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Friday, July 18

Why didn't I see this coming??!!!

Whenever my family comes down (SHayna, Danielle, Josh, etc. my cousins) I always get left out because they're oh so popular, they all have cellphones, they all have boyfriends, etc.

Why Can't they just try to include me into stuff?? It just Pisces me off sometimes that they would do this. Bu t, it happens EVERY YEAR! ANd, get this, Danielle comes up to me and says," Why are you so down, jackie?"
"Well, no one's including me into stuff."
and, with a childish voice meant for a 5 year old, she says, "How about WE take a picture, Jackie? :D"
I say, so sarcastically i can't believe she didn't get it, "SURE! THAT'S BE GREAT!"
She gets ready to take a picture, and I just can't believe her. Ugh, Sometimes I just don't want to be with them, but, they only come down once a year (and they haven't been down in 5 years due to their addition to their house) and I don't care if I talk with them anymore. I lost them.

that's just it.
I lost them!!!
... I lost them. : (

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