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Saturday, August 23

Rap all you want, i'm not having sex

ok, everyone should know about my perspective on rap. It was good in the days where it was decent and respectful. no one took other people's stuff and made it into their own version worse than the original, no remix's and no disgrace.

If you like rap, hip hop, or RnB, I suggest you do not read further. Do not complain to me if you do read it and feel offended. I am telling you now! this IS a warning!!

But, now, it's perverted, and well, just plain dumb. I COULD WRITE A RAP SONG! all I need is to go to jail for 7 years for peeing on and raping a little girl, get addicted to meth, have hoes around my house, and say the N word every 2 words. Then, i need to get a gun, get a sleezy criminal for a manager, and sell a song... and hopefully shoot someone. then, i'd get a reward for "best rap song ever".

That's what the people want, right? ... well, at least with the men.

Ugh. I just don't like their music videos either. It's sex and drugs. SEX AND DRUGS!!!!! cmon everyone! come to my house for some "cheese".
And whats worse than the rap iself? Thos show sthat make fun of the rap industry! Take for example, Family Guy. Now, don't be confused, I personally enjoy Family Guy. I find it mildly amusing. But, their jokes on the racial impact of the rap industry is just not funny to me. But, of course, someone likes those jokes, (we all know who they are) for they keep putting them in their skits.

well, what can you do about the industry and the economy anyways?

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