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Sunday, November 30

Christmas season is harsh...

yep, this year is hard!

First off, This weekend, I had a party to go to. yes, I WENT to a party... is that so shocking?

Then, this week, I'm having another movie night (weekly now). THen, the coming weekend, I'm going up north with Bucklin Cat for her birthday. Then, next week, is MY party... and it's going to be hectic! no one has really RSVPed yet and I don't know what everyone is bringing! Then, I have to buy some food... or make it. AND, that same week, Im hoping a few friends can get together on Friday night to make some cookies, baked goods, etc. then, the next weekend, I have some Hollidazzle thing to go to the whole weekend, AND I hve to leave that week for Christmas. HECTIC? BUSY! and I have to fit in christmas shopping and homework and friends...

AGH!!! And what about my job? This is hell... this is life! ... can someone drop a life preserver or something?? I'm dying here.. I'll wait.

after thanksgining, will the holidays end?

Wednesday, November 26

This kitchen is hell!!!

yeah, remember that show on TV, "Hell's Kitchen"?

Yeah, guess where I am right now?
I'm peeling potatoes and Cutting Veggies and mashing cranberries... (well, not the cranberries, I'm buying some canned stuff for that.)
I'm taking a lunch break. And I feel like if I ever hear of the potato famine in Ireland one more time by my mother's, "Well, consider yourself lucky! In the potato famine..." I was about to throw the potato peeler out the window (yes, the window's open. it's too hot inside)! So, on Monday, ask me about the potato famine... I dare you! LOSE AN EYE!

lol! lol... heheh... waaahhhhh!!!

I'm going to my room. Depression's sinking in...
so, see you later...
(i'm so tired right now... I can't sleep, I can't speak, I can't laugh, I can't cry, I can't blink, I can't open my eyes, I can't even begin to explain where this is all coming from, I can't sing, I can't shout, I can't hate, I can't love... I can't live, I can't die... I can't force myself to live... I just do. For one thing I can't do, and that is give up.)

Monday, November 24

hahaha... sob! waaahhh!!!

Lately, I've been depressed. I'm sorry for not going on here sooner...

Yesterday, I was sitting in the sunroom w/ my dad watching TV. He made some joke (i forgot what it was) and we started laughing. I felt this lump in my throat, I started hyperventilating, and before I realised it, dad was staring at me, "Are you ok?"

Honestly, I went upstairs and started crying... for no reason that I can think of, I just started crying and ran up to my room...

It's actually kind of funny if you think about it. hahaha.... waahhh!!! lol

... I don't know. It's happened a few times lately that I could just think of something and I would start bawling... It's actually kind of scary. If I can make myself cry with just a sad memory, then what would happen if something bad happened... :( I'm worried about myself... again.

Oh well, don't worry about me. here, listen to this band. I was introduced to them over the week, so, listen!

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Wednesday, November 19


This party I'm throwing isn't going to be as easy as I thought... I can only invite 12 friends, and I'm trying to make newfriends into the group by thowing this party...
And, then, my friends are all acting wierd... and Tia and Tina are acting very suspicious... like they''re avoiding me or something...
And since Neeko isn't talking to me anymore, I don't know what I did... God, why do you make this so hard for me to feel good about myself when the whole world's against me, especially Neeko!?? (since no one reads this, I guess it doesn't really matter what I do with this...)
This is madness!!!!! ... this is Highschool... god damnet! I hate my life! Just someone help me... :(
yes, you can call this a desperate cry for help. Show whoever you please this blog post. As long as it's going to "help me", I'd love it if someone read this and said, "Hey, maybe I should be easier on her right now."
"Oh, maybe it ripped in the dryer."
"Maybe I should try talking to her more."
"Hey, maybe I should pull her over sometime to let her know I'm still here for her, to show her that I still care..." (yes, that one was specific)

... *sob* :*(

Wednesday, November 12

god danget...

why does everyone hate me?

now he hates me because he just called me (when his cell phone was taken away) and asked what was wrong from yesterday. (here's the story, I had thought that someone was mad at me, and so I thought that person was avoiding me. well, I later talked with that person so it''s all sorted out) he didn't know that!

so, when he finally gets his phone back, he's mad at me because it's already sortd out! damnet!

I hate this. Whe does everyone hate me? It's all because of these "cracks" in the system of "stuff that never happens". You hear about it all the time on TV and shit, and when it happens to someone it's just "not common". Why is it that i'm always that person!?

god, why do you hate me so right now?

Saturday, November 8

hehehe... this will surely piss SOMEONE off...

One Monday morning, I'm in my room...

"funny story" the lights were dim, so all I saw was this long snakelike thing in my room... and it starts getting squirmish as it gets caught in some net... Something else comes out and bites it! "oh dear god," I say, "What has happened?"

I turn on the lights and see that a centipede on the wall got caught in a spider's web and was being attacked by the spider... who had recently made an egg sac.

EWWW!!! ... in more than one way. LOL!

I bet I'm going to be getting a call tonight by someone grossed out at it... and I know who, too. LOL!

so, yeah. I made crepes this morning. This is what you do...

Mix 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup milk, 2 eggs, 1 cup flour, 1/4 tsp salt, 6 tbsp melted butter in a bowl.

fry on lightly oiled pan (flipping once). (should make 4)

Mix in a small frying pan 1 apple (finely chopped), 2 tbsp butter, 1/2 tbsp cinnamon, 1/3 (or 1/2) tsp nutmeg, and 1tbsp powdered sugar and fry til Carmalized.

Place desired amount on one crepe, rolling it into a burrito form. add whip cream, and top with sprinkles of powdered sugar and cinnamon. Enjoy!

what do you think of the recipe? I found it on Recipes.com. Go there now!

another funny bit in my own KITCHEN...

We have these new doritos bags... it's like this big bag with littler bags of chips... (don't even think it. lol) And the little quote on it is "Go sack! just grab em' and GO!"
... again, don't even think it. lol!

So, yeah. i get this kind of stuff stuck in my head every single day... don't think it's just a saturday funk... It's the real deal. lol

Wednesday, November 5


yep. wer're all so happy now...

Funny story. In 1st hour today, I get the Newspaper and put it on the teacher's desk (which I do every morning anyway). Someone reads the title, "OBAMA"... yep, that's it. just one word... OBAMA. as if they had no more black ink for the rest of the Newspaper.

Anyways, someone picks up the front page, and yesss, "OBAMA!" everyne cheers and whoops and hollers in approval! It was truly a sight to see. *tear*

well, I'll be giving many more tears tonight for a different reason... Let's just say, When something happens and you're the first one over it, things get a little separated. I hope everything can come back together after this is all done... all I said was to give it time... I hope Neeko understands...

Tuesday, November 4

god, save me

crap... I can't believe it!

anyways... LOL!

Yesterday was fun! I wished more people could hang out.
Oh well. I just have to say what's on my mind to someone (I know where you eat lunch...) and I'll be ok in a few months... I hope...

Sunday, November 2

Love Hurts

literally. I went on the Scrambler at Valleyscare, and I was forced to sit on the outside. He ran into me so many times, now it hurts to walk. I'm talking to him about this.

Except for that, my whole body aches from Friday. Someone SAVE ME!
