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Sunday, April 6


You heard it here. Advertisements are a waste!

All they do is spend money on useless computer tricks to entertain the watchers. After the entertainment isn't fun anymore, the viewers get bored. So, the Advertisers spend more money to make it more amusing.

stop with the madness!!!

If it were up to me, I'd just have one commercial, showing where and what the store is, nothing to get bored on, nothing to be amused by, and nothing to skip a potty break on!!

after all, isn't that what we all do during those breaks? all we do is talk, refill on popcorn, maybe go to the bathroom, or turn off the TV if we watched the episode.

and why do we have to have so MANY commercial breaks in between every story (more like every sentence) on so many channels?? It's like one second, you're just sitting down on the toilet, and 10 seconds later, you hear " Vivaaaa, VIIIAGRA!!!" AAAAAAHHHGGGHHHHH! TALK ABOUT PERVERTEDNESS!!!

and about the "Head On" and any other ANNOYING, cartoony, fake, and downright Dimwitted commercials out there, if there's anything we hate more, it's sitting on the toilet, and hearing in the background, "(annoying tune) HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD. HEAD ON, etc. "

But, most are, if you "did not know", and I'm not being racist at all, but, I have noticed a lot of Japanese commercials are a bit annoying.

But none can beat the annoyances of the great hits, BAM and STARBURST, and let's not forget the all time #1, HEAD ON.

so, here it is. I found this on Youtube (my favorite source for videos of any kind).
ejnoy. lol.

but, since I bring up You tube, I have a little rant on that, too.

You can, literally, find anything on You tube nowadays. It's like the new ask Jeeves; everyone knows what it is, and everyone has some form of respect for it.

But, seriously, some of the stuff on You tube is a bit, well, DUMB. like for one, some person might say, "You tube, *clap Clap* Bring me a farting Panda!" . Well, funny as it might sound, just search it in and you will find, A FARTING PANDA!

but, I'm not the one to complain. I sometimes randomly search stuff, too. It just goes to show that if there's someone for it, there's someone against it, for there will always be hypocrites.

So, don't watch annoying cartoons like those above, remember to randomly search some "rating panda" or anything of your interest, and remember to keep posted on "the Shadow, part 2, the rape" which is coming up.

Thank you for your patience. GOODNIGHT. (ugh, it's 12:40 and I need sleep.) G/nite. And, hey, don't forget about the End of Spring break. Starting today (about 41 minutes ago), spring break is ending rapidly. GET together with some friends, hang out somewhere, or just relax and study for the New (and last, I might add) semester of 8th Grade! haha!

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