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Saturday, May 1

Accidental Death of an Anarchist

I went to go see the play at Southwest High School with Ian and his mother yesterday(which their last show is tonight), and I thought it was just amazing! :D
Not only was it very funny, they helped punch the message right in your face (very literal for the first act). Plus, I mean, Carter does the best Insane Maniac, and Jake, who played the hysterical Nanny in last year's Black Box production of "Romeo and Juliet", did a great job as a more serious role.
Kudos to all of you guys. :)
Well, not much has been up. It's the last quarter of school and most everyone is waiting for the end of the school year. So, teachers are going to start assigning the last semester projects soon, and I personally can't wait to finish them...
... Not much to say...
Imma goes. Bai bai.

Wednesday, March 17

Fun in the college career center

Stuck in here again. We're just talking about our PLAN scores and how it will affect us at/during college.
I am on the right tract for my college requirements supposedly. My senior year I will have to take one more Health and one more Fitness credit. And my score's pretty ok.
The thing is, you should sign up for a college mail list. I signed up at school. But, there's so many schools with Interior Design and Writing, also Architecture, culinary and music, that they must've killed off a forest to print the paper. :P
This woman's been talking for most of the class... It's boring. I might just sleep...
G'nite. ZZZ... zzz... zzz... zzz...

Tuesday, February 2

I'm starting to hate the media center

If only people were quieter. I remember whenever we were in the center in Elementary school, we were told to be very quiet, and not to be disruptive. I also remember how offended we were when calling someone "stupid".
What happened to those rules? Are we just ok to talk about "Mutha Fuckas" or "Neeegaas" randomly in the middle of a group of people taking finals in Algebra or Calc; are we just ok with people punching each other and calling across the room?
I just don't recall those rules changing. Maybe i'm just a prude. :P
But, when I get an answer wrong because someone knocked my paper over getting into a fight over calling someone a "fishhead", I think i have the right to get pissed and punch them in the face.
... Oh, wait, i'm in the Media Center...
Oh, who am I kidding? Like i'll go to the office for that. XD It's not against the rules, now is it?

Friday, January 15

Repeat after me, "***"

Life right now seems pretty bland. People base their lives on this programmable schedule everyday, and it just seems so awkward to realize this.

An average Mon.-Fri.;

-Wake up,
-Get dressed,
-Take meds,
-Eat breakfast,
-Go to school,
-Stay at school,
-Come home with homework,
-Watch TV,
-Go on Facebook, *change status,
-Eat dinner,
-Do homework,
-Watch TV once again,
-Go to bed.
Maybe there will be some *hang out with friends afterschool* or something between -Come home w/ homework and -Stay at school. But, really, this is an average day, 5 days a week. It gets nervewracking and annoying that this schedule makes up what we do everyday and just wishing that something interesting happens isn't enough, is it?
Well, here's going to be MY day next Thursday...

-Live life as instructed below,

Wednesday, January 6

If I seem sad, a hug will do fine.

I don't know why it's been like this. I'm perfectly fine at one moment; like, i'll be with my friends chilling at home and eating snacks and watching TV and having a great time...
Then i'll think about something, and i'll get really sad. I swear to god, i'd almost cry.
This keeps happening, more and more. But I can't place why. Maybe i need to take a break from so many friends. I feel it's got to do with my dependence on my friends and people at school. I should take a day off from school to get back together. But not this week, too much getting back into school. Maybe next tuesday.
That way i can't be a nuisance to all the people at school...

Monday, January 4


I'm just going to post a few of my favorite pictures i have on my school desktop. Here.

Thursday, December 17

If only I knew... 2nd hour, Media room

Well, it's not my fault I don't know
*NETWORK, oh, too late*
that she wasn't mine to begin with. I thought she was always mine, always would be. But if only I knew there was someone else, I
would have maybe concidered sharing. Like she'd be ok with that. I mean, come on, who would
*cell membrane*
want to share a loved one, concidering it would be her. And when I found out about it, oh it couldn't be a worse
*wow, that's dumb*
time to learn that. We were in the media center, and we were working on our Geography project. She had on those silk boots; God
*wait we have a quiz today?*
how i loved those boots.
*quote [shuffle of paper]*
really reflected the shine of her hair, silky smooth, and her eyes as brown as the forests to the north. Her skin, pale as the moon with freckles of sweet and warms. But too bad
*slam of a door*
I had to go away. If only I knew that this class would end
*keyboard clicking*
like each click were more of a tick, and I would see white before black.

Wednesday, December 16


Yesterday, I was working on this assignment for Health class where I have to look up 3 colleges and compare them side by side.
Well, I got through 5. They were Art Institute Intl Minnesota, UMD, UM Twin Cities, U of Wisc. Madison, U of Wisc. Superior.
After looking at the size, ranging from large city, small city, large town, small town, rural; I ranked them UM Twin Cities, Art Institute Minnesota, U of Wisc Madison, U of Wisc. Superior, UMD. I cancelled out U of Wisc. Superior because of its small campus (It's smaller than Minneapolis, which is pretty small since you concider that Mpls is combined into Edina, Richfield, St. Paul, etc). <- Now that can make me uncomfortable.
So, I found out that my choices are UMTC, UMD, AIM, Wisc (Madison). Then, I looked at their enrolled students. I saw that the sizes ranged from 1,800 to over 30,000 students. I ranked them from largest to smallestl; UMTC, Wisc. Madison, UMD, AIM. I don't want a small community, but I wanted to keep AIM simply because it was a very good Art school and it was close to home. So I took out UMD, with good reasoning. It didn't have most of my electives. It just had Music, from what I looked at. And I want an education with more than just that.
Then I got my list... UMTC, Wisc. Madison, AIM. I looked then at price. I ranked it as so...
(Expensive) Wisc. Madison, UMTC, AIM (Cheap). I still don't know which one I'm going to decide on. I want a mixture of all of them...
I heard from my mother's friend that if you transfer from one college to another, you're more likely to get accepted. Maybe i'll try to get into UMTC. If I don't get in, I'll try AIM. Once accepted into either, i'll later decide if I want to transfer into Wisc. or not.
Meh, I have another year til I need to sweat, but it would be nice to get all the wondering done now...
I'll go now, since I only have a few minutes to sign out.

Saturday, October 31


I remember last year, I went to Valleyscare with Nick and his friends, but this year i'm going TRICK OR TREATING again!! :D
It was so amazing in 8th Grade. I went with Heather, who was a gangster, and I was a german bar maid. I had the long skirt, the blouse, the stockings, and even a corset (it was stirophone, though, so it ripped the next day). We went to the area around Sheran's house. The people there are so conciderate, they give you about 5 pieces per house or more! It was pretty sweet. ;) I got so much candy, in fact, that I got sick the next day from only eating 1/4th of it. Meh, So I like to think that I learned something... to drink lots of water if you happen to get that much candy and eat it all at once. :)
This year, though, i'm going with Abby, Ava, Ruben, Bryce, Isaac, Rowan, Annie, etc. We're all going to be in costumes, running around Isaac and Rowan's neighborhood like the angst teenagers we are. They say it's a pretty good neighborhood to do this at, so I hope they're right... :PI think this'll be pretty fun. :)
But, it can't be better than last night. Oh, last night couldn't be beat by anything! It was my halloween party, and maybe there were too many people crammed into one room, but everyone seemed to be having a fun time, all 19 of them. :D And about 5 people got married that night; Abby and I, Gay Terrorist and Panda, Forrest and Whip Cream. <- I don't even know why...
Anyways, I gots to go. I'll see you all in the next post. :D

Wednesday, October 14


Another touchy topic (and very feely): Depression.
I think I already vented about those who pretend to be depressed to sound cool (which I still do not understand), but here's another vent.
If you are depressed, that's a lot of damage to your system if you just sit there and let it take over. Your immune system can actually weaken, you become fatigued more easily, you lose interest in almost anything and everything (sometimes living itself). If you talk to someone about it right away, you could be helped. Then the symptoms can be lessened dramatically, and you can be yourself again. In most cases, depression doesn't just "go away over time"; trust me, I've learned this.
But those that stay depressed blab on about it, like "Well, Imma go to bed before this depression kicks in" or "I guess my depression's going to ruin that carnival i was going to go to... gonna suck." They really annoy me. I just want to scream, "TALK TO ME ABOUT IT!"
And they shrug it off and say, "Oh, i'll live. I'll be fine."
well, they're not going to be fine when they're at the carnival and they're not having a great time because their depression is ruining their fun. If I were to recommend anything, it's to eat certain seafoods, and 1 chocolate every day for lunch. Seafood has Omega 3 (especially salmon), and chocolate has a certain chemical that makes someone feel better. :)
That's why my mother had a little bag of chocolates in the medicine cabinet when I was in 8th grade. I would always take one and feel better at school than if i didn't.
eh, i got to go to school soon, then BRANDON"S PARTY!! :D FUN!
Let's hope it'll be a blast. ;D