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Thursday, January 31

I saw it, I saw it!!! Juno... 5 stars!

Well, I saw Juno on Tuesday night. So awesome, am I right?

well, except for that, I had a Therapy Session today. I say it's going to the doctors. After that, mom took me to subway for lunch.

Here's what I got...

* 1ft long Monterey Cheddar Bread
*Ham, Turkey, Pepperoni
*American Cheese
*lettuce, Cucumbers, Green Peppers, Pickles, Black olives, spinach
*Dijon Mustard and Mayo

OMG. if you ever go there, get that stuff... Yeah yeah, i know, spinach... green peppers... untoasted... but, if you ever do go there, you should ( not saying you have to) get that kind of sandwich, with whatever else you want on it.

And speaking of the Klutz!
My mom was just moments ago wiping off egg white from the floor in front of our fridge. That's right, my mother, when opening the door, let the carton of eggs fall, open, and crack all of the eggs on the floor!
Just take a blowtorch and cook the eggs. that way, it's easier to clean up. LOL!

I am just enjoying the fact that I am taller than my older sister. Hehe. It's like genetics on my mother's side. My mom's younger, but, taller than my aunt, Paula. it's sorta funny.

oh well. So, what's new in politics? what's the latest fashion trend? E-mail me at Narciahearts132@aim.com or on my myspace (my home page). If it's good, it could go on this blog!

1 comment:

Neautique Narcia said...

This is the Comment page. You make comments here. Please post some!!!

I need more comments.