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Monday, April 28

Abandonment, Good?

Well, go to the polls on The ShadowByNeautiqueNarcia.blogspot.com and vote on the poll.

Don't worry, part 2 is being edited soon and will be posted on. I apologize for being a bit late about it.

I just have one thing that I want to talk about, and that is how some people think that since they're already going to Highschool anyway, that they can Blow off the rest of the school year and do no homework.

Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't slack off?!

I mean, COME ON! The MCA's are still going on for this week. Don't slack off. Remember how last year we got the highest scores on those tests in the Twin Cities (maybe even the state, I forgot)??

If you blow off now, what example will we set for the other Grades, that we can just blow off tthe rest of the year just because we can go to highschool.

It's just like saying that We can just become hobos because we can still live.

Well, is that such a good example??

Also, what will happen when we go to highschool. If you blow off this Quarter, we won't be well equipped for the Learning ahead. (Guess who'll be the hobo then?)

Well, I have more rants to do, But, SOMEONE's looking over my shoulder to read my stuff (u know who). Byes til then.

Tuesday, April 22

Yesterday, where did u go?!

Don't you all agree that yesterday was so Beautiful??
... where did that all go??

Today, It's sunshine, happy rainbows, and thin clouds...

But, yesterday was rain. I LOVE rain. It's like the Sky's tears coming down to shed our remorce. But, today, It's not raining! I want it to rain SO badly!!

Speaking of yesterday, I got some Information informing me on This saturday. We (Being Spirit of David from Park Avenue Methodist church) are holding a Benefit Concert in about 3 weeks. I will find out more info and I'll inform you. I hope that most of my readers can come.

Also, This week on saturday, we're holding a 30 Hour Famine (It starts on Friday a dncontinues on To Saturday) party! we will be serving Spaghetti, Bread, salad, and much more. It's at 4:30 at Park avenue United Methodist Church.

I hope you can come.

Well, I gtg. Byes.

Monday, April 21

Well, here I am

hey, I just go the Movie Juno on DVD! it's awesome. I just finished the scene where Vanessa's Holding Juno's Baby. "How do I look?..." I heard, as my mother yels, "Neautique! time for choir!"
So, off I go. And, here I am! lol.

Hey, don't give up hope. I'm still working on The Shadow. I've just been Busy with my B-day planning... (which is in 9 days!!!) I can't wait! I hope that It's raining on my B-day. That way, I can take a bike ride to Lake harriet with my closest friends and eat ice cream like in the Summer. (hehe, that was one good day!)

BUt, also, I'm hoping that my "friend" says hapy B-day (well, I have to tel him!). Ugh, This is one thing I hate about Crushes, You can't gt them out of your head!!!

But, u know what? It's declared, I'm over my old crush! I'm so happy. I feel FREE! ... I hope that's not too wierd...

Oh well. It sucks because I have a new one. I just want to be friends, but, I can't stop thinking about him, and It's annoying after a while.

But, I have to go now.

Byes. (and don't worry, I will be working on "The Shadow, part 2" after my B-day party/celebration). hehe.

Friday, April 18


Dude, I can't find another word for the title, because I BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE REAL AND THAT SOME VIDEOS THAT ARE ON THE INTERNET ARE ACCURATE PROOF OF REAL LIFE ETs. It is hard to take in the fact that there is other life in this Universe. I mean, most of us are having a hard time getting past our technology now! Wonder how they'll feel when More technology comes in!!

seriously, for some awesome trip, I'd like to go to rosswell!! Or, maybe, Buenes Aires. the mayans have relations with Aliens I hear! lol.

That's only because of the Temples they have there. during a solar eclipse over buenes aires, there was an alien visitation. IT WAS FREAKIN' SCARY! I mean, I wasn't there, but, there are so many videos of it.

but, if there's one thing I hate, it's those who jack up the videos and pretend that they are UFOs. get a life!

"I believe in Paranormal, not UfOs".

Ugh, I hate that line. you believe what you want to believe, But, just saying, when you're the one who posted the video, and there's 3-7 medal balls the size of a head outside your window, hovering above your flowerbed, don't get all "Paranormal" about it! run either for your camera or for your life!

but, seriously, I'm thinking of when I grow up of going to norway.

Oh, its so beautiful there. And around that area's where a lot of UFO sightings have been found... Like, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Sweeden, Holland, etc. lol. I just can't wait til I turn 16!

But, until that day, I just have to keep watching videos on youtube. heheheh...

well, I gtg watch more.

Wednesday, April 16

Yesterday, BOORRING! today? BOORRING!

Stupid MCA's. They take so long to finish because when we're done with the day's work, and there's still, like, 1 hour left, she/he won't let us work on it anymore, meaning we have to wait for the next morning to finish it!

If it were up to these rules, I would be DONE by now. I am not kidding. Those tests are a bit easier than what I expected...
But, so annoying.

And, how about English? Did anyone read their poem?
I know I did. And, yes, I took a BIG risk by saying "Piss" out loud to the class. But, there were no interruptions, no gasps, and no blank looks...
until I looked up. It was either the word, the fact that I was literally "ranting" in front of the class then spoke gaily "Thank you" and bent a bit, or the Emotion in the poem.

But, the funny thing is, I turned this poem in last year to Mr. Haugen for Extra credit, and he must not have remembered, for I got an A!

Here's the poem I read out loud.


-1 Lives are Wasting,
Time is hasting,
No one wins,
so, keep on chasing.
-5 Chase the truth,
and chase the right,
as we always hear,
"Out enemies we smite!".
-9 But, who's really winning,
Who'll make the last Blow,
be fast, be deadly,
or painfully slow.
-13 Will the Blood be smeared,
will the parade be fun,
The winner be graceful,
or the loser be shunned?
-17If there is joy,
if there is peace,
then why is there hunger,
pain and tease?
-21If there is time,
for fighting and argue,
How can someone truly love you?
-25If we are so cruel,
to have started such a PISS, (he he)
we must have more vanity,
for our hearts to miss.
-29So, keep on Shooting,
defend your side,
because though Victorious,
you have lost your pride. -32

Well, what do u think?
I know it's amateurish, but, it's the best I've got on this computer so far except The Shadow.

Speaking of, I will post part 2 as soon as I get to my father's house (for the final draft is still on his computer). lol.

Byes til tomorrow.

Sunday, April 13

Too tired, this post sucks.

I'm Just so sleepy today.

Ugh, and It's 8:17 in the morning. I'm just bumbed out from yetserday. And, also, I woke up(about 12 times today) from my alarm clock. STUPID SNOOZE BUTTON! hehe.

But, I had a good dream, so, it's ok. :D

But, yetserday was like hell. I was bored at home. around 3:30, though, I had to go to Church for Volunteer. It was supposed to be at 4:00 (so I was told), so, I go there, and there's no one there. The basement is all dark, and diddo with the top floor. There's just a few people there; office people, John (an AWESOME guy there, who helps children with homework on SAturdays), and this guy I used to talk to... (Idon't know why he was there). Anyway, I called dad and went home.

Turns out, though, that it was at 4:30!! I can't believe I missed it.

And, I need to volunteer so i can pay for my trip to "New Orleans". If I haven't told you, my choir is taking a missionary trip to "New Orleans", where we will be singing, praising, and uplifting God's gracious words. We're also going to be helping those whose houses and homes have been destroyed, and even still in construction.

I've just been buying time right now to stay on the computer. But, I think I gtg now.


Sunday, April 6


You heard it here. Advertisements are a waste!

All they do is spend money on useless computer tricks to entertain the watchers. After the entertainment isn't fun anymore, the viewers get bored. So, the Advertisers spend more money to make it more amusing.

stop with the madness!!!

If it were up to me, I'd just have one commercial, showing where and what the store is, nothing to get bored on, nothing to be amused by, and nothing to skip a potty break on!!

after all, isn't that what we all do during those breaks? all we do is talk, refill on popcorn, maybe go to the bathroom, or turn off the TV if we watched the episode.

and why do we have to have so MANY commercial breaks in between every story (more like every sentence) on so many channels?? It's like one second, you're just sitting down on the toilet, and 10 seconds later, you hear " Vivaaaa, VIIIAGRA!!!" AAAAAAHHHGGGHHHHH! TALK ABOUT PERVERTEDNESS!!!

and about the "Head On" and any other ANNOYING, cartoony, fake, and downright Dimwitted commercials out there, if there's anything we hate more, it's sitting on the toilet, and hearing in the background, "(annoying tune) HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! HEAD ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD. HEAD ON, etc. "

But, most are, if you "did not know", and I'm not being racist at all, but, I have noticed a lot of Japanese commercials are a bit annoying.

But none can beat the annoyances of the great hits, BAM and STARBURST, and let's not forget the all time #1, HEAD ON.

so, here it is. I found this on Youtube (my favorite source for videos of any kind).
ejnoy. lol.

but, since I bring up You tube, I have a little rant on that, too.

You can, literally, find anything on You tube nowadays. It's like the new ask Jeeves; everyone knows what it is, and everyone has some form of respect for it.

But, seriously, some of the stuff on You tube is a bit, well, DUMB. like for one, some person might say, "You tube, *clap Clap* Bring me a farting Panda!" . Well, funny as it might sound, just search it in and you will find, A FARTING PANDA!

but, I'm not the one to complain. I sometimes randomly search stuff, too. It just goes to show that if there's someone for it, there's someone against it, for there will always be hypocrites.

So, don't watch annoying cartoons like those above, remember to randomly search some "rating panda" or anything of your interest, and remember to keep posted on "the Shadow, part 2, the rape" which is coming up.

Thank you for your patience. GOODNIGHT. (ugh, it's 12:40 and I need sleep.) G/nite. And, hey, don't forget about the End of Spring break. Starting today (about 41 minutes ago), spring break is ending rapidly. GET together with some friends, hang out somewhere, or just relax and study for the New (and last, I might add) semester of 8th Grade! haha!

Wednesday, April 2

Neautique's Crap Special; How to Forget a Guy In 1 Month

Yeah right.

Now that I am going to mention it, I HAVE NOT EDITED MY POEM YET!!!

After this post, I will type it on computer and be set.

A few things to remember...
*1. This is NOT a reflection of my life. This is a collection of stories heard on the News and by CLOSE and Confidential friends. (They do not go to our school or associate with the making of this Series.
*2. This is a "Crappy Special" by Neautique Narcia (Registered; Copyrighted) and will not be copied in any way without my consent /permission.
*3. This is supposed to be a metaphorical book with a dash of reality. So, please, do not criticize me of not being clear of what I write. If it does not makes sense, then don't read the rest. lol!

.. Ok, I edited this post just now, so, guess what's finished???

go to the website, www.theshadowbyneautiquenarcia.blogspot.com and READ CONTENT WARNING!!!!!
kk. well, I'm going to go on a game of some kind.

hehe, I still can't believe I edited it already!!! Now all I have to do is edit the rest and write more parts.

THANK YOU for having patience. Hope you enjoy it.