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Tuesday, March 31


it killed the radio star, and now i'm posting in on here!! I'm posting videos on here now...
All I need to do is find out how and make a video... BLARGH!!! this will be difficult. But, not worse than the concert tonight. I think i'm not going to do well tonight... XP I practiced, but Wind Ensemble didn't get around to practicing certain songs. So, I don't think I'll play for some of the songs. And now I have to go change into my normal clothes... For tonight, I mean. So, I'll tell you about the concert later tonight! Bye my lovelies!!!

Monday, March 30

Been so long, but feel so new.

I guess I just miss blogging.
Florida was amazing! I went from Saturday(21) to Wednesday (25). The only problem was that the 25th was my 3-month milestone dating YC. I'm sorries that I didn't get to see you :(
But, except for that, I love being back! I head it's been getting warmer since I've come home. (I also heard it got colder when I left) And I'm very excited to be finishing up homework... XP
But, I'm excited for spring break!! I'm not going to FLorida or anything, but I'll be staying home with my friends are staying. SO, call meh!!!
... da butt??... I'm shutting up now <:X
X( ... Bye!

Tuesday, March 17

May the Irish sleep in

I woke up late today... like around 7:50... ha! And I missed my bus. I only got 1 our of sleep last night... i doubt even that much, and I need to sleep again... I feel that's why I'm kind of out of it lately. XP
So, later, if I wish to, I'll take a nap after dinner with Dad and Amy.. and Danny and probably Spence... and Ruth and her Friends. XP

ugh. Too many people. And I was practically forced to write a poem for Dad for his B-day and now I got to get out of the Media Center. C-ya L8R

Sunday, March 15

my legs are so acky...

My legs are killing me! I believe it's due to yesterday... but, it just might be me (literally).
And this day has been ok. I finished a lot of my Essay that I'm writing and have to be done with by Tomorrow night. It has to be printed up and handed in to Henry to a peer edit since I won't have next week to turn this in. (i'll be in Florida) ;)
So, i've got to get a book on Jericho by tomorrow or i'm screwed. And at this point in the report, I can't necessarily be "Screwed" nor at any point in many things...
heheh XP I need to take a shower.

Saturday, March 14

Lime-Green Squirrel Amazingness

Yeah, and they smell like a campfire that's cooking bacon. :)
And, I got to hang out with YC for about 12 hours at my father's volleyball tournament (which btw, he did amazingly at). I got some face-to-face time with my bf. It was pretty amazing.
But, I have a stitch. I need a book on Jericho, the oldest city n recorded history. So, if you are reading this and have a book on Jericho I could borrow, that would be amazing :)
I would owe you something... :) so, yeah, I'm tired. I'm going to go now. byes :)

Friday, March 13

Media Center before the Conference

So, today, for theater, i'm going to tthe conference of the birds at the Pangea Theater. Conference of the Birds is a play where the birds of the world get together and try to find their king. After the long flight, they discover that they themselves are the kings. It talks about seeing from the mirror in your heart. Unfortunatly, I had to stay up and read the script last night 9damn you, procrastination!!) and now i'm tired, and sad that I won't see my YC today at lunch :(.
But, no matter, I get to hang out with some people in Theater and tomorrow, I get to hang out with my YC ALL DAY! So, yeah, i'm going to go soon, because I have to be at the front door by 9:00, and right now it is 8:56,...
in a minute or so, i'm going to leave and tell marolyn to tell mrs. Briskin why i'm not going to be in class...
And now, i'm leaving... i'l edit this post when i get home tonight. Sorry...
byes :)

Tuesday, March 10

"You're the one that I want"

Yep! I went to go see that "Grease" preview in the Auditorium during Orchestra. :) It was pretty cool. I sat next to Henry and Kirsten.
And, yeah... I guess today's pretty much a calm, "work-free" day. The people from "Pangea Theaters" were in class today (as they are every Tuesday and Thursday until some day. I forgot when XP), my friends were all kind of quiet today, Watched Jurassic Park in Science, YC was more focused on different stuff it seemed, and I was just in a "want to do something" mood. I was up and ready to go somewhere, do something, write this, talk to that, anything to get out of this bored state...
And, yet, the only really "fun" time was probably at 2nd lunch (hanging out with friends) or afterschool outside the door with Ona, Derek, TJ, and YC. They're always fun. But, first lunch wasn't the best of times...
First off, Guess who sat down with us? And this person scares me, a lot, because of what he says or contributes to conversations. Ok, Muslim terrorists are not going to take over our country, and if i'm the only one who sees how absurd that sounds, call ME crazy...
Second off, he randomly made a joke about someone outside the table screwing YC's mother. Well, guess who started hitting him with their foam lunch tray? lol
Third off, I didn't stay long because reason #1 was still sitting at our lunch table, so, i decided to leave myself and get to Theater "early", where I talked to the too tired Sam.
So, now, i'm thinking of maybe hanging out with people on Friday. If you can come and hang out, please ask me about it! I'd be happy if you can come.
So, I gots to go now... TV and Food awaits!
byes :)

Monday, March 9

Don't cries

I get on Facebook this morning and check up on a friend that was supposed to call me back later and never did. She's doing ok. ;) ... :(
I just wished she would talk to me. I know something's up. I don't know what it is...
I'll see later today. If I get her call today, i'll talk to her. If I don't, i'll have to cal her after Viva City...
yep, that's tonight! I can't wait... I get to perform at Orchestra Hall for the second time in my Life!! This will be exciting!
:)N but, nows, I gots to goes to schools. SO, i'll see you guys later on my next post (probably later tonight) .
Don't cries, my friend :)
feel better and see you at school ;)

Thursday, March 5

Why are you so Confusing?

I mean, it would make perfect sense... But, it's not true... right? Yow know what, I'm going to have a friend ask and see if it's true. I think during 4th hour or something, i'll have the person walk up and ask them... crap!
Anyways, I'm up at 5:35 this morning trying to go back to sleep and sleep in... to my despair, I can't sleep anyways all night, so, I'm stuck with groggily getting up and going to the bathroom...
When I'm in the bathroom, I hear my cellphone alarm go off. and it is LOUD... I bet my sister woke up, along with my mother and probably Razz.
And, so, that is where I leave you off at. I am tired, desperate for something new to happen, and, as Buck Cat has informed me, just staying Calm and Letting It Happen....
In my case, that's horrible advice.Something's going to go down on Monday, i can just tell... It's also the Viva City Rehearsal day. It's from 8:30 to B-lunch, so I get to skip some classes on Monday, like 1-4. I get to hang out with some awesome people like Henry, Ian, Sam, and all that Jazz... well, Orchestra, but you get the picture. And, today, i'm going to be in the Wind Ensemble practicing for this Viva City performance...
And, I get to hang out ith all of the awesome people today at lunch :)
So, my day can be good or bad depending on what you think of it. I just hope Henry keeps his promise to talk to this person mentioned in the first sentence of this post. I need him to...
BLAGH! why art thou confusing?? Where are thou Walking away... agh!
So, I've gots to go now... urgent hunger calls me away...
Bye my loves!

Monday, March 2


I dyed my hair red and showed people today. I guess it's really a head turner...
The funny thing is, though, YC hasn't seen it yet. I don't think he even knows that I dyed it yesterday... so, that'll be fun.
And, I finished he Geography in-class map. HB worked on it with me. Yay! I got it done.
AND, I got my hair dyed in time for the Viva City performance!
This is the deal with the Viva City. On March 9th, (along with Walkman, HB, Sam, and Emily)
I am going to be in this out-of-school performance along with players from other orchestras in the school district. there are only 4 clarinetists, and the 4th one hasn't shown up yet (Walkman and Emily are the other clarinetists). There are only 6 Washburn players, and about 30 Southwest players! I'm happy!
So, when I perform, look for the Clarinetist with the insane red hair!
I'm going to go now... it's almost time go go to my next class... English (ugh).