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Sunday, September 28

Band Camp

Oh my god was the band campout fun!!

A few hikes, hangouts with friends at the barn, and a lot of Hot choco and Marshmallows really make a nigh fun... and 4PM of the next day tiring. I fell asleep on a Picnic bench I was so tired. LOL!

The funny thing was, my sleeping bag was ON a picnic bench! lol.

After a lake trip, a ride home, and 18 hours of sleep, I woke up with a craving of crepes. So, for the first time, I went on the internet and found a recipe, went splurge shopping for the ingredients, and made it. Amazing!

Well, I'm going to call Bucklin Cat (I need to talk to her so badly... call me!)

Wednesday, September 24

it's been 3 years since I've been in a library...

Yep, it's me again.

I've been studying this Leonardo Galves...
I don't like him. His writing, his attitude, his rape jokes... not too amusing... heheh :S

So, yeah. I just wanted to make that point out... if anyone didn't know.

I don;t know how I feel today. It's really different... lately, i've been feeling really great about school, about my family, about my friends... but, now, I feel a bit reluctant to the highschool...
I'm being pressured by teachers to do many things I wish I could go without... like signing up for plays, going to the Biology afterschool study team, being told that I want to join the Pit Orchestra... (thank YOU, Mr. ?Leuzzi?), etc. It's just not me, and, yet, they pressure you to do this stuff with your time that you would rather "waste", as they call it, on homework and friends and an OUTSIDE LIFE! I've been trying to find spare times for this blog (I guessthis is one of them, lol) and my other obligations...

It't wierd... I'll figure this out. LOL...

Tuesday, September 23

Homework, call me!

yep. We all hate this part of school... Homework...

ugh. I hate being in honors classes (one of which I was not even informed of... IB level theater... >:P)
So, anyway, if you would like to study together, here's my cell... yes, I know, I'm using my cell phone. I remember about a month ago I wouldn't even care if it was lost! now, i'm giving it away more than my REAL home phone number...

god, save me... well, lol, anyway, here it is.
Call me anytime!

Saturday, September 20


yes, today is in fact Homecoming day!

We start out with a parade at 2 pm, heading down to the game, which is at 3 pm, and then, the dance is at 7-11 ... hehe, that's still funny to say... pm.

So, get ready. I am!

Thursday, September 18

THis week!

this week has been really fun, guys. I've been watching some of these people with their outfits that they've planned. It's actually quite amusing.

But, let's not forget the homecoming. I've seen some pretty "out there" askers.

Like, for example, Theater Class. Two people came in with a sign saying "homecoming?"
Then, another boy came in with a backpack (playing music through some radio in there) holding a sigh saying, "Emily?"
It was so cute! She, evidently, said yes!

If you've read my blog before, i'm a sucker when it comes to cute things, and this week, there's been a lot of it... hehe =D

THis week has been fabulous. I can just say that! I've been hanging with my friends; Carie, Neeko, Uno, Mary, the whole gang... just wished they could get some of the drama over with... this week is about spirit... not hate... <3
I still wuv u all!

Sunday, September 14

Giddy week

yep. This week will be fun!

For starters, This week is spirit week, where you dress up and act goofy... not that I will be taking any part in this... I'll just laugh at all of the other people as they dress up wierd.

Then, on Saturday, the Homecomming game! that'll be fun.
Then, later that night, THE DANCE!
then, sunday, is school hangover day. lol

I can't wait! I hope all of you can make it to the dance. I know i'm going.

Friday, September 12

New Poem!!

that's right. It's newly inspired (actually by my own embarrassment) <:P.

Well, last night was 9/11. If you watched the 9/11 memorial on TV where it was live from New york, you probably had a big thrill watching it, while I, being more "local" about these things, went to the Bandshell at Lake Harriet and watched the 9/11 Memorial. I am writting a bit for the Anchor, the school Newspaper, so, Neeko, the official camera man, tagged along.
It was spectacular! The orchestra was great, the Speeches and momentos were powerful, and at the end, as we sang to God Bless America, Fireworks lit up the sky over the band shell! It was spectacular. I believe that you will see the photos on the School Newspaper (if you care to read my article).

And, again, new poem, so, check it out (remember that poems are like a public diary, it will be influenced on major mood swings/events/ etc.)

Tuesday, September 2


god, my first day in highschool! This is so fun!

I'm just pitying my friends... they already have a crush dilema. I've sworn to secrecy what it exactly is, but, let's just say, it's something i'm glad not to be in anymore.

And, well, the worst thing about this "New school"... New schedules. Did anyone ELSE get their schedule changed seconds before homeroom... or am I the only one? UGH, i can't wait for this all to be settled out. I have to get BACK into wind ensemble, get OUT of Piano, get my Geometry back to 4th period, and convince some teachers to let me switch from some classes to the next. ... I LOVE HIGHSCHOOL XP

Well, except for that, Southwest is AWESOME! Again, i met new friends, and i'm keeping the ones I have already. so, yeah, just don't dump me in any dumpsters and i'm fine. lol!