sad. Next time I should try an Ipod or music player. LOL. The dean would probably ask me if he could use it and give it back during the middle of History!!!

Oh well. Well, that's it for now. (Ugh, I have this guy stuck in my head. Get HIM OUT!!!!!
Fudge. Crushes are annoying.)

Friday, May 2

I'm holding an experiment, due to my last post, n my subject that I am focusing on.

I am breaking one of the oldest, and most prolonged rules, upheld my all uncorrupted teachers. If this experiment works, which is mostly has today, It will reveal who I think are tthe Unfair, unjust, and Corrupt.

So, What I am doing is Wearing a hat and going to classes as normal. And, yes, it is as obvious as wearing headphones or talking on a Cellphone, which some people at my school are dimwitted enough to do.

Well, so far, I've put the facts on a chart and taking note of other stuff, like, any compliments from teachers, timing the amount of time it takes for the class to cease talking, how many times the teacher is interrupted.

I found out, earlier today, that the facts would be scrambled up too much for me to do it today, (friday) because of the Excitement level in the classrooms and being a Substitute in Science (not to disclude the fact that we had the Honor roll Assembly today in the Auditorium). So, I will postpone the experiment til Tuesday, (continue later) Fuck the teacher!!! agh!


So many people have birthdays in April and March!!!

Including mine. April 30th!!

WEll, away from that, Iron MAn is going into theaters. I suggest going on Monday, Being no school!!!
Motto of the Day:
Pain is just the Realisation of Absent love.

SAd, huh? Yep, That''s a motto for me. I hate how I can't get this thing off of my mind. i EVEN DREAMT OF IT LAST NIGHT!! get him/her/idea out of my head!

oh well, I can only hope.

Ugh, this is one thing I promised myself I would Blog about, and that is corrupt teachers/deans/principles.

Ok, first I want to remind you that use of Ipods, Cellphones, MP3 players, etc. are BANNED during school hours on the school premises.

THis is just sad. In Math Class, (and I bet by now all of you have heard of this) The dean came in to call over one of Mr. Erinkson''s students. She later came back into class saying "He wanted to use my Ipod because he forgot his Cellphone! HA!"

well, HA is right!

in Mr. Haugen's class, Many students, including me, have been harrased by students and pupils of many kinds. Mr. Haugen does what? "I'll keep an eye of them." he says, right in front of them, too. Now are they going to be mean??

Now, the next day, Mr. Haugen says they've behaved fine. Ok, then, here come the pencils at my head again.

And I am not sarcastic when I say that (I am not being racist at all here) Black Kids call white kids the N word. Ok, Forst, they're not even black. But, they are not Ignorant, either. Sheesh, what's with teenagers these days where they can think they can swear at anyone just because they're older?!

People at our school use( or used to A LOT last year) physical abuse. There would be fights, Blowouts, and a lot of Suspensions because of that. Each day, I would hope to have a camera to tape the next fight.

Ughie. Well, I gtg. So, see you guys at school, then.