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Wednesday, July 30

banana Alabama

what the hell is with this Hannah Montana crap??
Everyone knows about the Miley Cyrus deal, how she's riveting, young, and famous, how she's getting millions of contracts with thousands of companies, how her father's becomming famous again, and how she's the american girl's dream.

What the heck happened to her lately? I mean, at first, I must admit, it wasn't a good sucess in the first week, (I even remember when it came out, too_ but, then, it took off, setting up her contracts, her shows, and her concerts. She was Hannah Montana on the screen, Miley Cyrus on the stage, and an "innocent little angel" for the while.

But, ever since then, it's been downwards. She's got billions of fans, and I think it's gotten to her. I mean, look at what Lindsey lohan used to have. She had millions of fans, fame power, and lots of talent... that was later put to waste in her fan power crazy!!!

Now look at her. She's a bit unsteady on her feet, when she's still recovering from her old breakdown.

And, also, Brittney spears. Must I say more?

Not to mention the recent rumors that have been spreading around, like the boyfriend thing, and the eminent rumor of her having sex (which are all not true). I see this happen to many young stars, especially the ones that are, as to say, "hip". They try to better themelves to make them more likable, popular, and favorable. Im presonally, see right through it. If that's not the case, Jealous stars say stuff about the other girl to make her fall lower. It demeans the woman, and the victim, thus giving both of them a chance to break down.

I don't like this one bit. I don't like hannah montana's steriopypical lyrics (which I find terribly writen and sang), and I don't like her having to fall so quickly. I bet in the next year she will be like another brittney spears.

And, I haven't even mentioned her father. Have you ever had a science project partner who wants everything their way, does no work, and takes all of the credit?? Their name?/???

Billy Ray CYRUS!!
That's right! His daughter's in the spotlight, and, since he had only a one week hit, takes the glory (at least as much as he can). So, I just feel sorry for the blindsighted fans who can't tell the difference between a person who doesn't know how to write a song and someone who can act, and for Miley, whose fame is being stoled due to her two faced father.

I must say this, because I feel terrible for not.
And, please, I'm not hating on anyone, I'm just giving my 2 cents into this world.

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