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Thursday, August 7

Rant #????? ; Pills in yo MIND!!!

Well, I think it's the third, but, oh well.

So, I go to the dentist every 6 months (as should all of you). But, this is screwed up, I have to take pills 1 hour before I go. That's because I have the heart problem, you know, the surgery when I was 1.5 years old. So, Every year, the amount of pills gets bigger. This year, I had to take 3 whole things. they're, like, 1/4 the size of my thumb (look at your thumb, imagine having to swallow 1/4 of THAT... 3 times). Every time I swallow one, my mouth tastes like cardboard, my hands tingle verociously, and I go to gagging. I have to take 3 of these things! I know why I have to take it, too. In case they accidentally poke my gums (which they've done even at small checkups) and the blood gets infected, it won't hurt my heart.
But, still, If I have to take another one of those things after the third one, I start to throw up. It gets so bad I feel like fainting.
And, then, I have to take one later (4-6 hours later). Why do I have to take that?? Sheesh.

OH, get this. (this cracks me up) I have a friend, she going to washburn, and she has a small acne problem, not that bad. Her parents have taken it into their power to buy some treatment. PILLS! you can actually take pills to get rid of your acne! And the side effects are just terrible. Well, some I can understand, like not eating until 1/2 hour after pill, but, some, like not laying down for an hour after pill, I just don't get. How the hell does laying down effect the pill?

Well, as you all know, our health is critical, but, for some of us, it's just downright annoying. Like, for instance, I have ADHD, so, I have to go to an ADHD doctor every 6 months. Then, I have my heart doctor, who I had to see every 6 months (we changed it recently to every year). THEN, I have my normal doctor whom I have to see every 6 months. ALSO, I have the dentist every 6 months. And some of them dentists try to be cutesy around me because I look like i'm 10. "So, how's school doing? Are the teacher's nice? Do you get stickers for good grades or E for excellent?"
I say, "Just shut up and fix my teeth. I really don't want to be here, and you don't want to shove your face into little kid's mouths all day, do you?" I just don't like the dentist after the time I went, and they had a little pool of water on the bottom of my mouth to clean their instruments. I literally choked on the stuff, I was trying to get up, trying to breathe, they held me down, all until I jerked forward, scraped my cheek on a sharp instrument, and gagged so loud, I heard a little child start to wail. Phew, I'm glad I got a new dentist. LOL!!!

And, some of the doctors out there... Ugh!
They think that more's better. It is, I agree. They just don't understand.
Like, take my friend, for instance, she sees things, and hear things, and It spooks her out. So, she gets these pills for it. She started out with 1, then two, and then, she needed a higher XL (which means the amount of power in each pill). The doctor gave her not a higher XL, but a higher amount of pills. I swear, she's taking 10 a day.

I went to get my 6 month checkup to the normal doctor (as all of you should also do). I was led into a room, and told to change into this outfit. Usually, they have tie up stuff in the back, and usually it's made out of cloth, but I got a paper outfit that was glued at the straps, and cut all the way down in the back. Luckily, I kept my undies on. Shudder.
Later, since I'm going into highschool, they always have to ask these questions, like, are you taking any drugs, are you acting out, have your parents been divorced. Then she asks, "Personally, are you having sex?" I say, "no."
"Are you sure you're not having sex?"
yeah, I'm not sure if someone's penis has been in my vagina, maam. I'm not sure if someone has had sex with me... how can you NOT BE SURE if you're having sex????? I asked her, she said that some people come in not knowing what sex is.
Don't you learn that in, like, 5-6th grade???

Yesterday, I went to Kenny with this big gallon of margarita mix. it was fun! And there was this big Flock of bats above the park. It looked so cool! They started flying in that big O formation.

Well, I gots to go guys. so, bye!

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