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Sunday, January 6

My 10 minute

Well, I'm going to try and write this blog in under 3 minutes, since I have no more time.

well, Nothing much happened. I tried to look up my "hero" for the project, and all I get are Websites from Amazon and Google Book. Ugh, do they have any respect for my "hero"? well, of course, he had a disgraceful fall, but, he did a few great things.

Well, my dad's holding me acountable for everything i bought at Target. He thought I owed him money. Haha! I proved him wrong. He was suprised that I still had money left over, I spent only 35 $ that I had saved up for 3 weeks! so, he was very suprised, and i got a lot of 2-5$ stuff. lol.

Well, I have nothing else to say.

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