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Monday, April 27

New Poem coming up.

Yesh! I finally got it done. I'll be posting it on my POEM WEBSITE... I got to find a new name for that website. anyways my friends, CLICK HERE to reach the website.
Also, I've been looking into the spring garden like I used to do a lot. And, I've already gotten some sprouting radishes and lettuce. The carrots are taking a little longer and the lima beans are doing nothing but getting softer. The corn in not getting anywhere, The grapes and cucumbers are still changeless, and the pumpkin i'm going to give up on anyways. I might just have a healthy salad from this. :P
Well, I gots to go...
BYES MY LOVES... I got to stop saying that, too. (yeah, like I will) ha!

Thursday, April 23

Breakfast is Goood...

Yep, i'm eating a Crepe and some bacon. The thing is, the crepe is more like a chocolate "breakfast Burrito". I'm still fixing it up a bit, so, don't worry. I'll probably add some whip cream as "sour cream", add some hash browns on the side for "spanish rice", and the chocolate chips and bananas inside could be the "beef and beans". :) Plus the outside looks like it has baked on cheese if you leave it cooking on the pan just a touch longer.
So, i'm also eating microwaveable bacon, which is still nummy (even if it's burnt :P). And, I'm waiting to be picked up for SLICE by Rob. but, i decided that since I have a half of an hour that I would type this up.
So, Nashville... it was AMAZING! I went and took a walking tour of the old city. If you do not like country music, DO NOT come here. lol. But, It was pretty cool.
We were at the Grand Ole Opry, and after every two songs, they would have a commercial. every single time it would be about CRACKER BARREL, which is the company that sponsors the Opry. So, now, the inside joke of the whole trip is STILL "CRACKER BARREL!". lol.
But, I have to go now. :( So, i'll see you guys at school.
BYES MY LOVES! (i'm having fun with CAPS today. )

Thursday, April 16

Nashville, babee!!

yes, i'm on the charter bus as I type! I'm trying to hide this laptop as best as I can (with epic fail). But, I can't wait to get checked in and get settled in... and then go swimming in the pool.
And I just got back from Denny's with Ian and Kirsten (awesome people on the trip). I got the Grand slam with Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, and English Muffins.
Also, I've been thinking about this issue in my earlier posts. I've been thinking about the condiments conversation that I had with Rob and Sami... I'm not saying I agree. I say i'm thinking about it. GOT THAT?
So, except for that, I'm totally stoked about the trip! I've got to check some other stuff before my battery dies on me (which I now see is really depressing. Everything else breaks or burns out. Batteries die!). :(
So, i'll see you guys later.

Friday, April 10

Tired, and fucked beyond recognition...

I'm just so tired right now (i'll get to the other part of the title later... it's a bit longer than this). It's 11:55 pm, I can't sleep, I just got over motherboard crampage in mah tummy, headache, and now this? agh! I just want to fall asleep, wake up, and it will be Monday. I will be ready for the UN conference (where I have to be Japan), I will have completed the first chapter or so in the "Greek Mythology" book that I supposedly have, I will forget about this problem that I somehow got in the middle of between a dear friend of mine and her newly-made Ex, I'll forget that someone now knows a major secret about me, and I will be happy. XP
Now, on to my next topic; being F'd beyond recognition. Well, first off, I haven't gotten my topic or questions for the UN conference that we are holding in Mrs. Briskin's 1st hour Geography class. I have to have it ready for Tuesday BY Monday, and I'm working with a person who I can't get ahold of for the life of me!! AGH! Then, there's English. I don't have the book that we need. I've just been answering them off of what the teacher goes over during class... and Heather's book (thanx a whole bunches =D). But, I'm gettin the book on Monday :) . And, then, there's this break-up that I got in the middle of (I got a phone call last week, and then this morning. It's just confusion, thick-headedness, Stubbornness, Jealousy, Anger, etc!! And it's eating me alive, because I'm worried of completely offending the 1-2nd party (concidering i'm a Neutral; go Switzerland!) but i'm not the only 3rd party. I have a few friends that are kind of taking sides. I don't want to take a side. I just want this resolved! X(
Once it's resolved, then I'll be happy (or when I see Rob, whichever comes first.). I hope it happens soon. He comes home on Sunday night, and I'll for sure see him on Monday. But, right now, I acgtually think i'm tired.
So, i'm going to sleep now. I'll see you all on Monday at school, k loves??
BYE!!! night.

Friday, April 3

I am so exausted

I don't know what hit me. I just feel so tired. I'm in my "falling onto my bed and instantly falling asleep" kind of moods... with a hot chocolate in mah tummeeee...
And I just wish that I can still feel giddy after I head to dad's to get some stuff I forgot when packing on Wednesday. I forgot so much stuff (and left quite a mess in my room trying to pack up everything for my mother's house.) and I need to make a post, check my facebook, and it's all building up on me... *passes out*
... what, what?
... AGH! I did it again! Man, this is draining my day. So, I'm going to go.

Wednesday, April 1

agh!! go away anxiousness

I don't know why, but I've been feeling anxious. I believe it's due to something that might happen soon... like really soon... like really soon!!! But if it is soon, then I have to prepare for it. XP
This will be fun.
And, besides that, SPRING BREAK! woo!! I can't wait! no school to worry about, a whole week with nothing to do but sleep in (which I myself can't even do), eat, take a nap, and be with my friends... and my Robbie. :)
BTW, it's been 3 months, my longest relationship. I'm happy. :) (see, see? I'm smiling. I HAVE to be happy then...) And, nothing really major has happened in my life recently, either. So, i'm pretty content in those subjects.
I've got to go now, though. Mother is kicking me off of the computer...