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Wednesday, July 30

banana Alabama

what the hell is with this Hannah Montana crap??
Everyone knows about the Miley Cyrus deal, how she's riveting, young, and famous, how she's getting millions of contracts with thousands of companies, how her father's becomming famous again, and how she's the american girl's dream.

What the heck happened to her lately? I mean, at first, I must admit, it wasn't a good sucess in the first week, (I even remember when it came out, too_ but, then, it took off, setting up her contracts, her shows, and her concerts. She was Hannah Montana on the screen, Miley Cyrus on the stage, and an "innocent little angel" for the while.

But, ever since then, it's been downwards. She's got billions of fans, and I think it's gotten to her. I mean, look at what Lindsey lohan used to have. She had millions of fans, fame power, and lots of talent... that was later put to waste in her fan power crazy!!!

Now look at her. She's a bit unsteady on her feet, when she's still recovering from her old breakdown.

And, also, Brittney spears. Must I say more?

Not to mention the recent rumors that have been spreading around, like the boyfriend thing, and the eminent rumor of her having sex (which are all not true). I see this happen to many young stars, especially the ones that are, as to say, "hip". They try to better themelves to make them more likable, popular, and favorable. Im presonally, see right through it. If that's not the case, Jealous stars say stuff about the other girl to make her fall lower. It demeans the woman, and the victim, thus giving both of them a chance to break down.

I don't like this one bit. I don't like hannah montana's steriopypical lyrics (which I find terribly writen and sang), and I don't like her having to fall so quickly. I bet in the next year she will be like another brittney spears.

And, I haven't even mentioned her father. Have you ever had a science project partner who wants everything their way, does no work, and takes all of the credit?? Their name?/???

Billy Ray CYRUS!!
That's right! His daughter's in the spotlight, and, since he had only a one week hit, takes the glory (at least as much as he can). So, I just feel sorry for the blindsighted fans who can't tell the difference between a person who doesn't know how to write a song and someone who can act, and for Miley, whose fame is being stoled due to her two faced father.

I must say this, because I feel terrible for not.
And, please, I'm not hating on anyone, I'm just giving my 2 cents into this world.

Saturday, July 26


ugh, sorry this post is so late.
I've been trying to get the moving stuff done. It's a lot of work, I must say.

Well, We're done, though. My mom's stuff is all at her house, and my dad's completly moved out of his old house (he had to be at 2 pm yesterday) and got all his stuff here.

So, to amuse you, I'll show you my favorite animation.

they're called the

they're really funny, and get this, it's one guy doing all of this stuff!

So, yeah, chech out Halloween Hoopla.

Oh, and guess what just came into my neighborhood? well, here are the clues...
-Annoying music
-goes 3 mph
-free ice cream on tuesdays!

Ugh, it just drove by. It's so annoying!!

but, lol, there were so many people outside of the truck! old neighbors and friends came by to enjoy this tasty, chilly treat.

dudes, the best thing they have is the Strawberry Sundae Crunch!! Many agreed.

So, yeah, don't worry. I'm going to be writting a topic rant soon, i've just been busy. God, I hate this moving crap!

Sunday, July 20


yep, yesterday, I went to Valleyfair with my mom's side of the family.
Well, my 2 Aunts, 6 cousins, 2 girlfriends of Cousins, 1 uncle, 1 sister, and one ME!

Dudes, Whenever we go, it always rains (well, even for 5 minutes) So, I got 2 bags of minidonuts on the way out (that stuff can last me the whole month!).

Also, If you go onto my myspace, I got some pictures from a school party I held, so, check that out if you can.

Friday, July 18

Why didn't I see this coming??!!!

Whenever my family comes down (SHayna, Danielle, Josh, etc. my cousins) I always get left out because they're oh so popular, they all have cellphones, they all have boyfriends, etc.

Why Can't they just try to include me into stuff?? It just Pisces me off sometimes that they would do this. Bu t, it happens EVERY YEAR! ANd, get this, Danielle comes up to me and says," Why are you so down, jackie?"
"Well, no one's including me into stuff."
and, with a childish voice meant for a 5 year old, she says, "How about WE take a picture, Jackie? :D"
I say, so sarcastically i can't believe she didn't get it, "SURE! THAT'S BE GREAT!"
She gets ready to take a picture, and I just can't believe her. Ugh, Sometimes I just don't want to be with them, but, they only come down once a year (and they haven't been down in 5 years due to their addition to their house) and I don't care if I talk with them anymore. I lost them.

that's just it.
I lost them!!!
... I lost them. : (

Thursday, July 17


Well, I'm bored.

But, I won't be. My family's coming up from North Dakota!! They used to come, like, every year. But, they took a few years off to finish their basement addition. So, now they're coming! I can't wait to show them all of the new rides at ValleyFair!

Wow, pretty short post...

Tuesday, July 15

It was not the first day...

hey, guys, remember that book me and my friend were going to write?

We got the first few chapters.

here it is.

It was not the first day that Fen had seen death.
She had men on both sides of her, as she walked down the hallway. She glanced behind; Kloven, his broad shoulders, his brown eyes, and his pale skin as cold as ice. He seemed to be crying, or was it just the gauge in his mouth? She glanced to her right, Fuzzle, his black hair, his green eyes, and his tall, slim frame. She noticed how he seemed to be tense, his hand on his dagger, ready for any sudden movement. The guards on her sides seemed to notice the disturbance, and put hands on their hilts. She imagined, again, what it was like to have affection for those two, and to be able to dismiss one with the ease of a finger snap. Goosebumps ran down her arms, and she shook the thought out of her head. She felt her ankle-long cape drag a bit on the floor. She sped up a bit to keep from tripping.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked over the warm hand. “Listen... Fen," Fuzzle said, “Just remember Miig, and this will all seem right.” She remembered. Oh, did she remember. She began to feel a rock in her throat, going down farther. She tried coughing, but only lodged it lower. She tried to think of a happy place. She pictured a cabin, in the woods, where no civilization could hear of her, and deathblossoms in the front yard. Surprisingly, it seemed real enough to melt the rock, at least melt it enough to numbness.

She must’ve stopped in her tracks, in front of a door, because fuzzle’s arms were around her shoulders. She looked over them to see Kloven, facing the other way. He surely must’ve been hiding tears. She felt only now the comfort of Fuzzle’s warmth, and it made her feel secure. “Secure,” She thought to herself, sounding absurd to her own ears. “Remember, you’re a rogue,” She reminded herself,” You’re never secure.”

She whispered to Fuzzle to let her go, and, with a sigh, he dropped his arms. She turned around on her heels, and faced the other way with a feeling of must. She looked at the heading above the door, “Asylum Ward”, as if it were her own death. She looked back at Kloven, with a feeling of surrender, as she turned her head back, pushing the doors open, and smelling the familiar stench of sweat, blood, and bodily fluids, She wished that she had never come.
After all, it wasn’t the first day she’d seen death.

Ok, I agree, not much yet, but, we're working on it. so, heheh...

Sunday, July 6


heheh, HAPPY 4TH!...

and, uh, well... yeah, well! That describes my absence to this blog.

I went straight to band camp right after 10 hours of rest at home after I got back from New Orleans.

I went straight there and...

Well, no one reads this blog, so i can post this here. i met this guy at Band camp... HEHE! He's cute. He looks about 17 (though I don't know for sure) and he's got brown eyes and Black hair...

Oh well. He'll be there next year for sure.

Anyway. I got back from that. i BARELY got a week at home before going over to My dad's Girlfriend's Cabin for the 4th of July weekend. OMG, they have a Bald Eagle's nest... WITH A CHICK!!!

The funny part is that it isn't really a "Chick" anymore. I mean, it's still about 2 months old, but, DAMN! they grow up so fast! all week, whenever I heard it scream, I knew it was saying, "MOOOOMMM!!! FEED ME! FEED ME!!!!!"
it was so cute.
and, we went Blueberry hunting and found this HUGE patch of Blueberry shrubs. It was so cool!

god was surely up there with us. It was so close to nature. We went on a boat ride through this channels of rivers and lakes. At some random time, a fish might jump, or a herring fly right next to us, WE EVEN SAW A BEAVER! it was so cute!

that whole week, I was loving the water up there. IT MAKES YOUR SKIN and HAIR so SOFT!!!
Not to mention the wind howling at me every second, I felt like Isi.

Well, I got back about 3 hours ago, and I got to say, IT IS HOT!!! yesterday was so cool, so inviting to be outside, and today i'm BEGGING my dad for the AC! maybe it's just the lake calling me back...

Oh well. I gtg.
