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Thursday, January 17

TV, the best thing on earth, can entertain us, warm our hearts, scare us half to death, and teach us some very interesting crap!

for instance, did you know that the Loch in Scotland was once connected to the Ocean? well, of course you might have known that. But, did you also know that recently, a new species was found in the Loch?!

It was found on the bottom of the Loch, and it appears funguslike and orange. But, if you try to retrieve it, it moves (rolls!) away and flattens out somewhere else! It's actually billions of fibers (like human hair almost), and get this, they never tangle! I wish my hair never tangled.

Joke of the day!!!!!
what's the difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb?
you can unscrew the lightbulb.
Hey Juno!!

Quote of the day:
the first time you took your feet out of your shoe, how suprisd were you that your toes were still on?

bye, guys. time for school.
Tell Carson to let the dang thing go already!!

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