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Wednesday, November 19


This party I'm throwing isn't going to be as easy as I thought... I can only invite 12 friends, and I'm trying to make newfriends into the group by thowing this party...
And, then, my friends are all acting wierd... and Tia and Tina are acting very suspicious... like they''re avoiding me or something...
And since Neeko isn't talking to me anymore, I don't know what I did... God, why do you make this so hard for me to feel good about myself when the whole world's against me, especially Neeko!?? (since no one reads this, I guess it doesn't really matter what I do with this...)
This is madness!!!!! ... this is Highschool... god damnet! I hate my life! Just someone help me... :(
yes, you can call this a desperate cry for help. Show whoever you please this blog post. As long as it's going to "help me", I'd love it if someone read this and said, "Hey, maybe I should be easier on her right now."
"Oh, maybe it ripped in the dryer."
"Maybe I should try talking to her more."
"Hey, maybe I should pull her over sometime to let her know I'm still here for her, to show her that I still care..." (yes, that one was specific)

... *sob* :*(


SAMiSAYSwRAwR said...

*hugs* I'm there 'till the end mylove. I wish... well, I wish a lot of things, but just remember I CARE ABOUT YOU!!! Always will.

Katie said...

Don't get depressed on me now! You still haven't gotten the Lich King installed yet! O.O