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Friday, May 22


This ticks me off so badly.
First off, let me explain my anger. I thought I had a perfect relationship with my boyfriend. But, last tuesday, he broke up with me. I'm still uneasy about it, but i'm giving him his space, time, and all of that. The thing is, he still wants to be friends. I'm strongly in favor for this, for I look back to how we were friends, and I wish I didn't have to lose all of Rob. I mean, he's still a great friend. It just wasn't meant to be(the going out thing).
So, second, There are so many rumors going around about my this break-up that Robert's imposing. There's the first one that I dumped him and how-could-you-do-that-to-poor-innocent-robert and all of that bull. I want to be the first to say that HE dumped ME, I'm letting him, and that it is being handled with very maturely between us. The second rumor is that he broke up with me because I was being a complete Bitch 24/7 to him. He surely hasn't told me that and he would have told me if I was ever acting that way.
Third off is probably the one I dislike the most. Apparently, someone thought a boy had slapped my ass and that Rob had seen this, thus imposing a break-up. WOW, shallow much? I think i'd know if a boy had slapped my own ASS (which no one has), and if that ever happened, I would tell this person to go away. and why would anyone slap my ass? I mean, honestly, have you SEEN me? I'm probably the worst sight on this earth since boogers.
Just get your facts straight, and I'll be perfectly fine.
THE FACTS ARE that Robert wanted to not go out (which I still don't know why) and that he still loved me as a friend. :S GET THAT IN YOUR SMALL MINDS, YOU CLOSE MINDED BITCHES... our Lord should knock some sense into you with the power of God (or at least slap you silly). :P

Thursday, May 21

In room 40 something

I think it's just 40. But, I am hangng out with the Awesome people n my Geography class and the amazing BRYCE... who probably wont be able to read this seeng as he doesn't have the URL.
But, nonethless, I am here. I am supposd to be researching on Guantanamo Bay, but, since we have a sub, I thought I would post on here.
Ok, so, I'm going to throw a party during the summer. I don't know how I will, where it will be (probably DAD's), or what will happen, but, I know that it will be ok. I'm going to invite a lot of people and it better be fun.
Alright, I don't know what I'm saying here. I'm just bored with my life right now and I want to go on Facebook. I can't because the school blocked it from the computers. They didn't block my blog (since the teachers probably need it for lots of other stuff).
Speaking of blog, I HAVE A NEW POEM! Go check it out.
or not... fine...

Tuesday, May 19

Romeo, Romeo, what art is next?

Twas amazing! That is the only way I could ever describe how this play went. The Romance, the Humor, the new freshman in the cast (saying as there are 750 in the whole school), the live Cellist, and so much more.
The real thing that gets me is that, unlike Dracula (which was ok), live music, instead of recorded Chamber Orchestra, was played by Sage Coy, who was also the Apothecary and Gregory when acting. When Romeo and Juliet meet for the last time in the Tomb, Sage is playing what I believe to be Com Susser Todd (or, in english, Come Sweet Death).
Then there was the humor. There was a lot of Humor in the first part of the play. Well, let's just say Jake Folsom, who was casted to be the Nurse. He sold the part so well! The part couldn't be without him. Second off, the whole Montague group's humor was very... well, distinct. So many puns were played on what Shakesphere probably DIDN'T mean by what he wrote. Honestly, I blushed. But, it's nothing I haven't heard of or seen before.
I'm not saying these guys didn't have a group of amazing Directors who thought of all of this; the lighting, the casting, the scenes to play out, the everything. One scene I would have liked to keep in, though, is where Romeo slays Paris. He sat there weeping in the corner as Juliet and Romeo are the center of attention. I would have to say, he should be dead...
But, all in all, I really enjoyed this play (not enjoying the fact that it's over with). I can't wait to see what Kari Olk and Drayton Cousins have in store next.
Well, until then, readers. Until then.

Monday, May 18

Do you believe in God?

And Cassie pulled the trigger. [in the air]
Yeah, I just found this song. :) I love it.
But, I mean, I posted the Playlist on here... I'll go back and make it so that you can search the "Playlist" in the search posts. That'll work. But, in the meantime, I'll just tell you about my latest problems.
First off, if you do not want to hear a nagging complaint, I swear to god, GET OFF MY PAGE...
Everyone gone? ok, now I can Vent.
Ok, FIRST off, I've lost the person who said I could actually call them and vent at. He's ignoring me and it is getting annoying. He said that we can still be friends, but he doesn't seem to be wanting that. The first thing that pops into my mind is "Is he comfortable with this?".
Then, SECOND off, what do I do with the teddy bear, the bandana, the stuff? Do I give it back, sell it, or what? This is the first time I've really gotten something from a boyfriend except for maybe a chocolate bar... but, like I can really give that back, right?
And, THIRD off, when taking in the fact of the "FIRST off", he comes up and expects me to give him a hug when he asks, but almost shuns me out when I try to hug him, and, it's like when I don't hug him back, he walks away sad and acts as if it was a grave unjustice. :P
Fuck this, dude. I can't take this whole "aftermath"... although, I've probably been better at it since I got this break at the Farm this weekend. If not for that, I'd probably be crying in my room right now with some kind of harmful thought in my head... *repress, repress*
But, the trip was fun. I got to see my cousins, my second cousin, my uncles, my aunts, and everyone... even if for less than 24 hours. But, the ride home has got to be the best part of the trip, concidering that it was just me, Mother, and Amy. Amy was in the back, if not driving, and my mother the latter.
God, lol. We were on the road home, it's about 9:50 PM, we've still got an Hour from home, and Amy and I decide to eat somewhere since we're pulling in for gas. WE spot a dairy queen and haul ass! Since they close in 5 min, we see them cleaning up and everything, the very least expecting that no one will come in at all. We order 2 chicken baskets and one Banana split. The deep fryer in the back actually has the nerve to eat one of my chicken strips. So, I get my money back for that whole meal, thanks to my mother's quiet, calm, yet extremely demanding, non-negotiating voice. :) LOVE YOU MAMA...

But, I mean, I think the trip really helped me out with this whole dealing with SHITS thing. . . Southwest Highschool Is The Shit... Honestly, how can I stand this? Ugh.
I might just pull him over and talk to him... HA! That's too serious for an EX isn't it? ... is it?
You see, I'm not good at this! I need help with this! I would really like a call from someone so that I could get the assistance I would really appreciate...
AGH! someone save me from the shadows, chasing me as I run in the rain, pouring droplets of serenity, while the shadows consume me, hoping that they go away, praying that they never leave, that he never leaves. Someone help me find my flashlight?
... or a call would be great, too. ;)
So, back to the question, Do you believe in God? I believe he is ignoring me, for why else would I feel pain in my heart?

Sunday, May 17

Good morning depression

since I'm in a recession of happiness starting from Tuesday, I've been deciding to be dormant to most of my online duties.
But, since I do not want to lose any of my adoring Viewers (consisting of Katie and Sami... i'll make it up to you, katie, I swear to god), I'll post something up I found on Facebook.

Do you have a treasured childhood toy?
Perhaps a stuffed animal, such as a teddy
bear? Well, let's see Mr. Bear help you now.

Just thought you might like that. Back to crying in a corner...

Thursday, May 7

Just random

Tomorrow is my party. i am ... EXCITED!!!
And I'm screwed. I mean, I haven't toggen the food yet, I haven't done some of my work in my Geography class as I have to have done by Wednesday...AGH!
Oh, and I have my hair dyed again. Guess what color?
That's right... RED! like this color...
... Great, now I sound like Katie on rock band when she was playing the bass part for Guitar...
It goes YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW YELLOW...over and over again...
It's rather annoying. But, anyways, I am excited for tomorrow. :)
Peoples are coming over and hanging out at mah parties!! And I hope that some of you guys bring food because I might not have enough for 10 teenage kids, especially when half of the teenage population will be Sophmore boys(sorry to say, but, you got to know this. you guys eat like PIGS). lol.
Oh, and get this, I looked up French Taboo on Wikipedia (even though I'm probably not supposed to use that site for my project) and I got the result PROFANITY... I looked down and I found "Mi automobile es futite!" which aparrently means "My car is fucked". HA!
But, I have my playlist that you can listen to right now. Here it is. ENJOY.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones


Friday, May 1

forget the last post for a minute

it seems that my laptop is being stupid and won't load the poems onto the website. So, i am waiting for it to listen to me *glares at the monitor* and I'm going to post on here, seeing that I do not want to slave in listening to my mother talk about periods, metapose, and going into labor... *hears loud screams from the floor below her as the rest of the women laugh* *shudders* eheh... creepy.
ANYWAYS... kind of said that too loud, I went to see "Wong Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" in theatre today. IT was an amazing play that I really want to see again... The only thing is, I have no one to go with, no ride there, and no way to change time so that I wouldn't be about an hour late... heheh. oops.
But, nonetheless, it was am amazing play that I praise a lot. I really wish my friends who were at school or even on the Japanese field trip would've gotten a chance to see it.
But, now, I am really tired. I might just lay back and take a nap, falling asleep to music.
Goodnight, godnight, and see you later. I will post soon.
PS: if you come in to school on Monday and say that you read this blog because of the add on FACEBOOK, I will hand you a little lollipop ;)