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Sunday, October 26

First Snow of the year

yep! today was the first snow of the winter year... well, of Winter on to Next year. lol.

My party went well!

Today's the first day we made a fire in the fireplace.
Also, a miraculous story...
An Apartment fire spurged in the Metro today. A fire Dog stayed in the building as it guarded 4 small kittens. When the fire fighters found the dog and the kittens, they rescued them and sent them to the Vets.
They're all still alive tonight. Isn't that wonderful? Count your blessings.

Wednesday, October 22

Missing the bus sucks!

This isn't like Middle school where you just get the stuff the next day, this is highschool! you have responsibility!

MY mother dropped me off in the nick of time, thou. so, YAY!

Another thing, someone saveme! I'm stuck in the computer lab, forced to go on the computer with nothing to do...

the Irony of Boredome...

I came here to escape it, but it followed me here...
sadly, my sanity didn't. it stayed right at the house, probably by the COMPUTER!
I just don;t lke this little "afterschool" thing. there's too many people here to fit in the school! I'm, again, stuck in this media lab, the only place that I can have a bit of aloneness, and my buddy is on the computer looking up applications for their Dashboard... fun. tthis is a real blast...

if not, I'll be having my party this friday for the halloween bash (i'm not having it on the actual Halloween Night due to prior engagements... but, it'll still be spooky. boys... whoooo!!)

So, yeah, come!!!!!!

Friday, October 17

House (a really good show)

I'm watching it right now, and it's amazing.

I'm not grounded today, so, I can write more today.

Well, it's freezing in my house today... at least it was. It was 40F inside my house... the fireplace didn't really help. So, I carried a blanket around with me today. You know those kids that carried the blankets wrapping themselves like Native Americans and bobbing up and down as they walk? Guess what my sister was doing today whenever she passed by me?

Well, I'm gonna go into my room, burn a few incense, and think...

Well, then again, maybe I shouldn't. I mean, if I think to myself, It makes me think of something else, which makes me think of something else, then I think of something that I think's really funny. Then I think of something not even remotely thoughtful to someone else, causing me to think of thoughts last TUesday... don't make me think of it. lol! I mean, think about it! ugh, Just the thought of it!

lol. So, if you want to call me or something, I can recieve calls now... God, I'm Envious of Neeko. He's in Florida for a week! lucky...

Well, I'm going to go to my room now. Bye! bye. bye...

Tuesday, October 14

bored in the Media Center

lol. I guess you get this website here... Well, Radio club is fun. At least we get to go on the computers and "study".

Were just playing with the tunes right now... not much work done...
What's with the Freshman homework lately? Its been piling up all around me like the Fucking Grand Canyon!

Exept for that, I'm pretty much stuck here in the school... someone help me! Neeko has taken over my compter!

Saturday, October 11


it's been, what, a year since I've been grounded... I think.

All I can remember is that it was before 7th grade that I got Grounded last... dang, that's, what, 3 years!

ha! I have to sneak to get on this computer... Well, let's hope there's something to do at Mom's. She won't let me on the TV or Computer... let alone hang out with friends after school. she won't even let me go on the phone!

So, here's a poem to my increasingly slim sanity...

Roses are Red, violets are Blue,
I'm a schizophrenic, and so am I.

So, I will try at school to sneak a blog spot in... well, it'll sure be hard... this ain't Middle school anymore. ha!

Saturday, October 4

My First Sweet 16

my sister's. Yep...

It just got interesting... This girl punched my sister's friend... and the Friend's flipping out. She's making death threats. It;s horrible.

And to think I was in my room this whole time thinking this would be boring.

Thursday, October 2

MY 80th post


Well, the new movie coming up, "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" Comes out tomorrow!
Guess who's going to see it?
Neeko and I are going to see this wonderful Movie starring Michael Cera, the bad boy from Juno... hehehe...
So, anyway, I'll post a review on here.

Wednesday, October 1

"This is hell," "This is highschool."

Yep. I'm bored. This school called Southwest... It's pretty different.

There are those days where you just want life to stop!!!! It's either too hectic, too much drama, or just too cramped inside these small halls!

Then, there are those days where you're just sitting on the computer... Nothing Good is on Tv yet, too cold to go outside, friends are too far away to hang out, no good movies are playing at 4PM, and There's no one to talk to...

God, I hate Wednesdays... LOL!
someone call me!