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Thursday, May 21

In room 40 something

I think it's just 40. But, I am hangng out with the Awesome people n my Geography class and the amazing BRYCE... who probably wont be able to read this seeng as he doesn't have the URL.
But, nonethless, I am here. I am supposd to be researching on Guantanamo Bay, but, since we have a sub, I thought I would post on here.
Ok, so, I'm going to throw a party during the summer. I don't know how I will, where it will be (probably DAD's), or what will happen, but, I know that it will be ok. I'm going to invite a lot of people and it better be fun.
Alright, I don't know what I'm saying here. I'm just bored with my life right now and I want to go on Facebook. I can't because the school blocked it from the computers. They didn't block my blog (since the teachers probably need it for lots of other stuff).
Speaking of blog, I HAVE A NEW POEM! Go check it out.
or not... fine...


Katie said...

Wow, that was really good! I liked it a lot! I haven't written poetry in so long; maybe I'll try again soon. Me gusta mucho!

Neautique Narcia said...

thank you!
That's so sweet!