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Monday, April 28

Abandonment, Good?

Well, go to the polls on The ShadowByNeautiqueNarcia.blogspot.com and vote on the poll.

Don't worry, part 2 is being edited soon and will be posted on. I apologize for being a bit late about it.

I just have one thing that I want to talk about, and that is how some people think that since they're already going to Highschool anyway, that they can Blow off the rest of the school year and do no homework.

Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't slack off?!

I mean, COME ON! The MCA's are still going on for this week. Don't slack off. Remember how last year we got the highest scores on those tests in the Twin Cities (maybe even the state, I forgot)??

If you blow off now, what example will we set for the other Grades, that we can just blow off tthe rest of the year just because we can go to highschool.

It's just like saying that We can just become hobos because we can still live.

Well, is that such a good example??

Also, what will happen when we go to highschool. If you blow off this Quarter, we won't be well equipped for the Learning ahead. (Guess who'll be the hobo then?)

Well, I have more rants to do, But, SOMEONE's looking over my shoulder to read my stuff (u know who). Byes til then.

1 comment:

SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

OOhh I wanna be a HOBO too!!!