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Friday, April 18


Dude, I can't find another word for the title, because I BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE REAL AND THAT SOME VIDEOS THAT ARE ON THE INTERNET ARE ACCURATE PROOF OF REAL LIFE ETs. It is hard to take in the fact that there is other life in this Universe. I mean, most of us are having a hard time getting past our technology now! Wonder how they'll feel when More technology comes in!!

seriously, for some awesome trip, I'd like to go to rosswell!! Or, maybe, Buenes Aires. the mayans have relations with Aliens I hear! lol.

That's only because of the Temples they have there. during a solar eclipse over buenes aires, there was an alien visitation. IT WAS FREAKIN' SCARY! I mean, I wasn't there, but, there are so many videos of it.

but, if there's one thing I hate, it's those who jack up the videos and pretend that they are UFOs. get a life!

"I believe in Paranormal, not UfOs".

Ugh, I hate that line. you believe what you want to believe, But, just saying, when you're the one who posted the video, and there's 3-7 medal balls the size of a head outside your window, hovering above your flowerbed, don't get all "Paranormal" about it! run either for your camera or for your life!

but, seriously, I'm thinking of when I grow up of going to norway.

Oh, its so beautiful there. And around that area's where a lot of UFO sightings have been found... Like, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Sweeden, Holland, etc. lol. I just can't wait til I turn 16!

But, until that day, I just have to keep watching videos on youtube. heheheh...

well, I gtg watch more.

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