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Thursday, January 31

I saw it, I saw it!!! Juno... 5 stars!

Well, I saw Juno on Tuesday night. So awesome, am I right?

well, except for that, I had a Therapy Session today. I say it's going to the doctors. After that, mom took me to subway for lunch.

Here's what I got...

* 1ft long Monterey Cheddar Bread
*Ham, Turkey, Pepperoni
*American Cheese
*lettuce, Cucumbers, Green Peppers, Pickles, Black olives, spinach
*Dijon Mustard and Mayo

OMG. if you ever go there, get that stuff... Yeah yeah, i know, spinach... green peppers... untoasted... but, if you ever do go there, you should ( not saying you have to) get that kind of sandwich, with whatever else you want on it.

And speaking of the Klutz!
My mom was just moments ago wiping off egg white from the floor in front of our fridge. That's right, my mother, when opening the door, let the carton of eggs fall, open, and crack all of the eggs on the floor!
Just take a blowtorch and cook the eggs. that way, it's easier to clean up. LOL!

I am just enjoying the fact that I am taller than my older sister. Hehe. It's like genetics on my mother's side. My mom's younger, but, taller than my aunt, Paula. it's sorta funny.

oh well. So, what's new in politics? what's the latest fashion trend? E-mail me at Narciahearts132@aim.com or on my myspace (my home page). If it's good, it could go on this blog!

Tuesday, January 29

"My dream"

Well, yes, i am sorry. I didn't mean to say that stuff to you guys on my blog. Can we forget about it now?

From now on, I will put it in my poetry whenever I want to get out with my rage, then put it in here to get views.

Well, This is the poem I call "My dream". It's about a girl who doesn't see life fully without sacrifice. It sorta explains my points. DO NOT BE ALARMED, FOR I WRITE THIS KIND OF POETRY SOMETIMES. DO NOT BE ALARMED WITH THE CONTENTS IN THIS POEM. I WILL not GO SUICIDE... why the Bloit do I have to even say that?!

(clears throat violently)
(Spotlight shines on)
Thank you.

My dream

- I am alone in my room,
my cold, dark room,
my old, lonely, undaunting room,
with but a shadow of light to keep me sane.
- Tears rest on my cheeks,
resting there, peacefully,
as my tears begin to bleed,
brake, and run down, peacefully, blissfully and painless.
-I lay in my bed,
my warm, soft bed,
The only comfort in Miles,
as more tears flow down.
- As they flow, no pause, no mourn,
like the thoughts of my past,
passing the burden with no thought of grief,
no regard of the suffering i've brought on myself.
- Not knowing quite why,
as no one truly does,
I glance to the mirrors, the mirror,
to find myself, all
but happy?
- Just to look at my eyes,
to find myself, no love behind the tears,
this burden i've placed on myself,
as if anyone, someone, truly cared?
- I stand out of bed,
my last shred of comfort,
into the shadow of light,
from the open window, moon a full.
- gaining my posture, crumbled as it was,
I head toward the kitchen,
to where I head toward the drawer,
Whereth I pull out a knife.
- The reflection of this beauty,
the stainless steel mirror,
showing nothing more than a young misfit,
whom by all is ridiculed.
-I look at her eyes,
no love, no peace, but surrender,
sacrifice, pain, tears are no more blissful,
now remourceful, pitiful, and humiliating.
(now remember that I am NOT going to go suicide in real life, I just write some pretty sad stuff)
- The cut was thrilling, painless to my numbed corpes,
the wrist no more a paleness, but now a bright red vigor,
more deserving than all of those at school who ridiculed her,
that woman in the mirror, her happiness, now a dream.
- As I lay in my bed, tearful and scared,
the tears, the only comfort, my cheeks embracing their being,
as the light, the brightening light, turns to day,
and as I get ready for school, for the next treatment I deserve,
the dream fades away, and hell reigns again.

... well? comment, comment!
I'll be waiting at school... or next time I log in to this.

Friday, January 25

सेमेस्टर एंड्स, ये!

सो, ऍम इ थे ओनली वन होपिंग ठाट थे स्चूल सेमेस्टर वौल्ड एंड लेटर? वेल्ल, इफ इ'म थे ओनली वन, थें सो वहत? इ हवे माय ओवन ओपिनिओंस।

Well, it's the end of the quarter and still people are working on their English projects. Well, I'm not going to complain, no sir.

And, let's not forget, once the 3rd quarter starts, the more अत्तेंशन the School play gets. I am lucky enough to get a part... saying how suckish my singing is and my acting as well :( ... lol. But, my part (as terrible as it is) only has, like, 4 lines! I hate it! But... (sarcastically) It's not the size of the part, but the size of the heart!

"Ok, i had a big heart last year. I don't know why I have to put up with this THIS year... :( it's because i'm FAT, isn't it?! I knew it! *sobs* I knew I shouldn't of tried out..."

... boo hoo, anyway, I'm ok with my part. I always liked the name Ethel!

well, that's that for this blog. I'm sorry if it turns out to be some other language. It's something with my computer that turns all of these words into Paskistanian or some s--t like that.

well, for all of you blitts out there, go bloit yourself! :)

Tuesday, January 22

This is just a rant about how crappy our school computers are during the last week of school. Our school needs a better system when it comes to internet connection.

Ugh, this is just terrible. Why must we suffer for our school’s problems?! If our school computers quit, we should be given more time on what we’re doing, or get a refund for our taxpayer’s money! Just last week, we had a blackout in our school and in the neighborhood! This is why I use my own computer for this stuff instead of our school computers, it’s more reliable( and slow as hell).

Another thing, none of the money we get is going to our school food! They say we should eat healthier. Well, you guys sure can talk! Try backing it up with less promises and more action! Sure, you guys aren’t worried about the people who bring food to school. That’s why you tell us to be healthier when it comes to food, because some people bring food to school. But, what about the huge majority of us who have to walk through the lunch line every day just to get a “decent” meal at lunch? Ok, you know what, the healthiest thing in our cafeteria is the basket of fruit. Ok, no one eats fruit in this school! The only healthy stuff you give us are the extras; the “100 calorie pack Oreo’s”, the “fat free popcorn”, the fitness bars, the “energy bars”. Ok, who works out in our school?! No one does, because we don’t have enough money to get anything better than the crap you can get in a convenience store on the way to the airport! You should stop sitting in your office (funded by the taxpayers themselves for some dumb reason) and start helping our school’s hungry bellies! Sure. We might not have our Pizza hut. But, at least we won’t have… whatever it is that you “call” pizza! We demand better food, or turn the Cafeteria into something useful for a change!

… woah, that’s a relief! Well, I’m going to turn in my Science project now, so, bye til then.

Friday, January 18

Meet the Spartans!!!!

As you might know, I am taking a special group of people to go see the new movie, Meet the Spartans! If you want to come, here are a few things you need to know.

First off, you must know that you must talk to me (or send me a message) to go with us. Secondly, the tickets cost $8.00 for a teenager. Thirdly, This is a comedy that's PG 13, not to mention that it's a spoof off of many other movies and actors/actresses. So, if you would feel offended by that, I don't think you would want to come. Fourth, the date of the outing is unknown, for I forgot when it comes out. So, if it depends on the date, just put yourself down as a maybe on the list.

Which reminds me, Fifth, you must be on the list.

I just got to say that to those people who wanted to know.

for everyone else, wait for my next blog, probabally tommorrow. (boy, is this weekly, lol)

Thursday, January 17

i'm excited. i found out that i can post these on the school computer as well as my own!!
so, when you want to read my blogs, just type in the website and this will come up!

nowadays, i'm working on this paper that I started on Tuesday. It contains mathematical equations that have to do with the date 09/11/2001. It's actually quite interesting... that is, if you get what it's saying. lol!

I'm also startging up a tutoring business. I'll be advertising in this blog and around school, so, set up a schedule. I'm tutoring in English, science, and Computer skills.
Well, I should probabally stop before I get caught by someone (even though I'm done with my Science project). so, Auf Wiedersehen!
that's German for goodbye, for all of those Americans reading this.
TV, the best thing on earth, can entertain us, warm our hearts, scare us half to death, and teach us some very interesting crap!

for instance, did you know that the Loch in Scotland was once connected to the Ocean? well, of course you might have known that. But, did you also know that recently, a new species was found in the Loch?!

It was found on the bottom of the Loch, and it appears funguslike and orange. But, if you try to retrieve it, it moves (rolls!) away and flattens out somewhere else! It's actually billions of fibers (like human hair almost), and get this, they never tangle! I wish my hair never tangled.

Joke of the day!!!!!
what's the difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb?
you can unscrew the lightbulb.
Hey Juno!!

Quote of the day:
the first time you took your feet out of your shoe, how suprisd were you that your toes were still on?

bye, guys. time for school.
Tell Carson to let the dang thing go already!!

Monday, January 14

So, last night was so much fun! Danny came over, we all watched Brother & Sisters, and we had a jolly time. but, today, I feel like crap. i must've had "bad sushi".

so, how's school? I would like to know, being as it is, sick in my bed, only coming out to get water and cramp medicine.

I actually found out today that by next year, I will be 5 ft tall! I'm scared. I don't want to be freakishly tall. lol.

Well, except for that, nothing really new has come up, except for the fact that I need to know what's happening at school. Too bad you can't post things on this, huh? That way, you could send a message on what happened. Oh, well.

well, signing out to hide in my corner.

Sunday, January 6

My 10 minute

Well, I'm going to try and write this blog in under 3 minutes, since I have no more time.

well, Nothing much happened. I tried to look up my "hero" for the project, and all I get are Websites from Amazon and Google Book. Ugh, do they have any respect for my "hero"? well, of course, he had a disgraceful fall, but, he did a few great things.

Well, my dad's holding me acountable for everything i bought at Target. He thought I owed him money. Haha! I proved him wrong. He was suprised that I still had money left over, I spent only 35 $ that I had saved up for 3 weeks! so, he was very suprised, and i got a lot of 2-5$ stuff. lol.

Well, I have nothing else to say.

Saturday, January 5

My new blog

Well, I am so happy! I just made this new blog. Well, here's where i'm going to be posting my stuff.

First, who's really started on that English project anyway? I sure haven't gotten as far as the Epilogue.

Well, Barack Obama won the Primary in Iowa!! Hilary was supposedly up there to win, but she took 3rd. Well, the only reason Barack is this far is because of Oprah. She has the women's vote taken straight from Hilary, and has donated millions of dollars to his campaign.

And over the country in the Golden state, flood flashes and heavy rain storms crash into the city with full force. and San Bernardino Mountains have a heavy snow warning. From all that rain, i wouldn't doubt.

Well, i'm going to TTYL this and write soon. SYL.