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Tuesday, July 21

:) so happy!

Well, Simi FINALLY got her phone back, so now she can upload pictures of the party. I already checked them out! So go and look at them. Abby looks awesome in her outfit we bought her; Nate better thank her. lol
But, now I have nothing to do. I'm in the works of YET ANOTHER poem... maybe I should take a break for a while; say... til Saturday. I believe inspiration will present itself then. That gives me, Wednesday throu Friday for something to come about. :P I hope it does. I'm getting bored here.
But, i'll talk to you guys later. I've got to go biking sometime this summer...

Sunday, July 19

Mah Boots got me in some heat today...

And I'm not talking about the suddenly warm after suddenly cold weather.
This is what happened. I was hanging out in my dad's car after having dinner with him and his GF. They were talking and cuddling after the bill was paid, so I left to go sit in the car.
Well, I'm wearing this (almost) tutu skirt with these insanely but still awesome black boots. I'm also wearing a shirt, boys.
And, Well, I'm reclining in the chair, listening to 93X, my feet resting on the dashboard, and from the window, i see these guys walking to their pick-up truck. Well, one looks in the window and stares for a while at my legs... I kind of wave at them, kind of like, "hey, my face is up here, bimbos."
And, god, were they bimbos. They looked creepy from their wornout baseball hats, to their buzzcuts (not quite kept up), and their teeth... i don't think they ever brush. But, they were giving me these creepy smiles...
Thank god the doors were locked. But, I called my dad, who was still inside, and he came out and saved the day. :) Thank you.
But, Friday was the party! ^v^ it was such fun.
But, simi left her phone over here, and Abby left her RENT dvd over here. So, i'm going to burn the DVD before sending it back and i'm going to try to get Simi to bike over here sometime tomorrow. :P
But, i'm tired (and Ian is texting me again.) <- THAT i can live with. :)
totally can live with that.
So, i'll see you guys later. BYES!

Friday, July 17

PARTY today...

It'll be at MY dad's house from 5 to 10. PLease come.
I can't really talk much right now because I'm hanging out with Abby and Ava listening to music as Abby tries to play the guitar... pretty well, i must say.
So, yeah, I'll talk to you guys later.

Tuesday, July 14


I think this one really makes me think. These poems, as you know, are reflected off what inspires me. And right now, I have two inspirations... make that 3. Two of them are people. One of them is due to my history. So, yeah, I hope I get this thing finished. Once I do, I believe I can deal with this problem a little better. But, since people say I have AMAZING talent (that comment I strongly disagree with), I guess I'll post it up on the website. CLICK HERE for the link.
But, I guess I'll get it done soon.
Here's a little sneak peek at it.

E-F (Untitled)
And its shadows curled around the porcelain,
caressing, smoothly, in the embrace it prays to take,
as the porcelain warms at its touch,
loosening its shallow cold, only to lose again.
As the shadows consume the fragile skin,
I hear the tune again, its warmth muffled by the fade,
So all I hear is a beat, almost technologic... -NN

I hope I get this done, soon. It will definitely take a little longer that I was hoping for, but It better get done by Friday, which is when I'm having my first party of the summer. It will be at my dad's house, from 5-10. People are bringing food and my dear friends will hopefully be having fun. It will take a while to get set up. But, my dad will be working outside most of the time, so not much chaperoning will be done... :)

But, I need to get done with this poem, so I'll talk on this later. BYE!

Thursday, July 9

At my mother's, bored

Yes, another blog post with "bored" in the title. Not much else to type in...
But, Tuesday, I slept over at Katie's with Sami. I woke up on Wednesday, remembering that I needed to hang out with people Uptown. I called Ava to say I couldn't go and started to walk home. I found out, after talking to Bryce on Facebook, that the group basically split up two hours into the hangout. XD I should have been there.
Later on, I practiced my piano (a chore that seems to NEVER get done nowadays), made lunch for myself, and waited for my father to come home, only to have him go straight to the siding project on our house.
I'm glad mother saved me and picked me up from Dad's house. We went to her house and talked out on the porch with John. Then, with Amy in tow, we went to Carbone's Pizza and Subs by late Nikomis. Yummy!!
MMMmm... Deep dish pizza with Pineapple, mushrooms, sausage, Canadian bacon, black olives, and fresh tomatoes. :)
Then we rented two movies; Made of Honor, which was a pretty good movie, it had Patrick Dempsey playing the role of a man who basically sleeps with lots of girls but is best friends with this one girl who, secretly, likes him. When he fails to show interest, and she meets a duke from Scotland, he realizes that he loves her. But, she wants him to be her Maid of Honor (thus the name's half-meaning)! So he agrees so that he can be closer to her, ruin the wedding, and take the bride.
Pretty great, over all. I like the humor, the overall Guy-Gets-Girl scenario, and the casting was pretty well played. Good Job.
The second movie was PUSH, which gives the background of the story. In WW2, Germany Nazi performed experiments on those they captured. Supposedly, some of those experiments were successful, and these people now have superpowers. The "Division", those who perform the experiments, are trying to find this girl who escaped after being the only one who survived the experiments. Others are trying to find her and the medicine, that the government later hid. This escalates into a very complex plot with lots of twists, turns, and action.
Reminds me of The Island, with a little more twisted viewpoint. VERY good casting, lighting and color, timing of sequences, and basic plot. KUDOS!!!
Now, I'm bored. Watching Maury (which I'm going to probably stop pretty soon), hoping something happens today, and i guess waiting for dinner, which will be had at Le' Cosse, where my sister works! It's by Pepito's and Amazon Books. It's more of a Scottish cuisine, but with a french decor. pretty interesting, but that's at 6-7 or so... :P
So now I'm stuck here. SAVE ME!!

Tuesday, July 7


Ok, I'm going to put out a very opinionated topic out here; SAME SEX MARRIAGE. (I guess this is a Neautique's Special About Life, you know, the one I said I'd do but never really got around to doing. :P yeah.)
This just ticks me off sometimes, how people can say what we can and can't do. If we, for chance, want coke with our meal instead of Pepsi, we can have coke. If we want to eat, eat, eat, an apple instead of a banana, we sure as hell can. If we want to marry someone of the same sex instead of the opposite, isn't that fair, too? Well, apparently, they can be joined, but not marred. In 2004, 11 states banned same sex marriage, basically saying that they can be as gay as they want, just don't expect us to let you get married here.
This is due to the fact that in the bible, a marriage between a man and a woman is seen holy under God. Heck, that's pretty sweet. :) The argument is that it doesn't state anything about our dear friends Madam and Eve or Adam and Steve. :( And that's what people are arguing about.
Let's take a little detour back into the old times. Since the Medieval Era, gay men and women were thought to be devils, demons, possessed. They were so worried about it, even Joan of Arc, a religious saint, was burned at the stalk for dressing as a man!
What I don't see is why people keep shoving the bible up our @$$es and saying that if you're not straight, God won't let you into heaven! Why? Aren't we born the way we are? We can't change what we were programed by God to be, so why would he do that if he won't let us into heaven anyways? Doesn't he want people to go to heaven? o.O And (sorry, making another comment that I heard that disturbed me) What about all of the good people in this world that aren't Christian to begin with? What about Buddha? What about the Dolli Llama?
In this Country, America, which was founded by people who didn't want religion to take ANY part in Government, we have people telling us we can't get married, we can't do this, we can't do that, because someones GOD says it's not holy, it's not LAWFUL. Does anyone see the irony in that? They should mind their own business, watch their mouths, and just leave those comments to themselves!
And for this whole new law that's trying to get passed legalizing same sex marriage, I see why people would disagree. I'm in favor of the law, don't get me wrong, but I can understand why someone wouldn't want this law passed. First off, going back to the bible, a marriage, in sight of the christian religion, is between a man and a woman. And some feel that if a couple that does not fit that requirement wishes to be joined, they can be joined, but not married.
Well, the laws have been added to for so long and changed countless times, haven't they? Just add a little side note next to marriage, "Let Adam marry Steve already!" That's my view.
My dad was driving me from Ava's house last Monday and we're in uptown. We stop at a red light and my dad's looking out the window. He sees this guy with tight leather pants, red beater, and walking hand in hand with another guy in the similar. When my father points it out and said, "He he, hey Jackie, look at this," I thought it was cute, kind of like the old couple sitting side by side on a bench scene that you usually find in movies. But, then my dad said, "Ha. That looks goofy." He started laughing his head off. I stared at my dad with a smile. "OK, dad." I simply reply, and I looked back to the red light as it turned green and we drive off. My father is still laughing. Isn't that funny?

Friday, July 3

But, yeah!

I'm going to be going camping this Weekend(Do I ever get a break?) up at Ruth's Cabin with my dad, Amy, and Ruth's family. It'll be a blast. It certainly was last year. They had the blueberry bushes in the forests. we went and picked them and had blueberry pancakes. :)
But, that was last year. And SO MUCH was different from this year and last year... LOL Anyone who knows me knows this.
But, I'm also going to Wisconsin Dells next week... :P So much is happening. And I haven't been able to throw any good parties like I would be. Every friday I would have a hangout with the friends. And now I can't because of all of the vacationing. I believe my parents (especially my dad) wants to bond. THey believe i'm on a destructive path of boys, booze, and who-knows-what-else-oh-no-save-my-daughter! I find this funny because I don't drink (and nor do I hope to become a drunky anytime soon) and honestly haven't done anything that would make me blush (shut up, shut up...). lol
But, i'm not in a destructive path i believe. And if I was my friends would let me know... Well, let me rephrase that. Katie would let me know. She'd call me and let me know. And I'd listen. :) So, yeah, Because of my oh-so-destructive-teenager life, i'll be vacationing with my family for the weekend, and the next... and probably the next.
But Abby still needs to let me know if she's coming with me to wisconsin. :P

Thursday, July 2

For some reason...

I'm tired... so tired. I stayed up til around 1:45 last night... on the phone in my room. And then I couldn't go to sleep because this person was keeping something from me... I feel so childish, but what was it??
... *grr* fine. *glares*
But, then I woke up at 11. This is funny. Usually I wake up at 9 or 8... and sleep in til 10. I can't usually sleep in past 10:30. But lately I've been sleeping in til 11, and once even 12! That's not normal, to be completly frank. it's rather funny. I'm becomming an adolescent teenager who sleeps in til 2 and stays up til 5. lol
But, except that, I've been pretty normal. Just writting another post because I thought it would be good to do with nothing to do and my adderal at my dad's... (this is gonna be a great day) ;)
So, yeah, I'll see you guys later. :)