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Monday, June 30


That's right. I was at band camp ALL WEEK! It was so fun. Especially from Wednesday to Saturday (when I left). There was this guy there. He was ( I can say this, because I never, IN MY LIFE, say a hot guy before), he was cute.

And, he's coming back next year.
Oh, and, I'm writing a book with Sarah (girl from camp) not that I think of it. So, get ready for 2009's best seller!

Ugh, it is so boring now at my house.

Oh, and I finished a new FIRST.

There was a hornet at my house yesterday. When I was on the computer, it flew a centimeter from my hand! I jumped a bit, as Razz tried to bite it. He bit it, and got stung. He spat it out. *dumb dog* Luckily the hornet still had its stinger.

Then I was typing on the computer, and I lowered my arm, and guess what stung me right under my arm??

First time I ever got stung. No crap whatsoever.

Anyway, not much else. So, BYE.

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